我們的優勢 | Our Advantage

專業創意設計 | Professional Design
3D全定制,可按形狀定型打樣,多種材質款式可選 | 3D full customization, can be shaped and proofed according to the shape, a variety of materials and styles are available

精美包裝 | Beautiful Package
可根據特點和需求選擇包裝(紙盒、木盒、亞克力盒、絨盒等) | Packaging can be selected according to needs (carton, wooden box, acrylic box, velvet box, etc.)

可選擇雕刻顔色 | Optional Engraving Color
常見雕刻顏色選項:金色、銀色、啞光;有 Pantone 色調可供選擇 | Common Engraving Color Options: Gold, Silver, Matte; Available in Pantone shades
價格表 | Price Table
☆綜合成本比淘寶便宜 | Comprehensive Price is Cheaper Than Taobao
1-5 Pieces
0% off
5-10 Pieces
5% off
11-50 Pieces
12% off
51-100 Pieces
20% off
101+ Pieces
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製作流程 | Production Process
Feedback From Our Custom
“ Uploaded my design and sent a proof within 10 minutes, made some changes and fixed it. My order was delivered before the estimated date. Efficient, great quality will definitely be back “

David Dodson
Insurance - Hong Kong

- BESTGIFT成立於2014年,專業提供水晶獎杯、獎牌、獎杯等產品定制服務,並提供T卹、帆布包、環保杯、毛衣、企業禮品等產品的加工生產服務。 BESTGIFT秉承專業優質服務、快速交付的服務理念,滿足您個人、團體及各大企業對多元化團體服務、多元化產品的需求。 - 在香港和廣州設有辦事處,擁有 30 多名專職員工。 - 長期客戶包括雅詩蘭黛、Marvel、Aveda、匯豐銀行、富衛、恆生等。 Founded in 2014, BESTGIFT specializes in providing customized services for crystal trophies, medals, trophies and other products, as well as processing and production services for T-shirts, canvas bags, environmental cups, sweaters, corporate gifts and other products. BESTGIFT adheres to the service concept of professional high-quality service and fast delivery to meet the needs of your individual, group and major enterprises for diversified group services and diversified products. - Offices in Hong Kong and Guangzhou with more than 30 dedicated staff. - Long-term clients include Estee Lauder, Marvel, Aveda, HSBC, FWD, Hang Seng, etc.
Find Us
- Phone: 852-95684618
- Email: hello@bestgift.com.hk
常見問題 | FAQ
- 最少起訂量是多少個?|What is the minimum order quantity?
Q:不論是水晶獎座, 獎盃, 都是一件起訂。| Whether it is a crystal trophy or a trophy, there is a minimum order of one piece.
- 獎座上的LOGO可以上顔色嗎?有什麽限制嗎?|Can the LOGO on the trophy be colored? Are there any restrictions?
Q:在金屬獎盃,獎牌上印製的內容(包括Logo), 基本上是沒有顏色上的限制, 客戶只要提供高像素的 JPG / PNG 便可。 而於水晶獎座上所刻上的 Logo, 則需要 ai 格式檔案, 而且上色也有因人手調色及上色, 所以在成品方面也有偏差。
There are basically no color restrictions on the content (including Logo) printed on metal trophies and medals. Customers only need to provide high-resolution JPG/PNG. The logo engraved on the crystal trophy requires an ai format file, and the coloring is also done by hand, so there are deviations in the finished product.
- 起貨期需要多久?| How long does it take to deliver the goods?
Q:一般需要7天 | Usually takes 7 days.
- 我沒有製作稿件的經驗,可以協助我出稿嗎?收取額外費用嗎?| I don't have experience in making manuscripts, can you help me out? Is there an additional fee?
Q:收到訂金後,我們會為顧客免費排稿,保證滿意。| After receiving the deposit, we will arrange manuscripts for customers free of charge, unlimited times, and guarantee satisfaction. - 我有急單,能否快速起貨?| I have an urgent order, can it be delivered quickly?
Q:能接急單,最快3天内起貨 | Can accept urgent orders, the fastest delivery within 3 days.
- 我能退貨嗎?|Can I return an item?
Q:因產品是客製化商品,一經製作後,均無法二次銷售,固無法退貨。| Since the product is a customized product, it cannot be re-sold once it is made, and cannot be returned.
- 你們有實體地址嗎? | Do you have a physical address?
Q:我們的辦工室位於荃灣龍力大廈,並在廣州、深圳、新加坡均設有辦事處,可於辦工時間內親臨看辦。| Our office is located in Longli Building, Tsuen Wan, and we have offices in Guangzhou, Shenzhen and Singapore. You can visit us during office hours.
- 我能夠如何付款? | How do I pay?
Q:我們提供的付款方式包括銀行轉賬、信用卡網上付款、郵寄支票、親臨門市支付現金 | The payment methods we provide include bank transfer, credit card online payment, mailed check, and cash payment at the store. - 你們的辦工時間是? | What are your working hours?
- 星期一至五:09:00 – 18:00 (午膳時間 12:00-13:30) | Monday to Friday: 09:00 – 18:00 (lunch time 12:00-13:30)
- 星期六:09:00 – 12:00 | Saturday: 09:00 – 12:00
- 星期日及公眾假期:休息 | Sundays and public holidays: closed - 接受什麼檔案格式? | What file formats are accepted?
Q:提交AI格式為最方便。如使用JPG、PSD,dpi建議為300 | It is most convenient to submit in AI format. If using JPG or PSD, a dpi of 300 is recommended.