

想要讓你的員工穿著T恤時,除了在週末上班,你需要確保他們的服裝不會讓他們變得像一個無聊的機器人。這就是為什麼公司定制T恤是一個必不可少的選擇,可以為您的員工增添一些有趣和獨特的風格。 在本文中,我們將為您提供公司定制T恤全方位保姆級攻略,幫助您選擇合適的T恤款式、材質和顏色,設計和定制符合企業需求的T恤,以及確保T恤品質和交貨時間。讓我們一起來探索定制T恤的世界吧! 1,選擇合適的T恤款式、材質和顏色對於公司定制T恤至關重要。 首先,您需要考慮員工的需求和喜好。如果員工需要長時間穿著T恤,那麼選擇舒適、透氣的材質會更合適。常用的T恤材質包括棉質、聚酯纖維和混紡布料等,每種材質都有不同的特點和優缺點。例如,棉質T恤具有柔軟、透氣、吸濕性好的優點,但缺點是容易變形、褪色和起毛球;聚酯纖維T恤則比較堅韌、不易起皺,但不如棉質T恤舒適。因此,您需要根據員工的工作環境和活動需求來選擇合適的材質。 其次,您還需要考慮T恤的款式和顏色。T恤的款式可以根據員工的身形和喜好來選擇,例如圓領、V領、長袖、短袖等。而顏色的選擇則需要考慮到公司的品牌形象和員工的喜好。如果公司有明確的品牌色彩,可以選擇相應的顏色來進行定制。如果沒有特定要求,您可以考慮選擇一些比較基礎的顏色,例如白色、黑色、灰色等,這些顏色比較百搭,也比較容易搭配。 2,設計和定制T恤是一個需要仔細考慮的過程。 因為T恤設計不僅需要考慮到圖案、字體和顏色的選擇,還需要考慮到T恤的款式和材質等因素。如果您正在尋找一家可靠的公司定制T恤的供應商,建議您選擇一家提供專業設計和定制服務的公司。 當您選擇一家公司時,您需要瞭解他們的設計流程以及提供的設計範例。一些公司會提供現成的圖案、字體和顏色供您選擇,也有一些公司提供完全的定制設計,這需要您提供自己的圖案或者設計概念。 如果您不知道如何開始設計T恤,建議您選擇一家提供設計範例的公司。這些範例可以幫助您選擇合適的圖案、字體和顏色,同時也可以為您提供一些靈感和想法。您可以通過更改顏色、修改文字或調整圖案等方式來定制自己的T恤。 當您完成設計後,您需要考慮T恤的款式和材質。一些公司提供多種款式和材質的T恤,您可以根據自己的需求選擇最適合的款式和材質。同時,您還需要考慮印刷技術,以確保圖案能夠完美呈現在T恤上。 總之,設計和定制T恤是一個需要多方面考慮的過程,需要選擇一家提供專業設計和定制服務的公司,並仔細考慮T恤的款式、材質和印刷技術等因素,以確保最終的產品符合您的期望和需求。 憑藉與眾多大型企業的長期合作夥伴關係,BESTGIFT 能夠滿足您對創意設計的所有要求。您可以選擇多種印刷技術,包括絲網印刷、直噴、熱轉印、刺繡等;如果您有其他更具體的問題,歡迎WhatsApp (+852-95684618) 我們的客戶經理,我們將很樂意為您提供幫助。  


你是否有過這樣的經驗,當你在街上看到一群穿著相同T恤的人,你會好奇這群人是誰,他們在做什麼?而如果你看到一群穿著企業周年文化T恤的員工們,在狂歡慶祝他們企業成立的多年來的成功和成就,你是否會更加好奇和羡慕呢? 慶祝企業周年日是一種慶祝企業成立多年來的成功和成就的方式。這個日子不僅能讓員工感受到自己的價值和貢獻,還能向外界展示企業的實力和穩健性。定制企業周年文化T恤不僅能讓員工感受到自己的價值和貢獻,還能增強團隊凝聚力,提高品牌知名度和曝光率,甚至可以成為員工的珍貴紀念品。所以,如果你還沒有為企業周年日定制文化T恤,那麼這絕對是必要之選! 設計和製作企業周年文化T恤是一個重要的任務,它需要精心策劃和執行。以下是幾個步驟,讓你瞭解如何設計和製作企業周年文化T恤。 1,確定設計和款式:首先,你需要確定企業周年文化T恤的設計和款式。設計可以選擇將企業的標誌和口號融入其中,以便加強品牌形象和曝光度。款式方面可以根據員工的需求和品味來選擇,例如運動款式、休閒款式或時尚款式等等。 2,擇適當的材料:材料是決定T恤品質和舒適度的重要因素。要選擇高質量的面料,以保證T恤的品質和舒適度。還需要注意選擇材料的顏色和厚度,以符合設計和款式的要求。 3,定制印刷和標誌:印刷和標誌是企業周年文化T恤的重要元素,需要精心製作。可以選擇印刷和標誌的位置、大小和顏色等,以便更好地展示企業品牌形象和文化精神。 4,定制訂單和交貨:一旦設計和製作都完成了,就可以下訂單並安排交貨了。需要確定訂單的數量和尺寸等細節,以便準確地製作和交付企業周年文化T恤。 總之,設計和製作企業周年文化T恤需要精心策劃和執行,但也是一個有趣和生動的過程。通過確定設計和款式、選擇適當的材料、定制印刷和標誌以及定制訂單和交貨,你可以創造出一件既有品質保證又具有企業特色的周年文化T恤。 那麽,我們在定制方面選擇一家靠譜的定制公司也是非常重要的,因爲直接關係到成品的效果和品質。選擇合適的商家定制企業周年T恤時,可以考慮以下因素: 1,產品品質:優秀的商家應該提供高質量的T恤,以確保產品的品質和舒適度。這包括面料的質地、耐用性和舒適度等方面。可以請商家提供樣品或參考其他客戶的評價來評估產品的品質。 2,設計和印刷能力:商家需要擁有優秀的設計和印刷能力,以確保T恤的印刷效果和設計符合企業的需求和要求。可以要求商家提供印刷樣品或參考其他客戶的印刷品質來評估商家的能力。 3,交貨時間和服務:商家需要能夠及時交貨並提供良好的客戶服務。可以詢問商家的交貨時間和客戶服務政策,以確保專案能夠按時完成和達到企業的期望值。 憑藉與眾多大型企業的長期合作夥伴關係,BESTGIFT 能夠滿足您對創意設計的所有要求。您可以選擇多種印刷技術,包括絲網印刷、直噴、熱轉印、刺繡等;如果您有其他更具體的問題,歡迎WhatsApp (+852-95684618) 我們的客戶經理,我們將很樂意為您提供幫助。    


想要訂制一件專屬於您的T恤嗎?那麼,您需要瞭解T恤定制的必要流程。從選擇合適的款式和顏色,到設計、印刷和交付,每一個步驟都需要仔細考慮,以確保您獲得一件符合您期望的高質量T恤。在此過程中,您還需要與定制公司合作,以確保每個步驟都達到了您的期望和要求。 T恤定制可以根據自己的需要和喜好,自由地設計和製作T恤。這種服裝定制方式不僅可以讓客戶個性化地展現自己的風格和品味,還可以用於各種場合的活動、宣傳和紀念品。在商業上,T恤定制也成為了一種行銷手段,企業可以通過製作品質優良、設計獨特的T恤,提高品牌曝光率和忠誠度。總之,T恤定制是一種能夠滿足個性化需求、展示自我和增強企業形象的重要方式。 進入我們今天文章的主圖,我們來討論一下T恤定制的步驟,這裏可以分爲幾個步驟。 1,選擇T恤款式和顏色:在這一步驟中,您需要選擇T恤的款式和顏色。這將決定T恤的外觀和風格。品牌形象,使用場合,目標受眾,材質舒適度都是我們選擇的時候需要考慮的因素。 2設計:在這一步驟中,您需要設計T恤上的圖案、字體和其他細節。這可以是您的公司標誌、口號等等。 3,選擇材質:在這一步驟中,您需要選擇適合您定制T恤的材質。這可以是棉、聚酯纖維等等。 4,印刷:在這一步驟中,您需要選擇最適合您的T恤印刷方式。這可以是傳統的絲印印刷、數字熱轉印等等。 5,交付:最後一步,您需要與定制公司討論交付日期和方式。 瞭解了我們的定制步驟後,就來說說有哪些必要流程是需要我們注意的吧,例如與定制公司的聯繫、選擇定制公司等等。在這裏,我為大家提供一些有用的建議和提示,幫助大家選擇最適合自己的定制公司。 1,貨品品質:定制的T恤是代表你公司形象的產品,品質是非常重要的,建議選擇有品質保證的定制公司。 2,服務品質:對客戶的服務態度和反應速度也是評價一家定制公司的重要標準之一,建議選擇態度良好、服務周到的公司。 3,產品價格:價格是影響定制公司選擇的因素之一,但不要只注重價格,要綜合考慮產品品質、服務品質等因素。 4,公司信譽:在選擇定制公司時,可以通過查詢該公司的口碑和信譽,瞭解其定制服務的品質和效果。 憑藉與眾多大型企業的長期合作夥伴關係,BESTGIFT 能夠滿足您對創意設計的所有要求。您可以選擇多種印刷技術,包括絲網印刷、直噴、熱轉印、刺繡等;如果您有其他更具體的問題,歡迎WhatsApp (+852-95684618) 我們的客戶經理,我們將很樂意為您提供幫助。
Best gift定制T恤提升指南,附個性T恤定制攻略

Best gift定制T恤提升指南,附個性T恤定制攻略

你是否曾經想過,在熱鬧的城市街頭上,穿上一件獨一無二的T恤,讓自己成為眾人矚目的焦點?或者你是否在尋找一個能夠展現團隊凝聚力和身份認同感的方式?那麼,定制T恤便是你最好的選擇之一!定制T恤能夠讓你獨立於市場上無限迴圈的大量製造的服裝之中,同時又能夠讓你的團隊成員們感受到一份獨特的凝聚力。但是,你知道如何定制T恤嗎? 在這篇文章中,我們將為你提供一個全方位的T恤定制攻略,並且推薦一家值得信賴的定制公司——best gift,讓你的T恤設計和製作過程變得更加輕鬆和愉悅。 首先,我們將為您介紹一些有用的定制T恤的技巧和建議,幫助您打造最獨特的T恤。 1,確定你的目的和需求:首先,你需要明確你的定制T恤的目的和需求。你是為了展示你的品牌還是為了讓你的團隊成員感受到一份凝聚力?根據你的需求,你可以選擇不同的T恤款式和設計。 2,選擇合適的T恤款式和材料:T恤款式和材料的選擇非常重要。如果你需要定制運動T恤,那麼選擇透氣且舒適的材料是必不可少的。如果你需要定制絲綢或薄紗款式的T恤,那麼選擇柔軟的材質是很重要的。另外,你還需要考慮T恤的顏色和尺寸。 3,設計一個簡單而具有代表性的圖案:當你設計T恤時,請確保圖案簡單明瞭,並具有代表性。你可以選擇使用公司的標誌或者其他符號來設計圖案,以便讓人們能夠立即識別你的品牌或公司。 4,選擇適當的字體和顏色:在設計文字時,選擇一種適當的字體和顏色是非常重要的。如果你的T恤背景顏色比較深,那麼你需要選擇亮色的字體。同樣的,如果你的T恤背景顏色比較亮,那麼你需要選擇暗色的字體。 5,與定制公司溝通:最後,與定制公司進行溝通非常重要。在你進行設計和定制T恤之前,與定制公司的設計師和客服人員進行溝通,確保你的需求和期望被充分理解和滿足。 其次,爲什麽選擇best gift? 選擇best gift有以下幾點優勢: 1,多樣化的選擇:Best Gift定制提供多種款式、顏色和尺寸的T恤,客戶可以根據自己的需求選擇最合適的產品。 2,高質量的面料和印刷技術:Best Gift定制使用高質量的面料和印刷技術,確保印花圖案不會褪色、剝落,而且T恤質地柔軟舒適,能夠讓員工穿著更加舒適。 3,定制方便:客戶只需提供想要印刷的設計或文本,Best Gift定制將協助客戶完成整個定制流程,包括設計、生產、印刷和送貨。 4,經濟實惠:Best Gift定制提供實惠的價格,同時還提供批量折扣,可以幫助客戶節省成本,降低開支 憑藉與眾多大型企業的長期合作夥伴關係,BESTGIFT 能夠滿足您對創意設計的所有要求。您可以選擇多種印刷技術,包括絲網印刷、直噴、熱轉印、刺繡等;如果您有其他更具體的問題,歡迎WhatsApp (+852-95684618) 我們的客戶經理,我們將很樂意為您提供幫助。  


你是否曾經在購買T恤時,被那些千篇一律的設計所厭煩?如果是這樣,那麼印花工藝就是您讓T恤脫穎而出的關鍵。 隨著印花技術的不斷發展,市面上已經有多種印花工藝供您選擇,例如熱轉印、噴墨印花和刺繡等。然而,如何選擇適合您的T恤印花工藝卻是一項需要認真考慮的任務。在本文中,我們將向您介紹幾種常見的印花工藝,幫助您理解它們的優缺點,並為您提供有用的建議,以便您選擇最適合您的T恤印花工藝。 以下是幾種常見的工藝解析 1,熱轉印工藝:這種工藝可以將圖案直接印在T恤面料上,並且可以在多種顏色和紋理的面料上使用。這種工藝的優點是價格低廉,印刷品質較高,同時還可以實現快速的生產和交貨時間。缺點是耐久性可能不如其他工藝,有些熱轉印圖案可能會在多次洗滌後出現龜裂或褪色。 2,噴墨印花工藝:這種工藝可以在T恤面料上印刷高解析度的圖像,能夠呈現非常精細的細節和顏色。該工藝適用於需要列印高質量、多色和複雜圖案的T恤。優點是圖像清晰,可以印刷出細節豐富的設計。缺點是相對於其他工藝,噴墨印花的成本更高,而且需要較長的生產時間。 3,刺繡工藝:這種工藝將圖案刺繡在T恤上,使用高強度的線材,使得圖案非常耐用。該工藝適用於需要印刷簡單圖案和文字的T恤。優點是刺繡圖案非常耐久,而且具有高質量和高檔次的外觀。缺點是刺繡的成本通常較高,生產時間也相對較長。 接下來,我們來說說如何選擇適合自己的T恤印花工藝,需要考慮哪些因素?下麵提供一些有用的建議,幫助您選擇最適合自己的工藝吧 1,考慮T恤用途不同的T恤用途可能需要不同的印花工藝。例如,如果您需要為您的企業員工購買統一的T恤,那麼您可能需要選擇成本較低、易於大規模生產的印花工藝,例如熱轉印或者絲網印花。但是,如果您需要為您的樂隊或團體定制個性化的演出服裝,那麼您可能需要選擇刺繡或者手繪等更加複雜、精細的印花工藝。 2,設計圖案的複雜程度不同的印花工藝對於設計圖案的要求不同。例如,熱轉印適用於簡單的圖案和文字,而複雜的圖案和細節可能會受到限制。噴墨印花則可以處理複雜的圖案和漸變色彩,但是對於純色塊的處理可能不如熱轉印精准。 3,印花成本不同的印花工藝價格也不同。例如,熱轉印和噴墨印花相對較便宜,而刺繡和手繪則相對較貴,需要考慮您的預算和成本限制。 4,工藝的耐久性和品質不同的印花工藝也會影響T恤的耐久性和品質。例如,熱轉印和噴墨印花可能會在多次洗滌後褪色或者剝落,而刺繡和手繪則可以保持更長久的品質和色彩。需要考慮T恤的使用壽命和品質要求。 憑藉與眾多大型企業的長期合作夥伴關係,BESTGIFT 能夠滿足您對創意設計的所有要求。您可以選擇多種印刷技術,包括絲網印刷、直噴、熱轉印、刺繡等;如果您有其他更具體的問題,歡迎WhatsApp (+852-95684618)我們的客戶經理,我們將很樂意為您提供幫助。    


如果你的團隊能夠穿上同款T恤,一起出現在活動中,那該是多麼有趣的場景呢? 在團隊活動中,穿上同款T恤已經成為了一種趨勢,不僅能夠讓團隊更加有凝聚力,還可以提高品牌曝光度和活動氛圍。而為了達到這個目的,定制團體T恤已經成為了各種活動的必備元素。但是,定制團體T恤也需要注意一些要點和細節,才能讓活動更加圓滿和成功。今天,我們就來一起瞭解一下2023定制團體T恤你必須要知道的一些知識點吧~ 我們就從一下幾個點分別展開說一說,例如如何選擇T恤款式和顏色,設計團隊T恤圖案,印花工藝和定制數量和預算的4個方面。 首先是選擇T恤款式和顏色, 在選擇合適的T恤款式和顏色時,需要考慮團隊的特點和活動需求。比如,如果是一支年輕時尚的團隊,可以選擇較為時尚的款式和鮮豔的顏色;如果是一支專業性強的團隊,可以選擇比較正式的款式和深色系的顏色。 此外,還需要考慮T恤的品質和尺碼問題。品質好的T恤不僅可以穿得更加舒適,而且在洗滌和保養方面也更加方便。尺碼的選擇也很重要,如果T恤尺碼過大或過小,不僅會影響穿著舒適度,而且還會影響T恤的外觀效果。 接著是如何設計團隊的T恤圖案, 我們可以在圖案中加入團隊標誌或口號等元素,以突出團隊特點;或者在圖案中加入活動主題相關的元素,以增強活動宣傳效果。一般來說,圖案可以印在T恤的正面、背面或袖子上,具體位置可以根據團隊特點和活動需求進行選擇。而圖案的尺寸應該適中,不要過大或過小,以保證圖案清晰可見,同時也不會影響T恤的整體美觀度哦 然後,選擇印花工藝也是我們非常關鍵的一步,以下是幾種常見的印花工藝及其特點、優缺點和適用範圍的簡單分析: 1,絲網印花:是傳統的印花工藝,通過絲網將油墨壓印到T恤上。這種工藝可以印刷出較為清晰的圖案,印花效果持久耐用,而且印刷速度較快。缺點比如不適合印刷細節較多的圖案,而且在顏色層數較多的情況下會出現顏色不穩定的情況。適用於印刷簡單的圖案和文本。 2,數碼直噴印花:是近年來比較流行的印花工藝,直接將圖案列印在T恤上。這種工藝可以印刷出色彩鮮豔、細節清晰的圖案,而且可以印刷出漸變、照片等效果。但是,印花成本較高,且印花效果並不是很持久。適用於印刷複雜圖案和照片。 3,熱轉印花:是將印有圖案的熱轉印紙通過熱壓將圖案轉印到T恤上的工藝。這種工藝可以印刷出精細的圖案,而且可以印刷出立體感較強的圖案。印花效果同樣不太持久,而且在洗滌時容易褪色。適用於印刷精細的圖案和立體感強的圖案。 4,刺繡:是通過針線將圖案繡在T恤上的工藝。這種工藝可以印刷出細節清晰、質感強烈的圖案,而且印花效果非常持久。缺點就是印刷成本較高,而且只適合印刷簡單的圖案。適用於需要高質感的圖案和對印花效果要求高的情況。 最後就是來說一下定制數量和預算方面的問題啦, 在考慮定制數量和成本時,首先需要考慮團隊規模和預算。根據團隊規模確定需要定制的T恤數量,同時根據預算確定每件T恤的價格。 一般來說,定制數量越多,每件T恤的成本就會越低,因此需要根據團隊規模合理地安排定制數量,以獲得更優惠的價格。 憑藉與眾多大型企業的長期合作夥伴關係,BESTGIFT 能夠滿足您對創意設計的所有要求。您可以選擇多種印刷技術,包括絲網印刷、直噴、熱轉印、刺繡等;如果您有其他更具體的問題,歡迎WhatsApp +852-95684618我們的客戶經理,我們將很樂意為您提供幫助。
10 Best Coworking Spaces In Hong Kong
Corporate Gift

10 Best Coworking Spaces In Hong Kong

Looking for a comfortable place for meetings or work with the conveniences of a typical office space? Coworking spaces is the right answer. Luckily in Hong Kong, they have followed the trend, and given us many choices to find a coworking space with an incredible experience. You will find countless benefits when trying to work or meet in a comfortable place, cool perks, fully-stocked fridges, and also the community spirit. Let's scroll through to find a full guide on coworking space in Hong Kong, and find your new work home. Why is coworking space important? After the pandemic, many companies began to embrace hybrid work, which is a flexible work model that supports employees for remote, in-office, or on-the-go work. It offers employees to choose how, where, and when they work to get their most productive time and energy. Besides coffee shops and cafes, coworking spaces fill the needs of every worker with unusual add-on features and services at the lower cost. Almost all spaces are ready with Wi-Fi, basic office equipment like stationary, printers, scanners and storage lockers. Don't forget the food and beverages that are ready to elevate your mood and inspire you to be more productive. Even though the concept of coworking space is good, not everyone can make good use of it. Every place has pluses and minuses, especially if we want to work outside the office. Let's take a look about the benefits and drawbacks when we choose to work in a coworking space. Coworking Pros and Cons We can assume coworking spaces around Hong Kong have helped many companies start implementing hybrid work. The value of the pros significantly outweighs any cons, but we need to know all about it. Pros : Coworking provides benefits to both companies and employees. On the employee side, it's about having freedom to choose the best place to work, and for companies, it's about cost savings. Remote workers and hybrid work models are becoming more popular, but not everyone has professional settings for their work. Coworking allows them to work remotely in a professional setting and accommodates almost all work hours. Companies don't need to think about maintenance or facility upkeep, and they can develop their business for other focuses. Workers can choose diverse space types, from group spaces to individual workstations. Some coworking spaces provide membership models to provide special features that offer flexibility and improve networking opportunities. Cons : Not everyone can work in crowded places. The openness of the space is a major problem for people who can't focus in crowded places. Some people think that diverse spaces and diverse people working means distractions. There will be a lack of privacy, and we can't control how much noise and distraction is in the space you choose. There is the potential for personality conflicts because there is no dedicated personal space or lack of permanence for people who don't like having to move around at work. Desk availability cannot be ensured that it is always there even with a reservation. Is working outside the office worth it? But because the demand for flexible work environments is getting higher every year, we need to know which are the best places for coworking in Hong Kong. Top 10 Coworking Spaces In Hong Kong theDesk (Admiralty, Sheung Wan, Causeway Bay, Sai Wan, Hung Hom Bay, Central. Facebook: theDesk, Instagram: @thedeskhk, theDesk has a minimalist, clean, and distraction-free concept. Some of these features have been able to complete the needs of remote workers to get all they need. The sleek and stylish place that provides support network dedicated to helping any individuals and businesses to thrive. It's the best place for workers who like minimalist aesthetic places and build up networks. Atlaspace (16/F, Tower 5, The Gateway, Harbour City, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon, Hong Kong, 3921 5555, Facebook: ATLASPACE, Instagram: @atlaspaceasia, Atlaspace provides a flexible workspace with five-star quality. It has over 50,000 sq ft of co-working and provides private serviced office space inside. Imagine you get electrinoc height-adjustable desks, soundproof phone booths, and executive boardrooms. You will feel working in a well-known company with a spectacular harbor view. There's also a members-only lounge area with a multi-functional meeting room rental that has a fully equipped AV system to support your meeting needs. The Hive (Central, Wan Chai, Kennedy Town, Sheung Wan, Sai Kung, & more, The Hive has multiple locations across Hong Kong, with 9 spaces for you to choose from. The Hive has international experience for their unique office spaces, ideal for lunch, and an amazing place for holding informal meetings, community events, and the best scenery for professional photographers. Enjoy their Hive Studios and MakerHive locations for more feature specialized services that match your needs. Eaton Club (Central, Kowloon, Wan Chai, Eaton Club is a beautiful coworking that mimics private lounges. You can feel a hybrid between a workplace and a private member's lounge into one. The important stuff from Eaton Club is food and beverage options, complemented by their fantastic service. Garage Society (Central, Sai Ying Pun, Sheung Wan, Wan Chai, Garage Society is one of the places that will find a space that suits your needs. They have different themes and communities at every location. You will get customized spaces that give you the opportunity to socialize, collaborate and network with other companies. It's a perfect creative space with lots of experience. Banyan Workspace (Suite 1204, 28 Hoi Chak Street, Quarry Bay, Hong Kong, 2159 5599, Facebook: Banyan Workspace, Instagram: @banyanworkspace, You can experience a luxurious aesthetic place that will elevate your productivity. Multiple Workspaces is a dream home for businesses looking for a strong social space with a gorgeously-designed workspace. There are several launched initiatives from Banyan Workspace that you need to try, such as Banyan Lifestyle and The Green Office Project. It's designed to engage more people to join the consumer movement. Campfire Collaborative Spaces (Wong Chuk Hang, Kennedy Town) This place embodies Hong Kong with their branding with entrepreneurial spirit. Their features are tailored for startups and young businesses to gain network. It's the best place for freelancers and young startups who are just trying to hybrid work. The Excecutive Centre (Facebook: The Executive Centre, Instagram: @theexecutivecentre, As the name implies, The Executive Center is a Business Class of co-working spaces with a premium choice for professionals looking for cozy areas, sleek office spaces, and coveted business addresses. It has dedicated co-working libraries, soundproofed virtual call rooms, and an Appolo 20 collaboration space pod. Spaces Sun House (90 Connaught Road Central, Sheung Wan, Hong Kong, 2245 3303, Facebook: Spaces, Instagram: @spaceworks, Spaces Sun House offering dynamic shaped and inspiring spaces to work with their newly refurbished commercial building. It's a perfect place for those of you who want a meeting room, a private office, or a place to plug in your laptop and other work stuff. Don't forget to try a fresh cup of brewed coffee and take the sweeping sea views. Oonique (11/F, Kyoto Plaza, 491-499 Lockhart Road, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong, 6889 8062, Facebook: Oonique HK, Instagram: @ooniquehk, Oonique has flexible hours, and provides hourly to monthly hot-desk rentals at affordable rates. It's the best place for freelancers, stundets, and remote workers looking for a co-studying/co-working space with no booking required. If you want a private space for team meetings or study groups, you can reserve the sound-reduced library which can accommodate up to 15 people. Looking for coworking spaces for hybrid or remote work needs is necessary to inspire us to get productive time and get the job done. Some of the recommendations above can be a reference for you in choosing the best place to work, complete with features, desk, food and beverages, to corporate souvenirs. Choose the best space to be your new work home.
Ways to Make Team Meetings More Engaging
Corporate Gift

Ways to Make Team Meetings More Engaging

In the working world, team meetings are important to do at least once a month. Employees can get together to discuss the progress they are making and convey difficulties or problems encountered in completing the assigned tasks. We expect a high-quality discussion will occur, so that ideas can be delivered, problems can be resolved, and goals can be achieved.  Even though it is necessary, team meetings can be a waste of working time. It often happens when everyone’s shown up to attend the team meeting, not all team members are involved in the discussion. They might just nod their heads, write something, stare at colleagues around them, or even daydream throughout the meeting. That's why we need to plan and manage our team meetings well, and make team meetings more engaging.   What does engage in meeting mean? The word "engage" in meeting describes how participants put their attention and willing to be actively involved in the meeting activities. If a meeting is engaging, the participants will active in discussing, expressing opinions, and even listening carefully to what is conveyed in the topic. Otherwise, we can easily see that participants are disengaged from the meeting. They will start doing other things like make irrelevant conversations and have no interest in speaking up when needed. Meetings that don't have enough engagement can be unproductive, and reduce the value of collaboration between teams. Maybe only some of the team members understand what was conveyed, and others will find it difficult to digest the next plan and hinder further plans. To help your team get the most attention and engagement, you need to motivate your team.   How do you motivate and engage teams? There are several things we can do to motivate and engage our team. Communicate with the team members Everyone agrees that effective communication is the key to team success. By frequently communicating with the team, we can hear their ideas, opinions, and get feedback. We will find out what they are currently working on, and keep them up-to-date on what they need to get done. Ensure we are open and approachable in communicating with them, to make our team feel involved and will be motivated to achieve better results. Give positive feedback and reward An important thing that is often overlooked is giving positive feedback. Ensure we tell team members that we are happy with what they do and they have contributed to the success of the team. It counts when they achieved good results, put in a good performance, or put in the extra effort. Not only saying a “good job”, but providing rewards, such as monetary rewards, perks, or gifts for their hard work and efforts. This will make them feel appreciated and motivated to do better in future work. Give the space for the team members to thrive Giving our team enough space and autonomy can make them feel trusted and get the job done on their terms. This can inspire them to find more efficient ways of completing tasks and doing their best work. We can't expect every team member to develop quickly. Give them enough time to develop, but if you think it's taking too long, you should find another way to motivate them. Each team member has their own strengths and weaknesses, and you as the leader must understand what they need. To make the team members successful in achieving goals, we need to make our team meeting more engaging. Here are simple tips how to make team meetings more engaging.   Tips for How To Make Team Meetings More Engaging Design specific roles for everyone Increase our team members’ sense of responsibility by assigning roles to them in every meeting. They can be involved in specific roles, such as timekeeper, facilitator, or note taker alternately from meeting to meeting. Be sure that everyone can get the role, no matter whether they are a senior or junior employee. Don't give team members space to be idle during meetings, and involve them at every moment. Start with an Icebreaker When used properly, icebreakers can effectively increase team engagement in meetings. We can design a quick game, activity, or question that is not only fun but also gives everyone a chance to talk. Find many ideas for fun meeting icebreakers. For instance, we give a fun question like “If you have more salary than before, what will you do?” and give everyone a chance to answer. By using the icebreaker, all team members are expected to be connected and ready to fully participate in meeting activities. Give team members a souvenir or corporation gift Provide corporate gifts or souvenirs for team members at meetings. Giving a corporate gift can strengthen the emotional connection between the company and the team members. It can be used as an appreciation gift to team members for performing good work so far. Be sure to find a decent gift or souvenir, to make them feel valued and appreciated. Don’t be surprised that this will result in higher team meeting engagement. Choose the right time and keep the meetings short Scheduling a team meeting at the right time also needs to be done. Choose the most productive times, such as mid-morning. Avoid choosing a time after the lunch break, because most employees don't perform at their best. Consider the meeting duration also important. The longer the meeting gets, the less productive and drain a lot of energy the meeting will be. Set up meeting agenda with points to be discussed before starting the meeting. It will avoid unnecessary discussions and make decision-making quicker. Productive team meetings play a significant role in team success. That will only happen if everyone on the team fully participates in it. We expect an energized meeting, where all team members are really "there" to get some values, not only to fulfill the monthly or weekly ritual. Follow these actionable tips to make team meetings more engaging, and everyone will feel included and not left out.
Tips to Deliver a Successful Corporate Events Seminar
Corporate Gift

Tips to Deliver a Successful Corporate Events Seminar

Seminars or webinars are something that companies need to hold or participate in to introduce their products and services to a wider range. With you at the seminar, the audience can learn about the services or products that are your main topic. Preparing a successful corporate events seminar is a major requirement so that everything we want to convey is delivered properly without any cracks or misses. Whether it's your first seminar or your tens, planning is always necessary. Before we go into some tips when you are leading a seminar, we also need to know what are the elements in the seminar, and what is the main purpose of the seminar. Let's get into it. What are the elements of corporate events seminar? Everyone agrees that seminars are an influential way of conveying your message to a group of audience. The combination of presentations and interactive hosts can grab the audience's attention and deliver the messages clearly. There are several essential elements that must be present in a seminar presentation, so that you can be interesting, convey something interactively, and the presentation will run smoothly. Content organization The foundation of leading a successful corporate events seminar is educating various people with different backgrounds and understanding levels. That's why using complex conventions and technical jargons is something that is most avoided, and you should focus on creating content that is reader friendly. For that, you have to do a topic selection by studying the type of audience that you will explain, summarize the information you want to convey in a logical manner until every point is visible, and do research for various details to be applied in the presentation by providing facts and numbers. Slide Designing For Presentation Speaking in front of a crowd without using a presentation will look stiff and not everyone wants to listen to such a model seminar. Plan a successful seminar by using slide designing like PowerPoint, because the combination of images, text and videos can attract the attention of the audience. Ensure the color and text is synchronized, don't have too many pictures or text, balance it with graphics or tables. The duration of each slide should not be too long, and not too fast, so that everyone has the same understanding as the normal delivery time. Presenter is the Key to Make a Difference Even if you have prepared a presentation without error, you need to have a way to handle technical hindrances when you forget your line. Keep calm and confident, keep an eye on these things : Do a lot of research, and rehearse it more than once before presentation, maintain eye contact with the audience, have a comfortable body language. Don't forget to lighten up the situation by giving a few funny quotes, or take queries from the audience over time until the disruption is corrected. What is the main purpose of corporate events seminar? The main purpose of seminars is to enable the audience to improve their understanding and knowledge of a topic led by staff by engaging with key issues. Business people can make seminars a promotional step or create an effective marketing plan. The seminar will be considered successful if the audience understands what the host is saying, asks about something that is not known, there is interaction and more desire to find out about the topic you are bringing. Seminars will extend your networking opportunities, because after you lead a successful seminar, you can become a point of attention and other meeting professionals who are interested in your topic. It's not easy to prepare for a seminar and be able to reach a point of success. Let's look at some tips to lead you to success in seminars. 5 Tips to Leading a Successful Corporate Events Seminar Discussing a topic alone is not enough to get the audience's attention. Here are 5 steps to reach it. Determine 5 W of your Seminar The first W (WHY) is clarifying the objective. Does your topic aim to educate the clients? Generate new clients? Or build a business relationship? You must prepare the answers to this question clearly because it has a big impact on your effective seminar. The second W (WHAT) is the topic. Choose an innovative, educational, and well-researched topic. Choose a topic that is light and not too complex to align the understanding level. The third W (WHO) is the target audience. After your topic is selected, ensure your topic is in accordance with the target audience. Identify your persona according to your audience. If the seminar is attended by CEOs, HR Directors, educators, small businesses, or others, you must adjust to the audience and use appropriate language. Comfortable speaking is a must to provide general information without any gaps between the presenter and the audience. The fourth W (WHEN) is the time slot. Identify the time period, don't exceed the allotted time. Allocate the time to convey your topic and objectives, ensure you have enough time for Q & A, and provide corporation gifts or souvenirs for brand awareness and appreciation to the audience. The fifth W (WHERE) is the location. Choosing a location that suits your target audience. Choose a location that can generate new clients centrally located to your client base, with a conducive atmosphere and suitable for seminars. Put a rough budget Even though you have prepared a profit goal in mind, prepare a rough budget for the expenses without sacrificing profit. Fill in the unknown budget for research needs, find the right location for the seminar, and buy souvenirs in large quantities as a sign of appreciation for the audience. Select a proper date Select two dates, the first is the optimal date to make sure attendees are more than you expected, and they have free time so you can deliver topics according to your wishes. The second date for backup if something happens. Research location, speakers, and vendors After you are sure to do a webinar or seminar, you need to research everything you have to say, starting from the ideal geographic location, how many people will come to the seminar, ask the venue whether it provides WiFi with a stable connection, choose speakers who can serve as backers up you when the presentation starts, review your contract and ask anything before signing. Start promotion Promote your webinars or corporate events seminars to establish your brand and build a broader audience. Use email and social media to promote your event. If it's necessary, make promo videos to attract the attention of more people. Don't forget to prepare corporate gifts, souvenirs, or anything that can attract people to attend your seminar or webinar.

