Custom Hoodie
Get the dress of your dreams with our customizable design templates
價格表 | Price Table
衛衣細節部分設計 |
Sweatshirt Detail Design
領形 | Collar Shape
套頭衛衣 | Pullover Hoodie)
連帽衛衣 | Hooded Sweatshirt)
半拉鏈套頭衛衣 | Half-Zip Pullover Hoodie
袖形 | Sleeve Shape
平袖 | Regular Sleeves
牛角袖 | Raglan Sleeves

袋形 | Pocket Shape
叮噹袋 | Kangaroo Pocket
老鼠袋 | Pouch Pocket
配件 | Accessories
拉鏈 | Zipper
帽子 | Hood
扣子 | Buttons
衛衣克數選擇參考 |
Sweatshirt Grams Selection Reference

285克重磅 | 285 Grams
這款衛衣克重具有優異的透氣性,確保您的皮膚能夠呼吸。其出色的排汗性能也使其成為運動時的理想之選,讓您始終保持乾爽舒適。| The weight of this sweatshirt has excellent breathability, ensuring your skin can breathe. Its excellent sweat-wicking properties also make it ideal for active workouts, keeping you dry and comfortable.

300克重磅 | 300 Grams
這款克重的衛衣結合了實用性與功能性的完美。儘管如此,仍然具有結合出色的保暖效果。其特殊的結構和材料選擇確保在微涼的天氣中保持適當的保暖。|This grammable sweater embodies practicality and functionality in perfection. Still, great warmth. Its special construction and material selection ensures proper warmth in cold weather

400克重磅 | 400 Grams
適合多種不同的場合和季節。其厚實的設計確保在寒冷的日子裡保持您的身體溫暖,這種衛衣的重量編織成為一種理想的中間層選擇,單獨穿為中度保暖的選擇|Suitable for many different occasions and seasons. Its chunky design is sure to keep your body warm on chilly days, and the weight weave of this sweater makes it an ideal midlayer choice, providing moderate warmth when worn alone

更多克數 | More Grams
我們提供多種尺碼選擇,確保每位顧客都能找到最適合自己的尺碼,享受完美的穿著體驗 | We provide a variety of size options to ensure that each customer can find the most suitable size for them and enjoy a perfect wearing experience
定製衛衣系列 | Custom Sweatshirt Series

情侶裝訂製 |
Custom Couple's Shirts

團體衫訂製 |
Custom Group Shirts

班衫訂製 |
Custom Class Shirts

親子裝訂製 |
Custom Family Shirt
Printing Method

絲印 | Screen Printing
附著力強 圖案清晰 柔軟印壓面積小 印刷面積大
Strong adhesion, clear pattern, soft printing pressure, large printing area

刺繡 | Embroider
層次感好 有凹凸感 | Good sense of layering and unevenness

燙畫 | HD Rubber
表面光滑 不褪色 線條清晰 | Smooth surface, no fading, clear lines

數碼直噴 | DTG
環保 色彩豐富 沒有局限 | Environmental protection, rich colors
其他印刷技術 | Other Printing Techniques

Thermal Transfer

Foil print

HD print

Block printing

Reflective print

Contact US

我們的附加服務 Add On Service
尺碼試穿 | Try On Size
We provide size advice/full size samples (deposit included) for easy and comfortable fitting
打樣 & 試色 | Proofing And Color Testing
Our professional design team will provide color matching service and proofing requirements
我們的優勢 | Our Advantage
no minimum order quantity
我們接受任何數量的定制衛衣印花訂單,無論是一件還是幾件我們接受任何數量的定制連帽衫印花訂單,從一件到數百件。| We accept custom hoodie printing orders in any quantity, from one piece to a few We accept custom hoodie printing orders in any quantity, from one piece to hundreds
2 Day Printing & Delivery
我們可以在 1-2 天內通過快遞發貨,並提供實時跟踪。或者可以從我們的印刷店領取。|
We can deliver by express in 1-2 days with real-time tracking. Or can be picked up from our print shop.
Cutting-Edge Printing Tech
我們始終處於最先進數字印刷技術的前沿,這意味著您可以獲得最鮮豔的色彩、最細緻的細節和最出色的耐用性。| We stay on the forefront of the most advanced digital printing technology which means you get the brightest colors, the most detail, and the greatest durability.
Hong Kong's top sweater manufacturer
總部位於香港,在廣州和新加坡設有辦事處,了解企業、學生、大型活動預算,提供定制衛衣印刷。| Headquartered in Hong Kong, with offices in Guangzhou and Singapore, understands corporate, student, large event budgets, provides custom hoodie printing.
Production Process
用戶反饋 | Feedback From Our Custom
Proudly Featured In

文字、標誌、照片打印 | Text、 Logo、Photo Printing
BESTGIFT 創立於2014年。
- 在香港和廣州設有辦事處,擁有 30 多名敬業的員工。
- 長期客戶包括雅詩蘭黛、Marvel、Aveda、匯豐銀行、富衛、恆生等。
Founded in 2014, BESTGIFT specializes in providing customized services such as T-shirts, POLO shirts, hooded T-shirts, coats, windbreakers, hats, etc., and provides towels, reusable bags, reusable cups, flags, mugs, etc. BESTGIFT adheres to the service concept of professional high-quality service and fast delivery to meet the diversified group service and diversified product needs of individuals, groups and major enterprises. - Offices in Hong Kong and Guangzhou with more than 30 dedicated staff. - Long-term clients include Estee Lauder, Marvel, Aveda, HSBC, FWD, Hang Seng, etc.
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