10 Coffee Shop Menu Items That Every Cafe Must Have

10 Coffee Shop Menu Items That Every Cafe Must Have

The main thought of every cafe owner is how to make customers happy. Hiring the best staff, designing the cafe space, coffee shop menu items, and a comfortable environment need to adapt to business needs and show the best for customers. If your coffee shop can't satisfy customers, or there are no customers who want to come back to enjoy your dishes, then your business should be re-examined what went wrong. Simply, you need to get customer satisfaction to grow loyalty and successfully increase revenue because many new customers come. The more new customers, the more diverse the possible orders they want. Although some loyal customers are loyal to a shot of espresso, other customers may want a specific type of latte or iced coffee with other beverages. That's why coffee shop menu ideas must align with what your customers want. If you currently still have a limited coffee shop menu, there's no need to rush to take steps to add a menu without any research. Ensure your customers request new menus as suggestions, and you can prepare them according to expectations. Adding a menu must include inventory management, how your staff can prepare beverages, and customer satisfaction with the new menu. Determining a balanced coffee menu can be challenging for a new coffee shop. To deal with this problem, we prepared 10 coffee shop menu items that every cafe must have. Espresso Every coffee shop will have espresso as the main coffee café menu. It's a basic yet crucial beverage in every cafe, why? Because espresso shots are the most popular drinks and essential for coffee connoisseurs who want to feel a kick up with the right acidity. Espresso is the heart of the coffee shop. Try looking for commercial-grade equipment to produce espresso quickly in minutes, and it will be worth it to cut the queue time. Remember to buy some great quality coffee beans for the widest range of espresso you offer. Iced Coffee Customers also want cold brew despite hot brew these days. Besides being simple, iced coffee has its freshness yet is delicious. How to make iced coffee is not difficult, because it only requires simple equipment and basic skills from your staff. Iced coffee is a must-have one of the coffee shop menu ideas. You can add variations to make your iced coffee have a distinctive taste. Don't forget to give your signature name as a sign that you can create a unique taste of iced coffee which is common in many cafes. Latte Next is the menu that appears because of the espresso. You can't mention espresso without talking about the latte. Latte is one of the most popular coffee drinks and the best-selling choice that are always on the coffee shop menu suggestions. Same with espresso, you can use commercial-grade equipment by creating unique recipes to make the latte you offer its uniqueness to your customers. Donuts Coffee alone is not enough to start a sunny morning. With a coffee taste and a fairly high acidity, the right snack is a little bit sugary snack. It's the right time for donuts on one of the coffee café menus. You don't have to provide donuts with many flavors, because a simple donut with powdered sugar is enough to accompany every cup of coffee. The fewer flavors of donuts you offer, the less it will cost to make them, and you ensure to balance the production costs if you want to make them in large quantities. Croissant NExt popular snacks are croissants that become pleasant when served with coffee. Buttery pastry offers a signature flavor and texture that you can't find in other snacks. That's why croissants can be the main choice besides coffee for breakfast for customers. But making croissants requires baking skills from your staff. You also have to have the appropriate equipment for that. The investment will be worth it because croissants are a popular snack in many circles. Bagels While waiting for the coffee queue, which is like a train, customers can choose what snacks match their coffee of choice. What will emerge from the coffee cafe menu suggestions? Bagels are an interesting one. Bagels are a portion of popular street food in the U.S. and become a perfect match when combined with espresso or latte. If you don't have the skills to produce bagels, you can take them from third-party vendors to get fresh bagels every morning. Cupcakes Sometimes customers don't want breakfast with too many carbohydrates or calories. They just want a little snack that can fill their stomach without being full. Cupcakes are one of the coffee shop menu ideas that can be served with various toppings. You can put some cupcakes on display to see how enthusiastic the customers are, and how many cupcakes are sold each day. Don't produce too much, produce it as if it's enough to save costs and see demand. Macarons The sweet snack that is the target of the coffee shop menu is macarons. It's a colorful little snack that can attract customers from all walks of life as a companion to their coffee of choice. Macarons are light yet sugary snack that is very popular as much as a cupcake to satisfy the tongue after drinking acidic coffee. Make macarons with three main flavors to see the interest of customers. If the three main flavors can attract a lot of customers, then you can ask customers what flavors they want on the menu. Breakfast pizza Pizza can be a breakfast choice with toppings, such as sausages, bacon, eggs, and cheese as the main menu in addition to morning coffee. You don't need to serve a lot of slices, just serve a mini pizza and cut it into 4 according to the bite size. Breakfast Sandwich Customers also want a breakfast menu that has a little vegetables in it. Sandwiches are a great choice because you can combine them with bacon, eggs, and vegetarian-friendly options. One sandwich can be the right choice while drinking coffee and ready to go through the day. Overall, some of these coffee shop menu items can add to your options about what menu is best to give to your customers. Whatever menu you display, ensure each menu has a taste that gets customer satisfaction and gets positive feedback. Put sugary snacks and breakfast menus near the coffee shop merchandise, so your customers can choose the right menu while they wait for the coffee queue to come to their table.
5 Tips to Sell Coffee Merchandise in a Coffee Shop

5 Tips to Sell Coffee Merchandise in a Coffee Shop

Customers have started to fill your store, waiting for their drinks while watching their phones, talking to their friends, or waiting in line to get the beverages they want. Sometimes you will find a unique customer who wants to spend their time checking out any cafe's merchandise instead of watching their phone for their waiting time. If you already have that opportunity and you still haven't thought about selling coffee shop merchandise, it's a lost business opportunity. Try to calculate how much time it takes to make coffee per customer and how many people are willing to queue to get your beverages. Those minutes can be used by loyal customers to check your coffee shop merchandise and buy it. But don't worry, we are here to give you 5 tips on selling coffee shop merchandise and creating new money-making potential. Why Selling Coffee Merchandise Is Important? Selling merchandise is essential for your business because it can open a bigger opportunity to increase revenue and increase your brand value. Your business doesn't just stop at the products you sell or how good your service is to customers. You can also add all the internal factors that will affect your brand, including offering stunning merchandise to your customers. While thinking about the coffee shop merchandise ideas that will bring to the store, we will give you tips when you're ready to sell merchandise in your coffee shop. 5 Tips to Sell Coffee Merchandise Sometimes owners think the number of visitors who are willing to queue for their products has become the main revenue, and there is no need to add other potential revenue. But it's not true at all. The tips that we will provide can be new thoughts for you on how to start selling coffee shop merchandise. Business Logo on the Merchandise The logo of your business must be able to give an aesthetic impression of the merchandise you are going to sell. A cafe logo will show what customers see and think about your brand. If your logo fits with the merchandise your customer chooses, it will take a while before it goes viral through social media like Facebook, Instagram, or TikTok. Ensure the logo looks catchy and resembles well with the products you are about to offer. Understand Your Target Market Take a look and notice how your coffee shop gets customers. Are the customers who come mostly students? office workers? or a couple who wants to spend their evening in your cafe? You can data all customers and take the largest percentage to choose what merchandise you will sell. For example, if there are more couples, you can make a couple of T-shirts or mugs with different but matching colors. Or if more visitors are workers or employees, you choose stationary with a pleasing logo that they can use in the office. Before deciding what merchandise you choose or adding new merchandise, try to ask yourself what items would you like to see or buy if you were in a coffee shop. Having that mindset will open up new thinking for any merchandise that you have the potential to sell. Make A Demand You need to make the impression that the merchandise you make is a limited edition. If you can create demand, customers will think twice if they don't take the coffee shop merchandise they see. But if you put too much merchandise on display, customers will think you will always sell it, and they can buy it whenever they want, and they won't buy it. Give a price tag or a special design for the limited edition coffee merchandise, or make merchandise according to design request or shape from your customers. The better your merchandise design, the higher the customer's interest to see and buy one or two items. Right Spot for Selling Merchandise Find the best place to put coffee shop merchandise, such as upfront by the register, put a special shelf near the cashier, or a special brochure by offering some of the merchandise you have. Products that are often chosen by coffee shop owners are decals, stickers, flat pouches and bookmarks are some items that are suitable to be placed near the register. When customers want to pay for their orders, there is a high chance that they will add some small items at a reasonable price. If several customers per day buy some of your small merchandise, imagine how much additional revenue you get. You can offer beverages with bonus merchandise to increase the interest of your customers. Fresh Item Then And Now Don't leave merchandise that has been on display for a long time, but no one is interested in staying on the shelf. Track what coffee shop merchandise is selling fast and items that are more hesitant for customers to buy. Always stock hot items, and delay some items that don't sell too fast. Make a room for new and fresh items. You can put a special paper or book about what customers request about what merchandise they want. If you already have loyal customers, it's not hard to want to know what your customers want. They also don't hesitate to want to know more about the coffee shop where they have been hanging out all this time. Selling Merchandise is a Step to Increase Branding and Earn More Revenue Let's recap the coffee shop merchandise ideas that can provide any benefits for your business. It will increase brand awareness, elevate the ambiance, and increase revenue potential. If you can choose merchandise properly and know how to sell it, you will get huge steps for the progress of your business. The choice of merchandise such as mugs, hats, and stickers is a huge success because it can be used by your customers and add brand awareness to their acquaintances. The more merchandise that is needed and what the customer wants, the happier they'll be. Please remember, you are selling merchandise not only focusing on your profits but giving something remarkable to your loyal customers. Interested in finding the right place to provide merchandise? Get the Best Gift to create unique coffee shop merchandise for your business.
Important Reasons Why You Should Sell Gym Merchandise

Important Reasons Why You Should Sell Gym Merchandise

In this modern age, people need to be physically fit to increase their stamina and health daily. It's the reason why the majority of people join a club or gym to exercise regularly. While spending time at the gym or club, they like to wear fitness merchandise to increase motivation and desire to exercise. That's why the opportunity to sell gym merchandise has many benefits and is a unique way to boost your business. What can be sold as gym merchandise? Is there much to sell? You can start with anything anyone who wants to work out in the gym needs, and the opportunities are endless! Offer your members to buy whatever they need that can benefit your business, your brand, and your bottom line. Reasons to Sell Gym Merchandise Do you think selling gym merchandise has little chance for your business? Let's dive deeper into what the potential benefits are: Boost the Gym’s Revenue Any kind of sales will bring in more revenue. If you think about margins, you can use a 100% mark-up to ensure a healthy profit on every merchandise you sell. If the item is hard to sell, you can think about lowering the price to clear out the inventory faster. Besides club revenue running well, you need a consistent flow of cash and funds to expand your business. The fitness merch can be the main solution for additional income besides membership fees. First, you have to find out what your members want. Offer items with several price tags, find out which point sells are selling the most, and start from there to develop a strategy for the future. Focus on volume, and don't start with expensive apparel. Think about it this way, if you can sell one of the merch with a large volume and make the most money, then you can sell the item regularly instead of having to sell one item at a large price but will run out in a long time. If you want to attract your members to buy gym merchandise, you can create a special package, such as paying for a membership to get certain merch with terms and conditions. Besides, you can benefit from merch, and you can get regular revenue. Brand Recognition For Your Gym Did you know that selling merch not only increases revenue but also increases brand recognition? Let's think it this way, if you can make T-shirts, water bottles, or fitness needs with your brand name, you can also promote your gym's name. Think of a FREE advertisement that you can get from merch that is used regularly by your members outside the gym. For example, when your members run in the morning and bring a water bottle with your brand name, many people will see that name and add potential new customers. This method is also used by many brands to grow their customer bases, such as by giving out free T-shirts or other useful items. You can provide free merch for an annual membership or special packages while increasing the trust of members to stay loyal to your gym. Add Value to Your Service Selling fitness merchandise is the same as adding to your value to train people to stay fit at all times. People join the gym to train their bodies to be fitter, but they need more enthusiasm to keep it routine. Members will appreciate it if their gym becomes a shopping center for their fitness needs. In addition to increasing your revenue, members also find it helpful because in the same place they can buy the merchandise they need without having to go all the way to other places. The more complete the selection of gym merchandise that you offer, the more your credibility will be as a professional trainer and a quality gym. Now you know some reasons why gym merchandise is important to increase the revenue potential of a gym or club. How do you get started? How to Start Selling Gym Merchandise Let's take a few steps below before you start selling gym merchandise: Focus on your brand The brand is the key to choosing the right merchandise. Don't sell items that don't align with your brand and what your members associate with the business. See also potential buyers in your gym. If your brand is a professional and prestigious gym, then you can sell higher-quality merch. For example, you sell stainless steel water bottles rather than plastic bottles for fancy and high quality. Or you also provide plastic bottles for members who prefer convenience over others. Don't forget to add your logo or gym name as much as possible to the merchandise you sell. Make the merch subtle and appealing by using the services of a designer to arrange your logo and attract buyers. Choose your products Do a broad market to find out what your brand needs. Start by offering items like branded water bottles, hats, and bags. Some of these items do not require a range of sizes and are unisex, making these items easier to sell and reach all potential customers. If you are still confused about the logo or gym name on the merch, don't be too bothered to think about it. Make a merch with a simple design and have a gym name or logo without having to overthink the looks. Evolve your style from how members provide feedback, while you seek better design references for higher quality merch. Find local suppliers Invest in your community by finding local suppliers for your merchandise needs. Look for some local businesses that sell T-shirts, water bottles, hats, or designers that align with your brand and preferences. In addition to providing benefits to local allies, you can add business relationships with your community and can become partnerships when there are certain events or when you want to do co-branding. Good spot to sell merch Now, you have some of the right merch to sell. The next step is to set up for the right place. The gym's front desk is a great place because it's where people get in and out of the gym when they want to pay for a membership or other needs. This will come in handy when gym members want to find water bottles, shirts, or other items they forgot to bring and need them right away. Ensure you can prepare some workout items that can be displayed at the entrance. What do members need after a workout? They will pick something to drink or eat. Attractive set-up display for cold drinks and healthy snacks near the exit. Are You Ready to Sell Gym Merchandise? Let's recap what you can get if you start selling gym merchandise. First, you can get new opportunities to increase your revenue. Next, you can increase brand awareness, and add value and loyalty to your members. Are you ready to sell merch under your logo or gym name? Get some unique quality merch from BESTGIFT starts from low investment and unlimited opportunity.
Why You Should Hold A Workshop For Workers/Employees And What To Prepare?
Corporate Gift

Why You Should Hold A Workshop For Workers/Employees And What To Prepare?

Workshop is important to get a new knowledge, increase your network, for personal development, become a professional, and minimize risk at work. Workshop is a meeting where some people discuss about particular topics. It is usually held by many people like management because they need to train their employees to be the best or get to their top performance. If you are a manager or a director that struggle with low skill employee or need to train your employees to get the company's target. Therefore, this is one of the solutions, especially during this pandemic era. Why workshop is important? First, let’s see why this is important! Networking Workers or employees from different divisions can see each other during this event. So, they will get to know each other, which is good to increase synergy for company. While for workers, they can promote their side business or side income to each other. Increasing the performance of employees The goal is to train employees. After discuss intensively, there is chance that employees are more critical, smarter, and have a better communication skill. The requirement is employees and workers are serious to this event. Inspiring employees or workers If you are a leader. You can show your leadership and presentation skill to employees or workers. As a leader and top management, you should act as an inspiration to employees, because if you are successful in doing this during the workshop. There is a chance that your employee is getting inspired and being loyal to you. Personal development Both employer and employee will have personal development. Because they get a new point of view, meet new friends, and sometimes, they meet their life partner (future husband or future wife). Lower the risk You can lower the risk of your business. Because you train your employee to minimize their mistakes at work. What to prepare for a workshop Secondly, we should know what to prepare because preparation is everything! Topic First, you must know the topic to be presented to workers and employees. The topic is the first important step before everything else. Joiners or Audiences Second, after you know what the topic is, you must know your audience or joiner, because it must be related to their work since this workshop is for workers and employees. Size Third, if you have known your target, you need to calculate how many people that will join the workshop. In the other words, you should know how big is the size of the workshop. Time Fourth, you need to know what time is the best to hold the workshop. Because the audiences are workers. During weekend or Friday are the best time to hold such event. Material Fifth, what is the material of the workshop? Also, please vary the material based on its level. In the important material presentations, the audience must discuss more. Place Sixth, because of this era. Therefore, you should search for an outdoor place for workshop to lower the risk both for workers and speakers. Speakers Seventh, who need to go as a speaker? Top management is a good idea. If they don’t want to be the speaker, you can invite speakers from outside of the company. Activities Eighth, what will speakers and audiences do during the workshop? The activity is not just a speaker speaks during a presentation to the audience. There are many activities like focus group discussion, rest, and game-like quizzes. Event Gift At last, don’t forget to thank employees and workers for joining the workshop by giving them an event gift to remember. Because if this event is held on weekend, they sacrifice their time to rest and gather with their family. Summary The workshop is important during this era because employers and management need to train workers or employees, while workers or employees need to be trained. The workshop is beneficial both for employer and employee because both of them will get personal development, new network, and new knowledge which is the most expensive benefit of the workshop. You need to prepare many things for the workshop, so the event would reach its goal. So, don’t make a fast preparation because there are many preparations to prepare! The last preparation of the workshop is memorable gifts. Don’t forget both employer and employee sacrifice their weekend. Instead of taking a rest or quality time with their family, they develop their skills! If you are searching for event gift or promotional gifts, you can search for high-quality gifts here. We sell a cute mug, high-quality pen, colorful pencil case, etc.! Don’t forget to buy our cool gifts, to give your employees and workers a gift to remember!
Public Holidays in Hong Kong That You Should Know
Corporate Gift

Public Holidays in Hong Kong That You Should Know

Hong Kong is one of the best places to live because there are big public holidays that have a long duration like two or three days. Disneyland is one of the famous places to visit for tourist in Hong Kong. It is the smallest playground of Disney, since the biggest one is in Florida, United States. It’s one of destination to visit during public holidays! If you live in the Hong Kong. Therefore, public holidays are one of the most important info to know. Because you can plan to maximize your rest or quality time for yourself or with your family. There are currently 17 public holidays in Hong Kong. In the lunar new year and dragon boat festival, we get three days off which is long compared to many countries. We also make labour day, Christmas (2 days of holidays), new year eve, and easter as public holidays. In this article we will dig through about many public holidays in Hong Kong. Especially the worthy one to know! One of them is Lunar New Year. Lunar new year 1.When? Lunar new year is a public holiday for most of East Asian country like China and Hong Kong. In 2022, Lunar new year in Hong Kong will take place at 1 February, 2022 until 3 February, 2022. Actually, Lunar New Year has the longest duration if you compare it with any public holidays in Hong Kong. 2.How do people celebrate the day? Due to pandemic, people can’t go to crowded place. Instead, we can visit the temples, decorate our home, hold a feast and go for a walk or hike. 3. Sign Each lunar new year is represented by animal sign. In 2021 the lunar new year is represented by Ox and next year by Tiger. Every sign has its traditional attributes and associated elements. For instances, dragon represent energetic, fearless, warm-hearted, and charismatic traditional attributes and yin metal element. While ox represent patient, kind, stubborn, and conservative and yin earth element. 4. Pattern There is pattern of signs each year. If this year is Yin Water, then next year is Yang Water. To be precise, the pattern is rabbit-tiger-ox-rat-pig-dog-rooster-monkey-goat-horse-snake-dragon. 5. Special rule for company Any company that needs the worker to work at lunar new year must have alternative holiday for their worker within 60 days from lunar new year. 6. Tradition In lunar new year, every married couple give their kids, relatives, or unmarried family some money. Also, in that day people forgive each other for bad deeds that they did in the past. A big feast is a tradition too in lunar new year. Therefore, traditional foods like fish, dumplings, rice cakes, and rice bowls will present. Dragon boat festival 1.When? This public holiday take place on June 14, 2021 and falls differently each year depending on the lunar year. These public holidays in Hong Kong have the longest duration besides Lunar New Year. 2.What does the people do on the festival? In this public holiday, people of Hong Kong are racing with a boat. Therefore, in another words Tuen Ng Festival is dragon boat festival if you call it. 3.History The festival has a long history. In the past, fisherman used to compete here. But, everyone can participate these days. In a source, they say this tradition came from a legend that Hong Kong people was seeking a body of Qu Yuan, a patriotic poet. They have searched it with boat. National holiday 1.When? People of Hong Kong celebrate a national holiday on October 1st every year. 2.History We begin this holiday to celebrate the founding of the China Republic back in 1949. Mao Zedong is a big figure back then. Despite it is from 1949, on the other hand, the celebration is starting in 1997. 3.How the people celebrate the holiday People usually celebrate it with fireworks, musical programs, flag-raising ceremonies, and horse racing. In the flag-raising ceremonies, they play Hong Kong’s national anthem. 4.Victoria harbor Victoria harbor is the best spot to watch the national day’s celebration. In the other hand, due to covid-19 the firework celebration last year got cancelled. Summary Public holidays in the Hong Kong are one of the things that you should know. Because we have two to three days straight holidays. You should maximize the public holidays to visit your family, reduce stress by doing quality time and get some rest! If you are searching for company gifts or promotional gifts, you can search for high-quality gifts here. We sell a cute mug, high-quality pen, colorful pencil case, etc.! Don’t forget to buy cool gifts from us😊.
Is It Safe to Label Your Products with “Best-Seller”?
Corporate Gift

Is It Safe to Label Your Products with “Best-Seller”?

How many times we heard the word best-seller today? If you are a business owner, is it safe to label your products with best-seller? Why you should label your product with best seller? Let’s discuss about this label. Best seller once popular for media or book which had been the best in selling status. Some even had been classified by their specialities like novel, non-fiction, and etc.). Labelling a book by best seller will attract more potential customer as it is usually being displayed on a special row. Nowadays, with an easy access of online shopping, business owner will meet new competitor each day. There is almost no chance a product could not be duplicated or modified. It means, you have to be very creative and innovative to be able to create a unique product which will attract your potential customer. This best-seller label is now being used not only for books but also any other products to be sold by business owner, whether the product is physical or in service area. Here we are now. Should we label our product as best seller product? How can we label the product? What kind of criteria it should have? 1.     Do it! Do it. Label your product with best seller if you are sure enough that particular product is on top of its selling status. Remember, only label your number one most loved product. Customer won’t lie. They will carefully judge your product by its quality. So you have to be very careful with it. This is also a great marketing strategy. Your potential customer will likely be drawn to your product once they saw the title. Not only boosting your sales on the particular product, you are also raising the chance of other products as well. Using story telling which convince your potential customer is part of soft selling strategy. As many people are now thinking ahead and more cautious when business owner are selling their goods with hard selling method, direct sales is not preferable. Put best selling items on the front page. In this online shopping era, people’s shopping behaviour also changed a lot. Customer will likely not only buying one kind of product they like, but also looking for another product displayed on your store, whether it is online or offline. 2.     Using other magic word Best seller is actually not the only magical word which will attract your customer. You can also use other words like 100% guaranteed, discount, or B1G1 (buy one get one). Insert these words to caption your product instead if you feel it is more suitable than labelling your product with best seller. Instead of thinking about what is the best, you can put your best seller items together to be picked and bought in bulk. Another method is inserting the word guaranteed in your caption. “One year guarantee” is good enough to attract your potential customer. Why? Because you are not only giving your best offer but also giving them a good after-sales service. It also showed them that your product is made in a premium quality that it can last at least one year. 3.     It is safe, or rather, encouraged Yes, you’re right. Using those magical words for promoting your products is safe. Or should we say it, you are encouraged to use this strategy to boost your sales. This strategy is not something new, and following the trend is not something wrong either. This is a great advantage you have to consider for your business. By using the words such as best seller, 100% guaranteed, discount, etc. you are not only saving more on promoting your products, but you can also monitoring which of the words bring you more customers. So, the answer of the question “is it safe to label your product with best seller?” the answer is yes. As long as you are labelling your product based on what it is actually sold and reviewed by your customer, there is safe and you are actually encouraged to do this as a marketing strategy to boost your sales. Business owners are sometimes forget about using the soft-selling tactics, when it is actually bringing you more profit than just a hard selling tactics. People don’t like to be pushed to buy something when they are still not sure about its quality. So, caption your products with promotional words that draw them to be curious about what you are selling. So, which words will you use?
3 Tips to Host Public Events in Pandemic Era
Corporate Gift

3 Tips to Host Public Events in Pandemic Era

Hosting public events in pandemic era is challenging. Not only business owner should limit their target audiences, they also need to adjust more or less in whatever should be presented in the event. By now, people prefer hosting public events by internet as it can also reach many audiences, not only limited to their area. Then, how about skill upgrading events, such as job training, conferences, and thus alike? It is believed people from previous generation prefer hosting public events offline as they can deliver what they need to clearly, not relying to internet connection, which sometimes can be frustrating for the amateurs. Corporate works a bit different from start-up business, and this is why we provide you with this 3 tips to host public events in pandemic era. 1.     Vaccination record as part of the admission ticket   With new government regulation on new normal, vaccination record is now mandatory for every public facilities. This is profitable for the host as you can guaranteed your employee, speakers, and all the audiences about their safety by putting vaccination record as part of the admission ticket. Hosting public events might be complicated and challenging. You might also need to extend your event. If a job training might only take 3 days before pandemic, now you have to extend it for like a week to reduce the number of audiences who can come in one session. So, do not forget to enter the start and end time of the event. Dividing your audiences by the vaccination record is also a good idea. For example, you only allow people with 2 doses of vaccines for day 1, 2 and 3. Then, if you allow people with 1 dose of vaccine, you can hold the events for day 4 and 5 only. Dividing the audience is not only aiming for the preventive measures, but you can also choose on different gifts for the seminar or job training kits, for both audiences’ category. 2.     Cooperate with Local Health Centre The second tips is your company could cooperate with local health centre while hosting public events in this pandemic era. If your target is hosting an event that attract other company’s employee, you can inspire them to cooperate with health centre as well. Giving the health workers a short question and answer session in your event will also attract audiences. By doing this, it will not only raise the trust from your audience about the safety of your events, it can also be a good bonus for those who came to your events. Another way to cooperate with health worker is to invite professionals such as psychologist on a short seminar session in your event. This pandemic is making many people anxious about how their life will be going on, even if business is opened again. The purpose of this short session is to help the audiences to relax and boost their confidence in doing business again with the new normal era. Besides that, if you have any trouble when the event is ongoing, you can directly transfer the patient to the health centre that cooperates with your event. Without having to postpone the ongoing events, you will save any loss for your company, right? 3.     Provide audiences with goodie bag full of must-have items Pandemic doesn’t mean that we, as business owner, cannot hosting public events. It is just very limited and strict as it should follow the health protocol provided by WHO. Now think about this from different perspective. It has new and particular rules which we can turn into something beneficial for both the event organizer and the business partner. Put disposable or reusable cloth mask and hand sanitizer as “must item” on audiences’ goodie bag. Do not forget to add more freebies like notebook, pens, and even pencil case, each sealed tight. By giving all the supplies on site, you are not only limiting the contamination came from the outside, but it can also be a new strategy to promote your corporate gifts towards people. Other than that, people will also feel more at ease when they know the public event which they will attend is sterilized enough, so they can 100% focus on the job training seminar. This souvenir gifts will be very critical, because sometimes audiences expect the host to provide extra protection to those who come. Aside from extra disposable or reusable masks and hand sanitizer, think about what the audiences need the most when they are attending the event. If you need any recommendation for gift and souvenirs event, you can check here. Bestgift.com.hk provides customers with 15 kinds of products including ballpoint pens, masks, T-shirts, canvas bags, baseball caps, ceramic cups, etc., which can be screen printed, pad printed, laser, embroidered, etc. for corporate logo or service promotion. Craft printing service; at least one order is set to assist companies in one-stop solution for gift customization related needs for exhibition, promotion, advertising, business, employee welfare, event celebrations, customer visits, etc., and comprehensively enhance customers The brand value of the company.
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