

在快節奏的現代生活中,桌遊棋牌類遊戲無疑是一種輕鬆愉快的消遣方式。圍棋、象棋、撲克牌、麻將等經典遊戲,不僅能幫助我們放鬆心情,還能鍛煉思維和策略能力。而今天,我想和大家分享的是如何在Bestgift平台上訂製這些經典桌遊棋牌類遊戲,讓它們變得更加個性化和獨一無二。 圍棋:智慧的對決 圍棋作為一種的古老棋類遊戲,一直以來都備受歡迎。它不僅是一種策略遊戲,更是一種文化和智慧的象徵。這是一款精心設計的綠色便攜式圍棋與國際跳棋遊戲套装,棋盤上的藍色與紫色格子交相輝映,既清晰易辨又賞心悅目。更令人稱道的是,這款圍棋提供了訂製logo或圖案的服務,讓您能夠將個性或團體標識融入其中,彰顯獨一無二的風格。無論是自用還是作為禮物贈送,這款圍棋與國際跳棋遊戲套装都是極佳的選擇,定能為您的生活增添無限樂趣。 象棋:楚漢爭霸的演繹 象棋作為一種策略與智慧並重的棋類遊戲,深受各個年齡層的喜愛。這款迷你象棋以其經典的黑白方格棋盤與小巧的黑白塑料棋子呈現,營造出一種簡潔而優雅的氛圍。棋盤上棋子布局靈活,仿佛邀請玩家們加入一場智慧與策略的較量。此款迷你象棋的盒子支持訂製logo服務,讓擁有者能夠將個人或團體的標識融入其中,彰顯獨一無二的個性風采。無論是自用還是作為禮物贈送,這款充滿創意與個性的迷你象棋都是極佳的選擇。 撲克牌:千變萬化的遊戲 撲克牌作為一種經典的桌面遊戲,不僅玩法多樣,而且便於攜帶。在Bestgift平台上,你可以訂製專属于你的撲克牌。這些撲克牌可以在牌面印刷上你喜歡的圖案或者文字,甚至可以根據你的需求進行特別的排版和設計。無論是印上個人的照片、名字,還是特別的圖案和文字,都能讓這份禮品變得更加獨一無二,成為展現個性和品味的完美選擇。這樣的撲克牌不僅適合家庭聚會和朋友間的娛樂,也是一種非常特別的禮物。 麻將:國粹的傳承 麻將作為中國的一種傳統遊戲,不僅具有悠久的歷史,而且玩法豐富。在Bestgift平台上,你可以訂製各種精美的麻將牌。比如,你可以在麻將牌上印刷上自己的Logo或者特別的圖案,讓這份麻將成為你專属的遊戲工具。這些麻將彰顯出其精美的設計和卓越的品質,無論是作為自用還是禮物贈送,這款訂製麻將都能帶來無與倫比的遊戲體驗和視覺享受。 Bestgift平台作為一個專業的禮品訂製平台,不僅提供豐富的產品選擇,還擁有精湛的訂製技術和優質的服務。在這裡,你可以根據自己的需求和喜好,訂製專属于你的桌遊棋牌類遊戲。這些個性化的遊戲工具不僅能讓你在遊戲中更加享受樂趣,還能作為一種獨特的禮物送給親朋好友。 在Bestgift平台上訂製桌遊棋牌類遊戲,不僅是一種個性化的選擇,更是一種文化和智慧的傳承。無論是圍棋、象棋、撲克牌還是麻將,這些經典的遊戲都能在這裡找到專属于你的訂製方案。讓我們一起在Bestgift平台上,打造專属于你的遊戲世界吧!


在當今競爭激烈的市場環境中,企業如何能從眾多競爭對手中脫穎而出,贏得客戶的青睞?除了卓越的產品和服務,一份貼心且具有品牌特色的商務禮品也能為企業加分不少。今天,就讓我們透過一則真實的案例分享,來詳細介紹我們公司bestgift平台為Uber品牌訂製的一款商務禮盒套裝,看看它如何助力Uber品牌在市場上綻放光彩。 Uber,作為全球領先的出行服務平台,一直致力於為乘客提供便捷、高效的出行體驗。為了鞏固與合作夥伴的關係,同時提升品牌形象,Uber決定訂製一款具有品牌特色的商務禮盒套裝,以作為感謝和回饋合作夥伴的禮物。經過多方比較和選擇,Uber最終選擇了我們公司bestgift平台進行訂製。 這款Uber商務禮盒套裝包含了三款精心挑選的單品:鋼筆、咖啡保溫杯和筆記本。 鋼筆:這款鋼筆書寫流暢,設計簡約大方,筆身刻有Uber品牌的標誌,彰顯了品牌的精致與格調。無論是用於日常辦公還是簽署重要文件,都能讓使用者感受到Uber品牌的品質與專注 咖啡保溫杯:對於經常需要外出辦公或參加會議的合作夥伴來說,一款實用的咖啡保溫杯是必不可少的。這款保溫杯採用優質材料製成,保溫效果極佳,且杯身上印有Uber品牌的標誌,讓合作夥伴在享受美味咖啡的同時,也能時刻感受到Uber品牌的關懷與溫暖。 筆記本:筆記本作為記錄工作和生活點滴的重要工具,其品質和設計同樣重要。這款Uber品牌筆記本採用優質紙張和精致的封面設計,不僅書寫體驗極佳,而且封面上的Uber標誌也讓人眼前一亮,提升了筆記本的整體檔次。 這款Uber商務禮盒套裝適用於多種場景: 商務會議:在商務會議上,將這款禮盒作為會議資料的一部分贈送給與會者,不僅展現了企業的專業與細緻,還能讓與會者對Uber品牌留下深刻印象。 合作夥伴答謝:為了感謝合作夥伴的支持與幫助,將這款禮盒作為答謝禮物贈送給對方,不僅能表達企業的感激之情,還能加深雙方之間的合作關係。 員工激勵:在企業內部,將這款禮盒作為優秀員工或團隊的獎勵,不僅能激發員工的工作積極性,還能提升企業的凝聚力和向心力。 通過為Uber品牌訂製這款商務禮盒套裝,我們公司bestgift平台不僅展現了自身在禮品定制領域的專業實力,還為Uber品牌在市场上樹立了更加積極、專業的形象。我們相信,這款禮盒不僅能讓合作夥伴和員工感受到Uber品牌的關懷與溫暖,還能為企業帶來更多的商業機會和口碑效應。如果您也想為您的企業訂製一款獨具特色的商務禮品,不妨選擇我們公司bestgift平台,讓我們一起打造屬於您的品牌風采!
Uber 訂製禮品組合:實用與格調並存的完美選擇

Uber 訂製禮品組合:實用與格調並存的完美選擇

在當今這個講究個性化與品牌識別度的商業環境中,一款既實用又充滿品牌特色的禮品,無疑能夠更好地傳達企業的心意,並加深客戶對品牌的印象。今天,我們就來分享一個由Uber品牌在我們平台訂製的禮品組合套裝案例,看看這些精心設計的禮品如何在不同環境中發揮其獨特的魅力。 這次Uber品牌在我們bestgift平台訂製的禮品組合套裝,真可謂是精心挑選、匠心獨運。它包含了多款實用且兼具美感的禮品:黑白陶瓷馬克杯一對(配杯蓋和勺子)、抽繩背袋、USB手持風扇、防水化妝包、咖啡保溫杯、藍色純棉T恤以及印有Uber品牌logo的亞克力鑰匙扣。這些禮品不僅可以作為單品使用,更可以組合起來作為一套完整的禮品套裝,展現出Uber品牌的獨特風格和品味。  一、黑白陶瓷馬克杯一對(配杯蓋和勺子)這對馬克杯以經典的黑白配色呈現,簡潔而不失高雅。杯身上印有Uber的品牌標識,彰顯了品牌的獨特魅力。杯蓋和勺子的設計也十分人性化,既方便使用又能保持飲品的溫度。這款馬克杯適用於辦公室、家庭或咖啡廳等多種環境,無論是自用還是作為禮物送給親朋好友或商業伙伴,都是極佳的選擇。 二、抽繩背袋這款抽繩背袋以黑色為主色調,搭配Uber的品牌標識,簡潔而時尚。背袋的容量適中,可以裝下日常所需的各種小物件,如手機、錢包、鑰匙等。抽繩的設計使得背袋更加便於攜帶和存放,適用於出行、旅遊或日常通勤等多種場合。 三、USB手持風扇夏天來臨時,一款便攜式的USB手持風扇無疑能帶來清涼。這款風扇白色為主色調,既實用又美觀。它可以連接電腦或充電寶使用,隨時隨地為你帶來清風。適用於辦公室、學校、戶外活動或作為旅行時的小配件等多種環境。 四、防水化妝包這款防水化妝包采用高質量的防水材料製成,具有出色的防水性能。它可以保護你的化妝品免受水漬的侵擾,讓你在洗漱或戶外活動時更加安心。化妝包的設計簡潔大方,適用於各種環境,尤其是旅行或戶外運動時。 五、咖啡保溫杯這款咖啡保溫杯采用優質材料製成,具有出色的保溫性能。它可以讓你的咖啡或茶飲長時間保持溫度,讓你在任何時間都能享受到美味的熱飲。適用於辦公室、家庭、學校或戶外活動等多種環境。 六、藍色純棉T恤這款T恤以藍色為主色調,搭配Uber的品牌標識,簡潔而時尚。T恤采用純棉材質製成,穿著舒適透氣。適用於各種日常活動或戶外運動,如跑步、健身、休閒逛街或作為企業統一的工作服等。 七、亞克力鑰匙扣這款亞克力鑰匙扣以Uber的品牌logo為設計元素,簡潔大方。它可以作為一個小飾品掛在鑰匙串上,既實用又能彰顯品牌特色。適用於各種環境,無論是日常出行還是作為企業活動的小禮品都非常合適。 這些品牌訂製的禮品可以作為單品,也可以任意組合成套裝,適用於多種企業類型和環境。無論是科技公司、廣告公司、媒體公司還是金融公司等,都可以將這些訂製禮品作為員工福利、商業伙伴禮品、活動禮品或企業宣傳品等。不僅能夠展現企業的品牌形象和品味,還能夠增強員工和商業伙伴的歸屬感和忠诚度。 這些精心設計的禮品在不同環境中都發揮了其獨特的魅力,它們不僅實用而且兼具美感,能夠很好地傳達企業的心意和品味。如果你也想為你的企業訂製一款既實用又充滿品牌特色的禮品,不妨來我們bestgift平台看看吧!我們將為你提供最優質的服務和最滿意的產品。


隨著新年的腳步日益臨近,選擇一份既能表達心意又兼具實用性的禮品,成為了我們送給親朋好友或商業伙伴的最佳選擇。為了迎合這一需求,我們精心挑選了幾款專為新年設計的訂製禮品,每一款都融入了獨特的創意與精緻的工藝,旨在為您的新年送禮增添更多的驚喜與溫馨。 一、這是一款專為新年設計的禮品組合套裝,內含移動電源、鋼筆以及一個掛有如意結吊墜的USB。移動電源采用醒目的紅色,並配備有數位顯示屏以顯示電量,而鋼筆則為經典的金色配紅色,訂製了精美的圖案和文字。特別的是,USB上的裝飾如意結吊墜,寓意吉祥如意,為新年增添喜氣。整個禮品組合既實用又兼具美觀,且無論是單品還是禮盒,均可根據客戶需求訂製公司logo或圖案,是新年送給親朋好友或商業伙伴的理想選擇。 二、新年木框相片月曆,此月曆的獨到之處在於,用戶可以在卡片空白位置根據個性或企業需求訂製獨特的圖案、logo或是個人相片,使其成為一份兼具紀念意義與實用價值的新年禮品。相框底部的空白位置,也可以雕刻文字或logo,增添時尚與高檔感。無論是自用還是贈送親友、商業伙伴,都能展現出您的用心與品味。 三、這是一款集多功能於一身的月曆滑鼠墊,設計獨特且實用。它不只是一個可以翻看日期、装飾桌面的2025年精美月曆,其表面平滑適合作為滑鼠墊使用,大大提升了工作的便捷性。更令人驚喜的是,它還巧妙地融入了文具收納的功能,可以存放鋼筆等小物件,使桌面更加整潔有序。無論是自用或是作為禮物送給朋友、同事,這款月曆滑鼠墊都能展現出您的細心與品味,為日常生活增添一份獨特的風情。 四、设计新颖且功能多樣的大滑鼠墊你見過嗎?其核心特色在於其巧妙的融合了月曆與文件收納功能。墊子中央印製有清晰易讀的月曆,方便使用者隨時查看日期。而其左右兩側則設有寬敞的格子區域,專為收納重要文件或便箋而設,既節省了桌面空間,又確保了工作的井然有序。此外,該滑鼠墊采用橙色為基底,並配以白色的文字和圖案,色彩鮮明且充滿活力,能夠為辦公環境增添一抹亮色。整體而言,這款多功能滑鼠墊不僅實用性強,而且外觀時尚,無論是自用還是作為禮物贈送他人,都能展現出獨特的品味與心意。  以上四款新年訂製禮品,每一款都凝聚了我們對品質與創意的追求,旨在為您的新年送禮提供更多樣化的選擇。這些禮品不僅實用性強,而且兼具美觀與品味,無論是自用還是作為禮物送給親朋好友或商業伙伴,都能展現出您的心意與關懷。讓我們一起選擇一份特別的新年禮品,傳遞出我們的深情厚意與美好祝福吧!


隨著冬日的寒風漸漸遠去,春節的腳步悄然而至,這不僅是全家人團聚的溫馨時刻,也是企業向員工、客戶及合作夥伴表達謝意與祝福的黃金機會。在香港這個充滿活力與文化氣息的都市里,選擇合適的春節企業訂製禮品,不僅能加深彼此的情誼,更能彰顯企業的獨特文化與品味。以下幾款精心挑選的訂製禮品,定能讓您的春節祝福更加贴心且難忘。 1. 琿春裝飾 “琿春”二字,寓意著璀璨新春,萬象更新。一款設計精美、寓意吉祥的琿春裝飾,不僅可以為辦公環境增添節日氣氛,更是送給員工及客户的美好祝愿。選用優質材料,結合企業LOGO或專屬祝福語,讓這份禮物成為連接心與心的橋梁,讓溫暖與希望隨著新春的第一縷陽光照進每個人的心房。 2. 筆記簿:記錄新一年的點滴 一本質感上乘、設計獨特的筆記簿,是送給員工或合作伙伴的理想選擇。在這個數字化時代,手寫的溫度更加珍貴。企業可以在封面印上專屬圖案或寄語,鼓勵大家在新的一年里,不僅要奮鬥於事業,也要學會記錄生活中的美好瞬間,讓這份禮物成為他們日常中的一抹亮色。 3. 獎座:表彰卓越,激勵前行 春節前夕,為表彰過去一年中表現出色的團隊與個人,一座訂製化的獎座無疑是最有力的肯定。無論是精雕細琢的水晶獎座,還是富含文化氣息的木雕獎座,企業可以根據獲獎者的特質與成就,量身設計獎項名稱與銘文,讓這份榮耀不僅僅是物質上的獎勵,更是精神上的鼓舞。 4. 月曆:規劃未來,迎接挑戰 一本精美的企業訂製月曆,不僅是日常辦公的實用工具,更是企業文化與愿景的展示窗口。在月曆中融入企業理念、團隊風采或新一年度的戰略目標,鼓勵每一位員工以飽滿的熱情和清晰的目標迎接每一天。這樣的月曆,不僅能幫助大家更好地管理時間,更能激發團隊凝聚力,共同邁向更加輝煌的未來。 5. 利是封:傳遞喜氣,共享繁榮 春節期間,派發利是封是香港的传统习俗之一,它象徵著好運與財富。為員工與客戶訂製專屬利是封,不僅能體現企業的細心與周到,還能加深彼此的情感聯繫。選用環保材料,搭配寓意吉祥的圖案與祝福語,讓這份小小的紅包成為傳遞快樂與希望的使者,共同迎接一個充滿希望的新春。 春節企業訂製禮品不僅是一種物質上的贈予,更是情感與文化的交流。選擇適合企業特色與受贈對象喜好的禮品,不僅能加深彼此的情誼,更能展現企業的溫度與魅力,讓這個春節更加溫馨而有意義。


冬季的氣溫雖然寒冷新年將至,送禮總是讓人非常頭痛。想要送出既有心思又實用的禮物,何不嘗試一下個性化的訂製禮品?這些專為對方訂製的禮物,不但展現了你對對方的重視,更能讓他們感受到獨一無二的溫暖。以下為大家推薦幾款適合新年送禮的訂製單品,從圍巾、手套到保溫杯、抱枕,每樣都能成為對方新年裡的小確幸。 1. 訂製圍巾與手套 冬季的氣溫雖然寒冷,但一份貼心的溫暖總能讓人心頭發熱。選擇一條質地柔軟、顏色溫馨的圍巾,再配上一對同樣風格的訂製手套,無論是上班路上還是閒暇時光,都能為對方帶來無微不至的呵護。你可以在圍巾或手套上印上對方的名字、生日或一句溫馨的話語,這樣的禮物既實用又富有紀念意義,讓對方在寒風中依然感受到你的暖意。   2. 保溫杯訂製 保溫杯早已不再是單調的日用品,隨著設計的多樣化和個性化訂製服務的興起,它已經成為了一種時尚的選擇。為對方選擇一款外觀時尚、保溫效果良好的保溫杯,並在其上刻上對方的名字或是你們之間的小祕密,這樣的禮物既實用又能時刻提醒對方你的存在。無論是上班時的一杯熱咖啡,還是運動後的一杯冰水,這個保溫杯都能成為對方日常生活中的小確幸。 3. 訂製抱枕 一個充滿溫馨氣息的抱枕,不僅能為家居環境增添一份溫馨,更能成為對方疲勞時的最佳拍攝對象。選擇一款質地柔軟、圖案獨特的抱枕,並在其上印上對方的照片或是你們共同的美好回憶,這樣的禮物無疑會讓對方感到無比的溫暖和幸福。無論是放在沙發上,還是放在床頭,這個抱枕都能時刻陪伴著對方,成為對方心中最溫柔的存在。 4. 個性化日記本 新的一年,當然要有一本全新的日記本來記錄生活的點點滴滴。選擇一本質地優良、風格獨特的日記本,並在其封面或扉頁上印上對方的名字或一句鼓勵的話語,這樣的禮物既實用又能激勵對方在新的一年裡勇敢前行。無論是記錄日常的點滴,還是寫下對未來的憧憬,這本日記本都能成為對方心中最珍貴的記憶。 5. 訂製香薰蜡烛 香薰蜡烛不僅能為家居環境增添一份浪漫氣息,更能讓人在繁忙的生活中找到一份寧靜。選擇一款香味宜人、外觀精美的香薰蜡烛,並在其上刻上對方的名字或是一句溫馨的話語,這樣的禮物無疑會讓對方感到無比的驚喜和感動。無論是在夜晚的閒暇時光,還是在疲勞時的一刻放鬆,這個香薰蜡烛都能為對方帶來一份獨特的享受。 這些個性化的訂製禮品,不僅展現了你對對方的用心和關懷,更能讓對方在新的一年裡感受到你的溫暖和祝福。無論是選擇哪一款禮物,都請記得附上你親筆的祝福語,讓這份禮物成為對方新年裡最美好的回憶。
How to Boost Work Morale
fun ways to boost morale at work

How to Boost Work Morale in Unique Ways Possible

Employee morale is something that is not difficult to identify, and you should pay attention to it to prevent potential retention issues. If your employees seem pessimistic, unenthusiastic, and more easily stressed than usual, those are some signs of low morale. If this keeps happening, how can you get their best performances? This time we will tell you about how to boost work morale in your organization. The thing to aim for is motivation and encouragement to create a healthy and happy workplace culture. Why is boosting morale important? Boosting employee morale is important because we need to pay attention to employee well being to nurture a positive workplace culture. If employees are always comfortable with their workplace and always feel enthusiastic, employees will have high retention and will not hesitate to show their best performances. Employee morale is a measurement of how happy and engaged employees are in their area of ​​work. If you can measure employee's job satisfaction and commitment, you can ensure they are aligned with the company's vision, mission and needs. What boosts morale at work? There are many things that can boost morale at work such as recognition, engagement, work-life balance, perks and benefits, and growth opportunities prepared by the office for employees. Morale can increase quickly by small or big stuff. Start with something small like regular recognition, corporate gifts, and team building activities. If you have done some small steps, you can move on to big steps such as career growth, personal development, or great company policies. How important is workplace morale? Employee morale is every organization's reference for overall productivity and profitability. If employees have high morale, you don't need to worry about competitiveness in the market, because every employee will fight their best for the company's goal. Understanding about how to boost work morale is every company's task, and not only as good leadership. Focusing on employee morale is a great method that can lead to business gains. Workers with strong morale will likely finish their job with the best result because they are more willing to do so. On the other hand, if workers suffer from lack of motivation, unengaged, and no recognition in the company, they will easily look for another place of work and do not want to show their best potential and work as they please. How to boost work morale? Let's improve company culture by thinking about how to boost work morale in your organization. There are many things you can do to improve staff morale, and we have prepared a list below. Custom company T-shirt Customize T-shirts made specifically for employees during team building activities will boost their morale because they feel that they are part of the team and foster a sense of belonging. There are many design templates that you can choose from, and try to involve employees when choosing what they will wear. You can choose cotton or cotton blend for wearer comfort, plus with a company logo that you can still put on the T-shirt. BestGiftHK is the best place to create customized products for needs such as corporate gifts, advertisements, promotions, retirements, or any special occasion. BestGiftHK has more than a decade of experience in providing customized services and is available to customers worldwide. Healthy snacks for team You can keep employees focused by providing healthy snacks available in the office. Having food for employees will help them to work with regulate blood sugar plus keeps them energized and productive. Every employee will have hungry moments and not all can afford food in the middle of the day. Snacks will make every employee more pleasant, and they can take what they need. You can provide snack stocks in the canteen or give snack boxes once in a while per employee. Celebrate employee milestones Milestones are great moments to celebrate, and there are many you can choose from such as work anniversaries, promotions, birthdays, or big projects completed. Whatever milestones you choose to celebrate, ensure they will be memorable. Consider having a simple party such as providing a cake, food and beverages to commemorate employee milestones. The event you celebrate does not have to be extravagant, but it can still show that you care about whatever achievements your employees have. A suitable workplace Having a comfortable and aesthetic workplace is everyone's dream. You can fill your employee's work desk with products that make their work easier and helpful when they want to stay organized and on track. Don't forget to fill their desk with calmer working environment things such as desk plants, air humidifiers, oil diffusers, or AC to keep them cool. Creating a suitable workspace will provide space for employees in their comfort every day. Flexible work hours Many companies still think that the standard 9 to 5 is optimizing productivity, but that is wrong. An effective and efficient working hour for employees is how you can provide flexible time for them by building trust. Scheduling any check-in time and always communicating with employees directly will make it easier for you to have flexible work time, plus you can still plan both business and personal meetings without having to have fixed working hours like usual. Offer a raise A pay raise is the right way to boost employee morale. You can allocate between 3-5% increase or depends on the employee's performance. Although raise is a good way to increase performance, but doesn't mean it's necessary for everyone. You can provide a raise to show that employees who can show their best performance will get according to what they do. This method will be directly proportional, because if many employees produce good scores at the company, profits will increase, and the allocation for raises will always be achieved. 14 Unique Gifts for Employees That Show Your Appreciation Boosting employee morale is essential for the progress of the company, to increase employee retention, engagement, and comfort in the workplace. Every employee with high morale and retention will not hesitate to show their best performance and align with the company's goals. Every employee can be an inspiration to others, plus with a company that always supports any progress of its employees by any means.
New Employee Announcement
announcement of new staff

Creative Ways To Make A Fun New Employee Announcement

First impression always matters, especially if you have a new person in a team. The company has the responsibility to introduce new employees to their workplace debuts, introduce the organizational structure, coworkers, and the role that the new hire will hold later. Preparing training for new hires is a must, but it doesn't mean it always has to be serious. You can think of a memorable first impression with a fun new employee announcement, introducing a new team member with creativity and the main goal is to make them feel noticed and appreciated. Why are employee announcements important? Changes in the organization must be known by every member of the team because it is a step to improve productivity, engagement, and company developments. Your employees will understand who they will work with, and new hires will not feel awkward with the new workplace and new team members. Employee announcements will ensure that each employee understands how to support new members and utilize their new hie while connecting with each other. Why you should immediately announce new employee to the team? Any changes in the company must be communicated as soon as possible so that current employees can quickly adjust to their new team members plus newest team members feel welcomed in that team. Introducing new members in a team will facilitate employees to smooth transition for the team and what roles should be divided in the future. This will reduce misunderstandings, confusion, and conflicts that may occur during the onboarding process. What is an example of welcome announcement for new employee? Before we get into the fun new employee announcement, we need to prepare the right announcement to the team. As soon as the new hire accepts their job, send an email or message in the meeting room so that every team member knows. Some examples below are welcome announcements for your team: Hi team! We are welcoming new members next Monday as accounting specialist. She graduated from university A and has worked in major corporations like B and C. Let's welcome our new member and provide a pleasant onboarding process for her. Good morning everyone, good news for our team, because starting Monday we will have a new member of the team as sales manager. His name is Jim and he has had experience as a sales manager for the past few years. Hope our team can welcome him well, and he can inspire us with his knowledge. Don't forget to give the best impression starting from his first day working. Hello everyone, I'm glad to announce that our team will be adding a programmer named Tom starting on the 20th. He will help us in any projects with his expertise as a coder, since he has been experienced in that field for the past 5 years. Hope we can get along with him, and hope he can easily adapt to our team later. Fun new employee announcement for great first impression Now we will provide some fun new employee announcements as a bonding process between new hires and other team members. Impossible to forget The best way to announce new employees is to make the new hires' name and faces easy to remember by anyone. To get through the 'who is that guy name' phase, put the photo and name of the new hire in several corners of the office instead of making nametags during the onboarding process. Employees will find it easier to remember their new member and face, plus all the stickers on the wall or notebook will help every employee to remember their new member without having to avoid being near them for fear of mispronouncing their name. The onboarding packages Onboarding process doesn’t have to be just about training and job introduction, but you can also provide new hires with onboarding packages work needs such as stationery or tech accessories with company logo on it. Employees who feel their needs are met from the beginning of work will increase their enthusiasm and feel valued. To make a customized gift like this, leave it to BestGiftHK. We have more than a decade of experience in making custom corporate gifts for various needs such as welcoming gifts, promotions, retirement, advertisements, etc. BestGiftHK also has many product choices such as drinkware, houseware, tech accessories, clothing, and many more to provide the best gift for new hires or clients. In-person meeting Make new employees more confident in their new workplace by planning an in-person introduction meeting. Give them a chance to show and introduce themselves in front of everyone, and make them feel arrived at the company. You can format the meeting as fun as you like, such as every employee is free to ask anything they want to know about the new hires. Make that meeting as casual as possible, no pressure or seriousness, just a pure fun moment between the new hire and everyone in the office. The mingle meeting Post the announcements via email or bulletin board, and let the announcement for a few days until schedule a casual meeting when existing hires can mingle with new hires. Grab some snacks and beverages, bring everyone to the meeting room about an hour or more. Let the existing members introduce themselves one by one to the new hire, because that is more needed by the new hire than introducing themselves. After a few minutes, the mingling will happen naturally. Best Care Packages for Employees and Business Every first impression matters. If you want to introduce new members to the team, the announcement should be done as soon as possible. Let the new member and existing member get to know each other for smooth work in the future. Ensure new hires get attention from all members, feel welcomed, and have the confidence to blend in with the team. Plus, you have many opportunities to get a great impression from the new hire by how you create fun moments with them at the beginning of their employment. Creating memorable new hire announcements will be an unforgettable morning for new hires.
Onboarding Process for New Hires
employee onboarding

Steps to a Perfect Onboarding Process for New Hires

A new workplace can be challenging for many people, because they have to adapt to that place and how they have to adjust to everything there. The first day of work is the day that determines whether new employees will be comfortable or not in that place, and determines their future work results. To get enthusiasm from the first day of work, you need to think about the company onboarding process to make new hires feel good experience and feel appreciated since day one. What is a standard onboarding process? Don't let your new hires adapt on their own, because there must be at least one person who tells them about the organizational structure, workplace, rules, and their roles in the company. Setting up the new hires' workstations, introducing them to the team, and providing necessary resources is a standard onboarding program. The main goal is to make new hires not feel awkward or overwhelmed with their new place, and expedite their journey to peak job performance. What is the 4 steps onboarding process? If you want to create a perfect onboarding program, you can create these onboarding phases: pre-onboarding, welcoming new hires, training, transition to new role. Pre-onboarding As soon as the new hire accepts the job offer, send a welcome email with essential information about the company and what to expect on the first day. Introduce the new hire to project management software, communication platforms, or a dedicated email for them. Introduce the meeting schedule and agenda for their first week, plus training sessions. Welcoming new employees It's not a simple introduction, but how you make the new hire feel accepted into the team. If the new hire is a remote worker, you can introduce the new employee through video messages or Zoom meetings, or if you can meet the team in person, you can create a welcome lunch to build connections. The first day should be all about the onboarding process, making sure the new hire feels comfortable and engaged. A positive first impression is essential for their integration into the team. Training To educate new hires' roles and responsibilities, you need to provide comprehensive training in their first week until they have the knowledge and skills needed to perform their own job. You can create manageable modules for basic skills and knowledge areas, or create hands-on practice sessions so new hires have a chance to try their job in real scenarios. Always check their work and give feedback on their progress. Transition to new role The transition phase will involve the team and collaborating with the new hire. Allow the new hire to communicate with the team and help identify any issues. Assign one coworker to be a buddy to provide guidance, navigation, and answering questions. A good mentor can provide valuable insights and support for the new hire. Encourage a team to continue learning with team training sessions, workshops, and any learning resources. Give new hires a chance to be more open to the team even though they don't have many roles in the team yet. Any feedback during the onboarding process will accelerate improvements and necessary adjustments. Meet new hire needs with onboarding pack New hires need a lot of adaptation to be able to adjust to their jobs and their new workplace. You can prepare all the work needs of new hires with an onboarding pack containing customized stationery such as notebooks, water bottles, pens, wireless mice, wireless keyboards, glowing trophies, storage tables, or other work needs. You can customize it at BestGiftHK with various processing technologies such as ordinary imprinting, hot stamping embossing, ordinary printing, laser engraving, etc. Why BestGiftHK? Because we have more than 10 years of customization development experience and provide a variety of your office needs, plus can all be customized. We have a very excellent team of designers. In addition to corporate branding, we also provide personalized design services to ensure that your office stationery meets your unique style and needs. Employee onboarding tips & trick New employee onboarding is something you continue to do for the progress of the company because the more your business advances, the more employees you will have in the future. Consider these tips to streamline your onboarding process. Document your processes To enhance every aspect of the program you previously implemented, you need to document every process, including how new hires get their onboarding process until they can carry out the work according to their role. Collect feedback You need to ask everyone who takes part in the onboarding program for feedback to get new ideas and improvements. Not only to new hires, but also to managers and coworkers. You can continue to run programs that are good and produce positive impacts, and if there is something lacking, you can fix it and listen to employees' opinions on how to fix it. Involve multiple people Onboarding moment doesn’t have to be one or two people, the more people involved the better. Give every employee a chance to get along with the new hire to give them a chance to provide guidance and prepare them if they become managers and have their own team. Recognize new hires New hires also have the same opportunities as other employees. Tell them about what accomplishments they can get and let them compete healthily with their coworkers. This will build confidence for new hires to show their best potential since day one. Hear what new hires want to learn Even though you have training methods for new hires, you can connect with them for what they need, because not everyone has the ability to absorb information or new things quickly. You can appoint experts to teach new hires slowly, and understand what they need. If new hires can be guided from the beginning, then they also feel valued and learn faster. Best Care Packages for Employees and Business  A new hire onboarding program is essential to sets the tone between employee and employer relationship. The onboarding program can invite every team member to take part in introducing the workplace to their new coworkers, making them feel less awkward in a new place. New hires will feel more enthusiastic and ready for their new role.

