Custom T Shirt
每一個母校都有著自己獨特的文化和特色,而定制產品恰恰能夠將這種文化和特色體現得淋漓盡致。無論是印有校徽、校訓的T恤,還是刻有校名、畢業年份的紀念品,都能讓畢業生們感受到母校的濃厚情懷。這種定制產品不僅讓畢業生們在離校後依然能夠懷念母校,更是對他們校園時光的一種珍藏和延續。Bestgift 作為專業的禮品定制服務商,專業團隊擁有豐富的設計經驗和技術實力,能夠了解到每個學校的特色和文化,從而設計出符合學校氛圍的定制產品。無論是產品設計、材料選擇還是制作工藝,Bestgift 都秉承著精益求精的態度,力求為學校機構打造出最滿意的定制產品,使得每一份禮物都顯得更加精致和高端。定制T恤:T恤是一種非常受歡迎的定制禮物,可以在上面印上畢業生的姓名、班級、畢業年份等信息,或是校徽、校訓等校園元素。定制文具:例如筆記本、筆筒、筆、書簽,等,可以定制上學校的logo、校訓或者個人姓名等。
定制水杯/咖啡杯:將水杯或咖啡杯定制成個性化的樣式,例如印上畢業生的姓名、班級、畢業日期等信息,或者是一些特別的圖案或標語。定制紀念冊: 畢業紀念冊是一種珍貴的禮物,可以為畢業生們留下深刻的回憶和美好的祝願。定制紀念冊可以包括學校的標誌、校訓、畢業年份等元素,以及學生們的集體合影或個人照片,讓每一頁都充滿著學校的特色和學生們的個性。定制相框:相框可以是木質、金屬或其他材質,可以定制上刻有畢業生的姓名、畢業照片以及一段祝福語。
Bestgift 將繼續與更多的學校機構合作,為他們打造出更多個性化和專業化的定制產品,助力畢業季的隆重舉行,為畢業生們送上最真摯的祝福。

Graduation Gift
15 Best Stationery Gift Ideas for People Who Love Stationeries
Every family member, co-worker, or close friend, of course you will always have someone who likes all things paper, from stationery, books, notebooks, or all the necessities for writing such as pencils or pens. To make it easier for you to choose the right stationery gift, we have put together some of the best gift ideas for those closest to you that they will definitely like. You can give this stationery on any occasion, such as a holiday, graduation, or as a form of thanks.
Do people still give pens as gifts?
Pens are always a suitable gift for anyone. Many people appreciate receiving a pen as a gift, especially when you give a high-quality pen or personalized pen, because it contains a special meaning or significance. The pen is a symbol of goodwill for success and smooth future career. Apart from being a token gift, pens can be an important tool for signing important documents, and as a complement to businessmen when they go anywhere.
Is personalized stationery a good gift?
Stationery is a type of gift that is popular because it is highly affordable, useful, and has many choices. You can choose stationery that you think is good, and customize it to suit the recipient's interests or personality. If you want to give something to add a personal connection, you can give personalized stationery, showing that you understand what the recipient wants or needs.
How to make custom stationery?
Are you looking for a place to custom your choice of stationery as a gift? BestGiftHK is your answer. With more than 20 years of commitment and professional services, BestGiftHK helps consumers to create personalized gifts for promotional needs, advertising, celebration events, etc.
Professional gift customization has many years won a good reputation among small, medium and large customers. More than 80% of customers order again, and more and more overseas customers rely on and choose us to provide production services for customized stationery products or other gift items.
15 best stationery gift ideas that they'll love
We have prepared some brilliant ideas to give a great impression to the recipient for any occasion. Let's take a look for these outstanding stationery gifts.
Magnetic gel pen set
The magnetic pen is not only for writing, but can also be an amazing desk toy too. The pen has super strong magnets and can be arranged into any shape according to the recipient's imagination. The pen is still refillable, while providing fun for whoever receives it. Available in various colors, making this magnetic gel pen set the best choice for stationery ideas.
Eco friendly stationery set
Especially for recipients who care about the environment, you can give an eco-friendly stationery set that is simple and beautifully designed. The set contains notepad, pen, pencil, eraser, and ruler. Very complete for office, college or school needs. Each item has a strong environmental message to encourage recipients to protect the environment. The stationery set is made from sustainable, versatile materials, suitable for conventional stationery with an eco friendly message.
Large pencil case
Everyone who likes to store their stationery will be happy if they receive a large pencil case with a big capacity. The large space means that the recipient's writing equipment can be in one place, without having to have lots of pencil cases to carry around. You can choose a color that the recipient likes, so it becomes a special gift for them.
Mindful thoughts pencils
Have you ever seen a pencil with a mindful quote in the middle? You can customize it with your favorite quote to brighten the recipient's day. The pencils are also a great eco-friendly alternative, because the pencil marks can be planted for flowers, herbs or vegetables.
Wooden photo album
The large number of photos stored in your cellphone's memory will overload and reduce your phone's performance. It's time for you to have physical copies of your photos and put them in a photo album. You can provide a wooden photo album with a traditional and elegant design, making the photo album more meaningful. This photo album could be a great gift for someone who likes to keep memories together or from a specific trip.
Nature drawing and watercolour
A book filled with lessons and tips for drawing from nature. The recipients will get step by step tutorials for drawing plants and animals, as well as various tips on different techniques and materials. This gift is suitable for people who like art and who fill their time by drawing.
Tote bag
You can choose tote bags from various materials, including the trending material in the form of recycled materials. The gift recipient can put many items inside the tote bag such as a water bottle, jumper, lunch box, purse, books, etc. You can customize the design to include a photo of the gift recipient or your favorite quote. Choose a color that matches the recipient's preferences, so they can proudly carry their tote bag to campus, the office, or when traveling.
Journal or sketchbook
Journals and sketchbooks are items that are always needed for someone who needs to record their activities every day. Sometimes, journals can be used to record where they have traveled, what they have learned, or as a reminder for something important. You can pair the gift with a special pen with a matching color as a good combo.
An art book
Art is something that can continue to be studied and discovered. An art book can be a means for learning a new skill, providing hours of great activities and sparks creativity with one art book. Recipients can learn how to draw, color nicely, hand lettering, or beautiful stickers that can be placed while journaling.
Paper trimmer
A paper trimmer can be the perfect gift for any bullet journaler or scrapbooker, because it makes cutting straight lines easier. The process is super fast, making it easier for anyone who uses it. Very suitable for someone who likes paper sizes that are neat and according to their wishes. Paper trimmers can also help with craft-based hobbies or help gift recipients with their work.
Stationery organizer
What if the person you want to love has everything? It's time to give them an organizer to put everything inside. Stationery is an item that is often used and sometimes we forget where we put it. With cube organizers, you can give a budget-friendly gift that is useful for organizing pens, markers, books, etc. Choose a good organizer material such as acrylic to give a luxe feeling and elegant design.
Multifunctional mini table lamp
Everyone who likes stationery will need a mini lamp for their desk. The cute mini table lamp can brighten the recipient's child study table and make it look outstanding. You can choose a table lamp in the shape of a mini animal such as a rabbit or other cute pets with an LED lamp for good lighting. Every study table that gets this multifunctional mini table lamp will be perfect because it increases children's willingness to learn.
Mini handbag diary
The mini handbag diary has a stylish look and could be the perfect gift for someone who likes stationery. The print of the diary allows children to write anything down to detailed notes, which helps them to write down any lesson or track all their daily activities. The kids can enjoy carrying these diaries wherever they go, and they don't take up much space in their bags.
Animal sticky note
Sticky notes are one of the stationery items needed at work or at home. For animal lovers, animal sticky notes will add a pop of color to the work and ensure users don't miss an important message or something to do.
Water cover notebook
Water cover notebook can grab anyone's attention. This notebook has an excellent design with various color choices, and has a glossy finish to help get a better grip when writing. The many design choices make water cover notebooks a good study habit and recipients can remain on top of their academic responsibilities.
Custom Stationery Recommendations for A More Personal Workspace
Stationery gifts are very suitable for any occasion, especially for recipients who like stationery for work, school or recording daily needs. By choosing the right and personalized stationery, it will give a positive impression to the recipient and will certainly be useful for their activities.

Corporate Gift
Custom Stationery Recommendations for a More Personal Workspace
Printing your own LOGO in the stationery gifts not only improves the recognition, but also becomes a unique gift.