Design Your Own Wine
Mid-Autumn Hamper|中秋送禮水果籃
“Under the law of Hong Kong, intoxicating liquor must not be sold or supplied to a minor in the course of business.”
-Including 10-12 pieces premium, imported fruits (including Korean net melon,grapes,Korean? Pear, all fruits are individually packaged)
-Premium French Red Wine with Custom Label 750ml
-Synethic Leather Basket
-A custom handwritten card
- 韓國網瓜
- 進口提子/進口盒裝水果
- 韓國水晶梨/奇異果
- 橙/西柚
- 富士蘋果
- 火龍果
- 芒果
- 桃/番石榴
*food will be partially changed according to the stock
*Need to book one day in advance