杯子不僅僅是一種禮品,它們是品牌的代言人。 通過在杯子上印上企業徽標、標語或自定義設計,企業可以將品牌形象植入人們的日常生活。 這不僅是一種品牌宣傳手段,還是一種品牌建設的策略。 定製的杯子能夠傳達企業的價值觀、使命和願景,塑造積極的品牌形象。
企業可以選擇不同類型的杯子來滿足不同的需求和場景。 以下是一些常見的企業杯子類型及其應用場景:
玻璃杯: 玻璃杯是最經典的杯子類型,它們非常適合日常飲咖啡、茶和其他熱飲。
不鏽鋼杯: 外形堅硬,價格較低,性價比非常高。非常適合做活動贈品、員工入職禮物等。
保溫杯: 可以在較長時間內保持飲品的溫度。它們適用於戶外活動、旅行和在路上工作的員工。
紙杯: 紙杯輕便且價格較低,適用於大型活動、野餐和戶外場合。
咖啡杯: 非常適合喜歡飲咖啡的人群,外形時尚高級,是非常受歡迎的定制杯子類型。
馬克杯: 馬克杯是一種帶有手柄的陶瓷杯,適合供應咖啡和茶。它們是非常經典的禮品,可用於員工獎勵或展會促銷活動的贈品。
陶瓷杯套裝: 這種套裝包括陶瓷茶杯和茶勺,非常適合商務送禮或是節日禮盒。
酒杯: 酒杯可以定制成不同形狀和尺寸,刻上不同的文字或是圖案。適合年底嘉獎員工,或是商務送禮。
塑料水杯: 塑料水杯適用於各種場合,從會議和活動到運動賽事。現在有非常多環保材質選擇,包括FFC和RPET,它們可以重複使用,有助於減少塑料瓶的使用。
企業在推廣品牌、提升員工滿意度和與客戶建立聯繫方面一直在尋求創新的方式。 其實通過定製包袋來傳達獨特的品牌形象,是一種非常高性價比的方式。
提高品牌知名度: 定製包袋能夠讓您的品牌更加引人注目。 無論是在街頭、展覽會還是社交媒體上,人們會注意到帶有您標誌的包袋,從而提高品牌的知名度。
客戶關係: 定製包袋是一種令人印象深刻的禮物。 贈送給客戶或合作夥伴的包袋不僅顯示出您的感激之情,還加強了與他們的關係。
員工滿意度: 定製包袋也可以用作員工獎勵和激勵的工具。 個性化包袋傳達了公司對員工的重視,有助於提高員工滿意度和忠誠度。
(Solid Color Waterproof Oxford Backpack Bag∣訂製純色大容量牛津背包)
現代企業越來越重視環保和可持續性。 選擇使用環保材料製造的定製包袋可以展示公司的環保使命,並吸引越來越多關心環保的客戶和合作夥伴。這種責任感不僅有助於環保,還有助於提升品牌形象。
定製包袋的應用不僅僅局限於傳統的購物袋。 它們可以用於各種場合和行業:
會議和展覽: 定製會議袋是會議和展覽的必備品,它們不僅提供便利,還加強了品牌的曝光度。
員工禮物: 個性化包袋可以作為員工獎勵,傳達公司對員工的認可和感激之情。
品牌推廣: 在市場推廣活動中派發定製包袋,是一種有效的方式來引起人們的興趣。
最後同樣重要的是,選擇合適的包袋製造商。 品質、可定製性、交貨時間等都是重要因素。 與製造商緊密合作,確保他們能夠滿足您的需求,以生產出符合您品牌標準的包袋。
如果您正在考慮如何改善品牌形象和與受眾建立聯繫,定製包袋可能是明智的選擇。 不僅僅是一個實用的物品,它們還是品牌的代表,傳達出無與倫比的價值。
Corporate Gift
15 Best Back to Work Gifts to Boost Employees Morale
A change of work scenery will not be easy even though you will return to a place you previously worked there. With various conditions, such as the worldwide pandemic, remote work due to limited workplaces, or a sudden workplace change, are some things that make it possible for us to return to our original place of work in the near future. Assuming every employee will behave as usual when they are in the office but what can companies do to make employees enthusiastic about coming back to the office? One way is to give back to work gifts to show your employees how thrilled you are for their return.
How do you welcome employees back to work?
There are many factors that cause employees to leave their offices temporarily, and every time they return, we must welcome them to regenerate their enthusiasm where they started. Even though employees have been there before, it doesn't mean they are as excited as when they were first there. You have to give them time to adapt again, give employees time to socialize, be flexible with time management, and don't forget about back to work gifts.
Why are welcome gifts important?
Welcoming employees back after some time away from the office is a way to make them more enthusiastic and quicker to engage with old or new team members. Investing in welcome gifts is a win-win solution for your employees and company. Employees who are happy with your gift will speed up collaboration, be enthusiastic about getting back to the routine, and feel like they are at home again.
Showing employees that you care and are happy when they return to the office will foster excitement and remain engaged, even though there is a transition in their last work period.
15 best back to work gifts ideas for employees
Here are some back to work gifts ideas for those who are re-opening the office, welcoming employees who have come from assignments outside the office, welcoming employees after a long holiday, or many other factors.
Customized stationery
When returning to the office, sometimes employees need new stationery because they previously brought it home. By preparing some customized stationery, you will provide excitement to employees and make it easier for them without having to buy new one. You can provide pens, pencils, notebooks, file cases, or other useful tools to start their desk work.
To make the gift more special, you can customize the gift by adding a company logo. BestGiftHK is the best place for back to work gifts and corporation gifts, for more than ten years, we have tried our best to make the best gifts for employees and clients. You can choose many gifts choices at BestGift HK, starting from clothing, tech, household equipment, hampers, etc.
Fantastic flora
Fantastic flora are succulents that are easy to care for, and everyone will love them because they are tiny, adorable, and provide an opportunity for employees to have plants on their desks. Surveys show that the plants in the office area will increase the possibility of relaxation and reduce work stress. Choose a tiny pot color that matches the color of your office desk and serves as beautiful decoration.
Spa day essentials
Give all the spa things in the box. It is a great welcome back work gift because there are anything for an at-home spa, from lavender body essentials, clay face mask, natural luffa, lip balm, and anything that can add to what you need for the perfect at-home spa experience. Providing relaxation for employees will give them new enthusiasm to return to work while fulfilling their self-care needs.
Power travel kit
Prepare a kit for your employees as a companion for travel or at home backup. The power travel kit will make it easier for employees to carry their phones to keep their batteries full, with a power bank and USB charger that can work in the car or as a handy wall plug. What makes this gift convenient for travel is the case, which can fit perfectly in a briefcase, suitcase, or in a purse.
Personal massage
Let your employees feel relaxation with personal massage to alleviate and soothe the employees' stresses. Returning to the office requires readjustments and avoids stress, so providing personal massage will reduce work tension and make employees feel a little bit easier in adapting for the second time. After getting a good massage, employees will be ready to shine again in the office and ready for anything.
Beverage heating and cooling station
Another useful item to increase employee enthusiasm when returning to work is a special place to keep beverages cold or hot. Sometimes, we will forget the drink we made because we have to do something right then and there. Employees no longer need to drink drinks at room temperature because there is a special place that can restore the desired drink temperature. With a beverage heating and cooling station, employees can always enjoy the drinks they want, including hot beverages or something chilled in the morning.
Leather organizer
The leather organizer is the perfect office and home gift for employees who like to keep their things neat. This genuine leather can be used to organize phones, cards, pens, cords, notebooks, and anything you need for work every day. The sleek design and lots of space means the organizer can keep everything neat. You can choose many sizes, colors, and add a company logo or welcome back message.
Custom yoga mat
Wellness gifts can make employees more enthusiastic about living their days after returning for a long time. The custom yoga mat is made of PVC which can add comfort when doing yoga at home or in the office. This is a perfect gift for stretching out the body and relaxing employees' mind. To make it more useful, schedule a yoga class at the office once per week. Let employees have a flexible body that can lead to a flexible mind.
Mini humidifier
Relaxation in the office can be achieved easily by using a mini humidifier. The work space will get aromatherapy relaxation and gives off moisture to eliminate dry air at the workstation. The mini humidifier is a genius desk accessory that can be used at any time to provide comfort while working and relaxation when there is tension at work.
Show your employees some care by providing books for learning and development as welcome back gifts that speak to their interests.
You can provide books on topics that match the employee's field of work, position, or topics they say they want to learn. Personal development will always be welcomed by employees because it is an opportunity to increase knowledge and experience to become even better.
Team happy hour
Invite employees to have fun outside the office before they return to the office and get back to work. There are many things you can choose to do at happy hour to laugh, cheer, chat, and share experiences about how employees miss the office. Celebrate by drinking and eating together to add excitement and closeness to coworkers again after not working together in the office for some time.
Tech needs
Returning to the office requires some new office equipment. Provide several tech needs such as wireless keyboards, wireless mice, mouse pads, Bluetooth headsets, charging pads, or anything that can help employees' needs for their work equipment. Portable items make it easier for employees to work anywhere, and employees feel cared for because they are provided with new technology to support their work.
Desk mirror
A desk mirror is a simple but effective gift. Appearance is important in the workplace, and you can help workers maintain their good looks with a small mirror. It's great enough to freshen up or props up their looks throughout the workday.
Desk fan
Sometimes having an air-conditioned work space is not enough to feel the fresh air in the office. A desk fan can help employees to stay cool in the office environment. Its small shape will not interfere with the workspace, and will not require a lot of electrical power.
Chocolate gift box
Giving something sweet to employees can lift up their spirits and bring the joy in the office. Nothing goes wrong when you give chocolate as a welcome back gift. You can mix up different flavors and add a personalized welcome back message to show how much you miss the employees.
11 Best Gift for Boss for Any Occassion
Sometimes there are several conditions that cause employees to have to work remotely and leave the office temporarily. After they can return to work in the office, you should give a welcome back gift or back to work gift to lift up their spirit and bring up their enthusiasm for work. Some of the gift options above can be your choice, ranging from affordable budgets to gifts that suit employee needs. Whatever gift you choose, make sure you give a welcome back message to show how much you missed them at the office.
Corporate Gift
14 Unique Gifts for Employees That Show Your Appreciation
There's a lot of employees in your office who need recognition for their hard work and dedication. There are many benefits you can get if employees feel valued and get rewarded for something they did good. Some of the benefits are high retention, good performances, and willingness to learn more to provide the best. That's why this article will focus on unique gifts for employees, to show you what you can give to employees as a form of appreciation or to celebrate any moment in the office.
Why give unique gifts to employees?
Giving gifts for employees will motivate them to do better and work harder for the company. Some employees might get a boost in their morale, and become more productive after receiving a gift. There's a lot of good reactions when companies give gifts to employees, because employees feel like they want to give good things back to the company in their own way.
Even though giving gifts to employees is not an obligation, you need to reconsider after seeing the many benefits you can get for your company's progress.
Why is appreciation gift important?
Giving gifts as appreciation might be important in the workplace because it can improve self-confidence, strengthen relationships, and achieve personal and professional goals. You can show your gratitude for employee's acts, and they will feel proud of the achievements they have achieved. Appreciation gifts make every employee who excels maintain their performance, and other employees are motivated to achieve the same achievements.
12 Best Ways How To Motivate Employees
By giving simple gifts, you can create a positive culture at the office for employees who want to compete with each other positively, and the company accommodates them by giving rewards to anyone who has good performances.
14 unique gifts for employees to boost their morale and show your appreciation
Now, we know a lot why giving gifts to employees is important. The two main benefits of giving gifts are boosting employee's morale and as a form of appreciation. We will provide the best list of gifts for employees to show your gratitude.
Heal box
Let's gift each employee a box that can be used to heal them by recharge and refuel in between their stressful days. You can fill this set with Pure Sol collagen hydrogel eye mask, small bath tea, face towel, facial soap, body lotion, and other self-care gifts to help employees relax and heal their bodies. Thinking about the freshness of employees' bodies will increase their morale.
Online yoga and meditation classes
Wellness gifts are one of the best gifts to show your appreciation. Let your employees get meditation or yoga classes that can be done in the office or at home, with a monthly or annual subscription. Every employee will have the ability to stay at peak performance after receiving yoga and meditation classes. They will be healthier with more focus at work.
Portable thermos cup set
The portable thermos cup set is a suitable gift for employees who like their drinks always warm. The thermos set comes with a cup to immediately enjoy the drinks they bring. There are many color choices for the thermos that you choose, and you can put the company logo in the middle of the thermos. BestGiftHK is the best place to make custom gifts like thermos up set with printed logos, embroidery, and other printing options. BestGiftHK has long focused on making the best appreciation gifts for companies around the world.
Tech bundle
For tech lovers, you can provide several accessories and branded teaching gear to boost employees' performances. The box includes power bank, charging cable, wireless headset, wireless mouse, Bluetooth tracker, and any new technology that can help your employees' performance. Employees who have their work needs met using gadgets or work equipment will have higher productivity.
Travel tech kit
As a complement for tech lovers, the travel tech kit is pockets and straps to hold employees' entire arsenal of tech accessories like chargers, power banks, cords, and more. This gift is an ideal option for employees who are always ready to go anywhere with their gadget needs. This is a practical gift that can provide convenience for each of your employees, by collecting tech accessories in one place, without having to put them in their bags in a mess.
Insulated lunch cooler bag
Lunch bags are one of the items that employees often carry. By providing top-tier lunch bags, your employees will be enthusiastic to bring lunch and enjoy it together with their co-workers. The bag has a shoulder strap, insulated flap compartment, and is made of heavy-duty materials. The insulated lunch cooler bag has an elegant design, and can be used when commuting or traveling.
Compact versatile backpack
A compact versatile backpack will be the perfect gift for employees because it is suitable for all occasions. The backpack has a slim style with many features such as organization pockets, a dedicated laptop compartment to help employees keep their technology and gear in order. The sleek backpack can make your employees have a professional look and organize all their belongings neatly in one place.
Activity tracker
Choose a wristband that can be used to track distance moved, calories burned, and more. When employees use an activity tracker, they will be enthusiastic about training, exercising, and doing their best for their wellness. A simple wristband can make your employees more enthusiastic about a healthy lifestyle, and they will feel happy because the office is thinking about the health of its employees.
Smart indoor garden
The smart indoor garden is suitable for people who love to cook, because it allows them to easily grow herbs, vegetables, and edible flowers in their home. The smart reservoir waters plants every three hours, and drains the excess to keep the roots stay moist. Some plants that can be used in this smart indoor garden are tomatoes, chili peppers, fresh herbs, etc.
Ultrasonic aroma diffuser
Enrich the employees' home with essential oils for relaxation. The ultrasonic aroma diffuser makes the room fresher with a natural scent, available with three mist settings, low-light indicator, timer setting, and auto shut-off. The relaxing mist can help relieve symptoms of anxiety and stress, brings out the good in pure essential oil to make the room an aromatic environment. Any humidifier scents oil can be used. It's easy to use, just add water and aroma oil, within minutes the whole room will be filled with a mist of fragrance.
A stylish hoodie
Bring your employees a hoodie to keep them stylish when leaving the office. You can choose to give the company logo on the part of the hoodie, or leave it as a plain hoodie with a bright color. Choose a hoodie with good quality fabric, to give employees a fashion choice so they can be used for any occasion.
BBQ appron and set
Approns and gift sets are the best gifts to approach the holidays. Every employee certainly has a special moment to hold a BBQ party with friends or their family. The set includes approm, spatula, gloves, and other grill equipment. Give them a BBQ apron and set to make grilling fun and easy, very suitable for making their summer more delightful.
Garden gift basket
For employees who like gardening, you can give a gardener's super-basket filled with gloves, seeds, shears, books, shovel, and whatever is needed to start a little garden. Employees will love this gift for those who are always curious about gardening. Now, you give them the opportunity to give it a try.
Virtual cooking class
Give your employees time to study apart from office needs. Let them put on their aprons, enter their kitchen, and have cooking experience with a professionally-trained chef who will lead the group from preparation to making delicious dishes at their table. Employees will love to learn new things from professional chefs, it's fun and engaging activity in their kitchen, and doing something fun outside of work.
You can show your appreciation to employees by giving unique gifts in the form of experience or goods. Whatever unique gift for employees, make sure they can enjoy it and get the best quality or quantity. You can receive many benefits after you show your appreciation to them, because employees will have high morale and maintain their peak performances after being recognized and feel valued. Start giving unique gifts to employees to show your gratitude and foster a positive culture at the office.
Corporate Gifts
11 Best Gift for Boss for Any Occassion
In a few days your boss will celebrate their day, whether it's a birthday, wedding, anniversary, or holding a party for their family. But the question is what is the right gift for your boss? Does it need to be luxurious? Should you get something personal or practical? You might be asking about gift for boss starting from how to choose them to the best way to give them. We have summarized several gift ideas and several things you need to know about gifts for your boss.
Is it ethical to give your boss a gift?
We should know that giving gifts to bosses must be on special occasions, does not violate company rules, and is not considered bribery. The rule of thumb about workplace gift giving is that gifts should not flow upward but flow down the supervisory reporting line. Giving gifts to your superior can lead to a lot of speculation, and if you do it wrong, you can encounter awkward workplace dynamics like favoritism and harassment.
Is giving your boss a gift a great idea?
Yes, it's a great idea to show your boss how much you value them, and understand their special occasion. Some of the reasons you have to choose the right gift for your boss are spark memories and conversations, make the boss feel valued, and strengthen relationships with your boss. A Gift for boss cannot be chosen carelessly. Let's see what gifts are suitable for your boss.
11 best gift for boss for any occassion
Choose the best gift for boss ideas below, starting from personalized gifts, useful, memorable, to gifts that your boss won't forget.
Desktop vacuum
A boss or manager is someone who likes to keep his work space clean so that it always looks professional. A handy desktop vacuum will be useful for the boss' desk when you want to clean everything from their keyboard, to the corner of their desk. Your boss will not hesitate to organize their desk even after eating their snack, because it will be easy to clean the desk area with a desktop vacuum.
Premium leather cable organizer
One more thing that can organize the boss' deck more neatly, by arranging the cables in a special place. A little satchel will hold all your cords and fold them into a ready-to-pack bunch. For someone who likes to organize their things neatly on their desk, then this premium leather cable organizer will be suitable for them. There are many cords that can be on your boss's desk, such as chargers, headsets, USB for power banks, or other cables. With this wrap, carrying the cable anywhere will not be a big problem and it looks stylish because of the shades of premium leather.
High quality duffel bag
A duffel bag is suitable for carrying lots of items during a weekend gateway trip for their special occasion. There are duffel bag options that you can choose from, made from cotton or leather. Your boss will love it because of the good quality of the duffel bag, starting from durability to resisting wind, rain and other elements. This bag has two handles or adjustable shoulder traps to suit the way your boss wants to carry his bag.
Gift set hamper
The gift set hamper is a suitable gift for your boss when you attend their invitation. There are many choices of hamper gift sets that can be chosen according to special events such as mid-autumn gift sets, Chinese New Year gift sets, Christmas gift sets, etc. The hamper can contain everything from wine, champagne, fruits, cakes, chocolates, and other sweets.
BestgiftHK is the best place to look for gift set hampers for any occasion, with guaranteed 100% satisfaction and excellent product quality. You can put a company logo if you want to give a gift as a team, and as a symbol that your team also wants to give the best to their boss.
Magnetic wireless charging station
Almost every boss chooses more than one gadget. Giving a magnetic wireless charging station is a useful gift to make it easier for your boss to charge their devices at the same time. The multi-device charging station can be used for your AirPods, phone, or Apple Watch. The charging station eliminates extra cords and plugs, and allows charging in a hotel room, car, or in a plane.
Dart Board Cabinet Set
Dart boards can be a new hobby for your boss, you can put them in the office or at home. It's a great way to practice targets while filling their free time. Darts can be a new hobby because it requires practice to be able to throw to the red dot, and can be played with friends. The dart board cabinet is complete with instructions, steel tip darts, metal ring, and has a complete set with brackets, bumbers, and bolts.
Professional cocktail maker
The professional cocktail maker is the best gift for your boss that can turn any space into a bar. Your boss can make premium cocktails with no training needed. The simple cocktail creation feature will make it easier for users to insert a capsule, place a glass, and choose how strong the mocktail flavor is. The process of making the perfect cocktail only takes seconds. Let your boss craft and serve multiple cocktails with their own creations. No need for formal training and the drink tates like a professional made it.
Wireless noise-cancelling earbuds
For bosses who want to focus on what they are doing, such as consecutive zoom meetings or while working out at the gym, the noise-cancelling earbuds can be a perfect gift to give. The wireless earbuds are more comfortable to use with clearer sound results, and you can hear music or any sound clearly. The elegant design of the earbuds makes your boss want to wear earbuds wherever they go.
Automatic stainless steel watch
A boss will look more classy and elegant when war a good watch to work. The automatic stainless steel watch is functional, stylish, and premium enough for their style. It's a good choice for those of you who want to give high-end gifts to your boss.
Insulated stainless steel mug
The travel mug or vacuum-insulated stainless steel mug can keep drinks warm during long meetings or on their morning commute. Your boss will feel comfortable with their coffee or tea which can be kept warm until they reach the office, no need to feel sorry because they often forget the drink they made, but it is no longer warm because it is exposed to room temperature. The stainless steel material makes this mug last for a long time.
Mini fridge
The mini fridge can be placed in the boss's room, give your boss a surprise with a mini fridge that can store fruit, snacks and their favorite drinks. Your boss will feel helped by having a mini fridge in their room. Let your boss have their energy drink or soda and it's always cold. The mini fridge is a suitable gift for summer, because cold drinks will be more delicious during hot weather during working hours.
12 Best Promotion Gifts to Congratulate Colleague's Success
That's all about a gift for boss with several reasons why you need to give the best gift. Choosing a gift cannot be haphazard, especially when you want to give a gift to your boss. Don't forget to know the rules for giving gifts while at the office, or you can find another time to give them directly to your boss outside the office.
Corporate Gifts
11 Best Luxury Corporate Gifts for VIP Clients and Customers
Every company has relationships with clients, vendors, customers and industry contacts. Business will progress further if the relationship between the company and clients, customers and vendors are good. But how to maintain relationships with them so that the business continues to progress? One of them is by giving luxury corporate gifts. Luxury gifts are necessary to build relationships between your organization and individuals or groups, as a sign that you are grateful for working with them and want to give the best to maintain good relations with them.
We have compiled a list of luxury corporate gift ideas, so you don't need to bother looking for them on the internet, and wrap it up in here. Let's check it out.
Do corporate gifts need to be luxury?
Corporate gifts don't have to be luxury, but they are necessary for special occasions or certain people. For example, if you want to give gifts to high-end clients, big vendors, or loyal customers, you cannot give regular gifts. Luxury corporate gifts will demonstrate your company's value and your genuine appreciation to the recipient. Organizations or individuals who have worked with you for a long time certainly need to give the best gifts. That's why corporate gifts don't have to be luxurious, but necessary for the conditions, time, and to whom we want to give them.
What are the corporate gifting trends?
If you want to give the best corporate gifts, you need to learn about exciting trends for corporate gifting. There are 3 trends that you can use as a reference to impress clients, vendors and loyal customers.
Personalized gifts are designed specifically for the recipient by providing their name, date, special event, quotes, or special message. The gift is usually something chosen according to the recipient's interests. You can't just choose personalized gifts because you have to understand the characteristics and preferences of the recipient.
A sustainable corporate gifting trend means choosing products with biodegradable ingredients, compostable, plant-based materials, or recycled packaging. Products are reusable to echo business sustainability, avoiding single-use items and items that are difficult to decompose.
Wellness has a wider selection, starting from products, classes, or membership. You can choose items such as aromatherapy, exercise products, self-care gifts, meditation courses, gifts for good mental health, and physical practices.
11 best luxury corporate gifts for VIP clients and customers
You might be wondering if luxury gifts will cost you a lot. But it's worth giving to VIP clients, loyal customers, and high vendors to show your loyalty and make a great impression on them.
Bose Pro Speakers
Bose is a famous sound product with the best sound quality of its products. The Bose pro speakers present a Bluetooth speaker that doubles as a PA system. You can play music, amplify instruments, plug in a microphone, or other sound needs. Recipients can use Bose pro speakers for office functions, personal needs, or both. The speaker is highly portable because it has a lightweight model and includes a handle. You can use it for more than 11 hours before it needs charging.
Custom jackets and outerwear
If you are thinking about high end corporate apparel, you can choose custom jackets and outerwear to be the luxury corporate gift. Add your company logo on branded jackets as a perfect way for brand awareness and bringing the best thing to recipients as the end of the year approaches when temperatures are low because of winter season.
Hoodies or sweaters are also outerwear with breathable quality, excellent for active workouts, still providing great warmth in cold weather. Choose a special place that accepts custom jackets and hoodie printing orders with the best quality for company logo and products' durability.
Personalized luggage and travel bags
VIP clients and vendors require a lot of traveling for business or personal activities. Personalized luggage and travel bags will be a perfect gift for them, because they can provide a lot of space for their belongings and can be useful for years of travel. You can customize the selection by embroidering your company logo on the front, or adding a luggage tag with the logo for a more obvious look.
Luxury fountain pen
There's a lot of fountain pen brands that you can choose from, such as Montblanc, LAMY, TWSBI, Pilot, etc. Fountain pens are one of the luxury corporation gifts because they can be used for business purposes such as signing contracts, personal signatures, or writing important things during business matters. The sleek black design and the beautiful shape make this fountain pen the choice of many people to give to VIP clients. If you can choose the engraving option, personalize the pen with your logo so that the client thinks of your company every time they sign important documents.
Espresso machine sets
Espresso lovers will love this gift set. Illy X1 iperEspresso machine including 2 cans of espresso and cappuccino cups is an outstanding gift for coffee lovers. The machine prepares barista quality espresso, cappuccino, coffee, and latte in an easy way. Choose several colors between black, red, steel, and almond as the perfect synthesis of technology and beauty.
Personalized fan gear from their favorite team
Some people love sports and support their favorite teams and have various kinds of merchandise. We can provide fully-personalized jerseys by adding their name to the authentic jersey. The recipient can wear it during sports events or for any occasion. Choose a custom jersey with the best quality so that it lasts for a long time.
Necktie gift set
If the person you want to give it to often wears a suit and tie, give them a necktie gift set as a perfect appreciation gift. A suit with a tie is the best combination for VIP clients who like a neat and elegant look. Add to their collection with matching neckties and pocket squares in various color choices, add tie clips and cufflinks to add elegant looks and make the recipient extra stylish.
Self-heating mug
A mug with a temperature warming feature to keep the drink warm for whenever the recipient drinks it. We all know coffee and tea are daily base drinks in the corporate world. Self-heating mugs are popular corporate gifts nowadays because they can be used at home or in the office, keeping drinks warm even though many people will forget their drinks because of work. Keep your drink at best coffee temperature and it can last for the next few hours.
Formula racing car driving experience
Choose the car driving experience formula as the best experience gift you'll ever give. Leaen how to drive a professional Formula racing car can be everyone's dream, especially for thrill-seekers and car enthusiasts. Driving on a race track will provide excitement and adrenaline pumping, making it a memorable experience that will never be forgotten. Under the guidance of professional race instructors, recipients will get a full day of speed and action.
Tickets to a show or a concert
Tickets to attend a concert with the recipient's favorite band will be a priceless gift to have. There are always many choices for coming to a show or concert with important clients, loyal customers, or business partners. Choose the best seat for you and the gift recipient, you can choose the front seat or the middle seat for the better view.
Festival gift set
Do you want to give festival gift sets to VIP clients or business partners? Choose according to the festival you will celebrate, such as Mid-autumn festival or Christmas. Choose the gift set starting from Champagne with fruits, wine with sweet goodies like honey, chocolate, high quality imported nuts, and clocks. Add a beautiful gift box with your logo, custom handwritten card with a heart to show that you appreciate a good business with them.
Everything You Need To Know About Corporate Gift
BestGiftHK is the best place to get custom gift sets for VIP clients and business partners, giving you the best gift with the best quality products. Bestgift HK has been focusing on corporate gift customization and production services for more than 20 years. Get your best place to give unforgettable and meaningful corporate gifts.
Corporate Gifts
11 Best Corporate Gifts Ideas For Employees
Corporate gifting is one way to advance your company when you want to give it to clients, employees, or potential clients to foster business relationships. But did you know that corporate gifting is rapidly changing? Because every company needs to become more relatable, approachable and reachable by providing corporation gifts and getting a good impact on future business. In order not to choose the wrong gift that you will give, you need to know about corporate gifts ideas.
Putting a company logo on cheap promotional items will not be enough to attract the attention of potential clients or employees. It's all about personal, strategic, and being intentional. If you choose correctly, corporate gifts leave great impressions with employees, prospects or clients that can drive to positive response. It will lead to business growth and company success.
What Makes a Good Corporate Gift?
A good corporate gift will cause a positive response from the recipient. No matter who the recipient is, a gift can produce positive results to take the next step in a business relationship. Give a meaningful gift that can be personal and intentional. Choosing a corporate gift is not just choosing random items, but choosing a highly functional, customized, and valuable item. Corporate gifts ideas are a collection of items that illustrate how much you care about employees, prospects and clients and show your gratitude for the business that is already running.
Tips to get the best corporate gift
Choosing a gift cannot be done carelessly. You have to look at who you give it to. Think about the best way to give a gift, and choose as you feel that you are happy when you receive the item you are going to give.
First, presentation matters. Don't underestimate the impact of gift presentation. Even though the item you are giving is ordinary, if you wrap it uniquely and neatly, while giving a thank you note, then this ordinary gift will have a luxurious impression.
Second, be considerate. You have to understand what the recipient wants, and whether they are able to accept a particular gift. For example, if you want to give food treats, ask whether they have any dietary restrictions or allergies. Food no matter how expensive or fancy will be wasted if the recipient cannot enjoy it.
Third, think quality over quantity. One useful, high-quality item will provide a much higher value than many low-quality items. In addition, your gift is a picture of your company. Of course, you don't want to be considered a cheap company because the goods you provide are fake or don't last long.
11 best corporate gifts ideas for employees
After considering giving the best to prospects and clients, it's time for us to provide a list of the best corporate gifts ideas for employees.
Customized tech items
For recipients who like new technology, give some tech items of the best quality to make it easier for them in their work or activities at home. Give wireless headphones, wireless keyboards, power banks, earbuds, or wireless mouse for their convenience in working. If the employees has a lot of gadgets, you can provide a wireless charging pad. You can charge multiple devices that can hit the right marks. Whatever the technology, try to understand the recipient's needs and provide the best quality items that you can choose.
Branded tech items can be a thoughtful corporate gift for clients who do remote work or in the office. Right now, many branded items can offer tech items that can be customized by placing your company logo.
Company jackets
Company jackets are a fun way to be a gift while activating your brand. Choose jackets with hoodies or casual jackets that employees can use when they go anywhere. Choose a standard color like black or white, so you can easily put the company logo on the front or back of the jacket. Branded jackets can form a connection with employees and foster appreciation. Consider custom the jackets with employee's nickname as identification or for a personalized gift.
Food gifts
Food gifts are an effective way to get employee's attention and a lasting impression for you. You can give regular free food every few days, or give hampers with food and treats to be sent to employees' homes. You can give it on special occasions, for example when an employee reaches certain milestones or he becomes employee of the month. Every employee loves foods, and you can ask them what their favorite food is before you give it as a gift.
Drinkware is an item that is often used by wheter employees in the office or when traveling. You can customize the drinkware to include a company logo. Today, there are many drinkware that can keep drinks cold or hot with a set temperature. You can also provide the best quality tumblers to ensure your employees stay hydrated and stay focused on their work.
Insulated coolers and food containers
Food containers and insulated coolers are popular trends that we often see in workplaces today. Food containers make it easier for workers to prioritize bringing their supplies so they can eat the food they make themselves, and keep their food ready to eat when they go on picnics or meetings outside the office.
There are many choices of clothing that you can give as gifts such as T-shirts, caps, masks, or sweaters. If winter has entered, you can choose to give a sweater to provide great warmth. Make sure you choose special materials for proper warmth and size options that are suitable for the recipient. Choose clothing with chunky and stylish designs for many different occasions and seasons.
Bags or backpacks are useful and versatile corporation gift ideas for employees, and you can pair them with some other gift ideas to create a gift package. You can put the company logo in the middle of the backpack for your brand awareness. Choose a backpack that is durable enough for activities like hiking and camping, but with special space for work items such as laptops and stationery.
Custom blankets
Choose a gift that can give you comfort at home, such as custom blankets. This is a versatile and thoughtful gift because you can choose it with bold designs, made from premium materials to provide warmth and comfort when the recipient is in their TV room and enjoying the show.
Small gifts for the house can provide comfort for your employees. You can provide air humidifiers, scent candles, pegboards, toasters, and any useful gifts for your employees. By providing several items that can be used at home, your employees will feel they are cared for.
Mini desktop vacuum cleaner
A mini desktop vacuum cleaner is a hot product for corporation gifts, because your employees will often use it to clean various parts of their desks, especially for laptops or table edges. The mini vacuum cleaner is suitable for flat surfaces and can be used to clean keyboards . You can charge the vacuum cleaner using USB, easy to use, and keep the work or home desks dust-free and clean.
Gift set
A custom gift set is a combination of any number of great items, customize it with your company logo, and package the items in a box to be sent directly to the employees' house. Gift sets are often given for special occasions such as birthdays, festivals, work anniversaries, promotions, or retirement. You can choose to give a hamper, office gift set, or adapt it to the event you are celebrating.
The Importance Of Corporate Gifting
Now you have corporate gifts ideas, but how can you put your logo on the items you are going to give? BestGiftHK is the best place for you to make customized gifts or personalized gifts. You can get quality items from BestGift HK, because we have been making the best for more than 20 years for any occasions and any customers around the world. There are more than 80% of customers who return orders for our professional services in customized production services for corporate gifts. Be our beloved customers and get the best quality products and rich categories for corporate gifts.