BEST GIFT customizes a wide range of gifts for thousands of businesses, organizations, and groups. Their portfolio showcases various categories of products including stationery, phone accessories, home goods, travel and outdoor items, as well as ESG environmental products. We serve different Hong Kong brands such as AIA, TOO FACED, LVMH, SONY, SKYSCANNER, WARNER, and other well-known companies. If you are planning your marketing campaign, you can refer to examples from other companies or industries. By imprinting your company's promotional message on souvenirs and gifts, you can successfully promote your brand and new products.
「LIV GOLF 2024職業巡迴賽」禮品案例分享
2024年3月,我們為LIV golf 2024職業巡迴賽製作的禮品不僅在國際系列賽澳門站亮相,還被用於香港站、新加坡站等地區。
由香港出口商會主辦、香港特別行政區政府「創意香港」為主要贊助機構,「香港智營設計大賞2024」於香港故宮文化博物館舉行頒獎典禮,而BEST GIFT就為此製作了一批頒獎典禮所用的獎座、證書與文件夾等附屬品,此次大賞共頒發76個獎項,以嘉許超過70位本地得獎設計師。
近期BEST GIFT榮幸地為香港醫院管理局製作了一款獨特的獎座,以慶祝他們最近對廣東省的交流訪問。獎座由精美木材製成,搭配流綫型的金屬鑲嵌,並通過精細的鐳射雕刻工藝刻上醫管局LOGO和「與民攜手 保健安康,Helping people stay healthy」的勵誌標語。這款訂製的獎座象徵著醫院管理局對醫療卓越的承諾。