ESG禮品 | ESG Gifts
ESG認證禮品分類 |
ESG Certified Gifts Classification
環保服飾類 | Eco-friendly Clothing
環保服飾是指以可持續和環保的材料生產的衣物。這些材料可以包括有機棉、再生纖維、大麻、竹纖維等。環保服飾的生產過程通常減少了對水、能源和化學品的需求,同時也減少了對環境的不良影響。這些衣物通常具有高品質,並且可以長時間使用,減少了浪費。| Eco-friendly clothing refers to clothing produced from sustainable and environmentally friendly materials. These materials can include organic cotton, recycled fibers, hemp, bamboo fibers, and more. The production process of eco-friendly clothing generally reduces the need for water, energy and chemicals, while also reducing the negative impact on the environment. These garments are usually of high quality and last for a long time, reducing waste.

環保水樽類 | Eco-friendly Bottle
環保水樽是可重複使用的水瓶,旨在減少單次使用塑料瓶的需求。這些水樽通常由不含BPA(雙酚A)的材料製成,這有助於避免有害的化學物質滲入飲用水。使用環保水樽可以減少塑料垃圾的產生,並有助於減少對自然環境的污染。| Eco-friendly water bottles are reusable water bottles designed to reduce the need for single-use plastic bottles. These bottles are often made from BPA (bisphenol A)-free materials, which helps prevent harmful chemicals from leaching into drinking water. Using environmentally friendly water bottles can reduce the generation of plastic waste and help reduce pollution to the natural environment.
環保餐具類 | Eco-friendly Tableware
環保餐具是用於取食物的可重複使用的器具,例如不鏽鋼筷子、玻璃或不鏽鋼碗盤、矽膠食物袋等。這些餐具取代了一次性塑料餐具,降低了塑料廢物的產生,並有助於減少對陸地和海洋生態系統的污染。| Environmentally friendly tableware are reusable utensils for taking food, such as stainless steel chopsticks, glass or stainless steel bowls and plates, silicone food bags, etc. The cutlery replaces single-use plastic cutlery, reducing the generation of plastic waste and helping to reduce pollution of land and marine ecosystems.

環保袋類 | Eco-friendly Bag
環保袋類包括購物袋、手提袋和背包,通常由可重複使用的材料製成,如帆布、棉布、再生塑料或有機纖維。使用環保袋可以減少單次使用塑料袋的需求,有助於減少塑料垃圾的產生。| The reusable bag category includes shopping bags, tote bags and backpacks, often made from reusable materials such as canvas, cotton, recycled plastic or organic fibers. Using reusable bags can reduce the need for single-use plastic bags and help reduce the generation of plastic waste.
More環保電子類 | Eco-friendly Electronics
環保電子產品是以環保設計和技術製成的電子設備,旨在減少能源消耗和電子廢物的產生。這些產品通常具有高效能源使用、可重複使用和易回收的特點。例子包括節能燈泡、太陽能充電器、可回收的電子設備等。| Environmentally friendly electronic products are electronic devices made with environmentally friendly designs and technologies that aim to reduce energy consumption and the generation of electronic waste. These products are often energy efficient, reusable and easily recyclable. Examples include energy-saving light bulbs, solar chargers, recyclable electronic equipment, and more.
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About ESG | 關於ESG
E-Environmental 環境,包含對自然環境的保護、減少汙染、能源管理等等目標,對象是自然環境 | E-Environmental environment, including the protection of the natural environment, pollution reduction, energy management and other goals, the object is the natural environment.
S-Social 社會,包含改善工作環境、勞工關係、社區關係、風險利益、人權健康等等的社會責任,對象是利害關係人 | S-Social society includes social responsibilities to improve working environment, labor relations, community relations, risks and interests, human rights and health, etc., targeting stakeholders.
G-Governance 治理,包含商業倫理、供應鏈管理、公司聲譽的公平、透明性等等,對象為管理階層,股東與同仁 | G-Governance governance, including business ethics, supply chain management, fairness and transparency of company reputation, etc., targets management, shareholders and colleagues
我們的優勢 |
Our Advantage
盛禮定製禮品均為可降解和可持續發展產品,這有助於降低資源浪費,提高資源利用效率,減少生產環境污染,推動循環經濟。| Bestgift's customized gifts are all degradable and sustainable products, which help reduce resource waste, improve resource utilization efficiency, reduce production environmental pollution, and promote circular economy.
我們使用RPET (再生聚酯) 進行產品加工,RPET是一種新型的環保物料。 回收再造技術讓膠樽的價值得以重生,取代以石油提煉而成的尼龍或不織布物料。| We use RPET (recycled polyester) for product processing. RPET is a new type of environmentally friendly material. Recycling technology allows the value of plastic bottles to be reborn, replacing nylon or non-woven materials made from petroleum.
ESG產品的投資標準要求企業更重視環保議題,因此,不符合這些標準的企業可能面臨聲譽風險,因此我們能提供高要求高品質的esg產品幫助企業規避風險。| The investment standards for ESG products require companies to pay more attention to environmental issues. Therefore, companies that do not meet these standards may face reputational risks. Therefore, we can provide high-demand and high-quality ESG products to help companies avoid risks.

訂製流程 |
ESG Certified Gift

我們使用的材質 | Materials We Use
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Tel: +852 9568-4618