Best Stationery Gift Ideas
Graduation Gift

15 Best Stationery Gift Ideas for People Who Love Stationeries

Every family member, co-worker, or close friend, of course you will always have someone who likes all things paper, from stationery, books, notebooks, or all the necessities for writing such as pencils or pens. To make it easier for you to choose the right stationery gift, we have put together some of the best gift ideas for those closest to you that they will definitely like. You can give this stationery on any occasion, such as a holiday, graduation, or as a form of thanks. Do people still give pens as gifts? Pens are always a suitable gift for anyone. Many people appreciate receiving a pen as a gift, especially when you give a high-quality pen or personalized pen, because it contains a special meaning or significance. The pen is a symbol of goodwill for success and smooth future career. Apart from being a token gift, pens can be an important tool for signing important documents, and as a complement to businessmen when they go anywhere. Is personalized stationery a good gift? Stationery is a type of gift that is popular because it is highly affordable, useful, and has many choices. You can choose stationery that you think is good, and customize it to suit the recipient's interests or personality. If you want to give something to add a personal connection, you can give personalized stationery, showing that you understand what the recipient wants or needs. How to make custom stationery? Are you looking for a place to custom your choice of stationery as a gift? BestGiftHK is your answer. With more than 20 years of commitment and professional services, BestGiftHK helps consumers to create personalized gifts for promotional needs, advertising, celebration events, etc. Professional gift customization has many years won a good reputation among small, medium and large customers. More than 80% of customers order again, and more and more overseas customers rely on and choose us to provide production services for customized stationery products or other gift items. 15 best stationery gift ideas that they'll love We have prepared some brilliant ideas to give a great impression to the recipient for any occasion. Let's take a look for these outstanding stationery gifts. Magnetic gel pen set The magnetic pen is not only for writing, but can also be an amazing desk toy too. The pen has super strong magnets and can be arranged into any shape according to the recipient's imagination. The pen is still refillable, while providing fun for whoever receives it. Available in various colors, making this magnetic gel pen set the best choice for stationery ideas. Eco friendly stationery set Especially for recipients who care about the environment, you can give an eco-friendly stationery set that is simple and beautifully designed. The set contains notepad, pen, pencil, eraser, and ruler. Very complete for office, college or school needs. Each item has a strong environmental message to encourage recipients to protect the environment. The stationery set is made from sustainable, versatile materials, suitable for conventional stationery with an eco friendly message. Large pencil case Everyone who likes to store their stationery will be happy if they receive a large pencil case with a big capacity. The large space means that the recipient's writing equipment can be in one place, without having to have lots of pencil cases to carry around. You can choose a color that the recipient likes, so it becomes a special gift for them. Mindful thoughts pencils Have you ever seen a pencil with a mindful quote in the middle? You can customize it with your favorite quote to brighten the recipient's day. The pencils are also a great eco-friendly alternative, because the pencil marks can be planted for flowers, herbs or vegetables. Wooden photo album The large number of photos stored in your cellphone's memory will overload and reduce your phone's performance. It's time for you to have physical copies of your photos and put them in a photo album. You can provide a wooden photo album with a traditional and elegant design, making the photo album more meaningful. This photo album could be a great gift for someone who likes to keep memories together or from a specific trip. Nature drawing and watercolour A book filled with lessons and tips for drawing from nature. The recipients will get step by step tutorials for drawing plants and animals, as well as various tips on different techniques and materials. This gift is suitable for people who like art and who fill their time by drawing. Tote bag You can choose tote bags from various materials, including the trending material in the form of recycled materials. The gift recipient can put many items inside the tote bag such as a water bottle, jumper, lunch box, purse, books, etc. You can customize the design to include a photo of the gift recipient or your favorite quote. Choose a color that matches the recipient's preferences, so they can proudly carry their tote bag to campus, the office, or when traveling. Journal or sketchbook Journals and sketchbooks are items that are always needed for someone who needs to record their activities every day. Sometimes, journals can be used to record where they have traveled, what they have learned, or as a reminder for something important. You can pair the gift with a special pen with a matching color as a good combo. An art book Art is something that can continue to be studied and discovered. An art book can be a means for learning a new skill, providing hours of great activities and sparks creativity with one art book. Recipients can learn how to draw, color nicely, hand lettering, or beautiful stickers that can be placed while journaling. Paper trimmer A paper trimmer can be the perfect gift for any bullet journaler or scrapbooker, because it makes cutting straight lines easier. The process is super fast, making it easier for anyone who uses it. Very suitable for someone who likes paper sizes that are neat and according to their wishes. Paper trimmers can also help with craft-based hobbies or help gift recipients with their work. Stationery organizer What if the person you want to love has everything? It's time to give them an organizer to put everything inside. Stationery is an item that is often used and sometimes we forget where we put it. With cube organizers, you can give a budget-friendly gift that is useful for organizing pens, markers, books, etc. Choose a good organizer material such as acrylic to give a luxe feeling and elegant design. Multifunctional mini table lamp Everyone who likes stationery will need a mini lamp for their desk. The cute mini table lamp can brighten the recipient's child study table and make it look outstanding. You can choose a table lamp in the shape of a mini animal such as a rabbit or other cute pets with an LED lamp for good lighting. Every study table that gets this multifunctional mini table lamp will be perfect because it increases children's willingness to learn. Mini handbag diary The mini handbag diary has a stylish look and could be the perfect gift for someone who likes stationery. The print of the diary allows children to write anything down to detailed notes, which helps them to write down any lesson or track all their daily activities. The kids can enjoy carrying these diaries wherever they go, and they don't take up much space in their bags. Animal sticky note Sticky notes are one of the stationery items needed at work or at home. For animal lovers, animal sticky notes will add a pop of color to the work and ensure users don't miss an important message or something to do. Water cover notebook Water cover notebook can grab anyone's attention. This notebook has an excellent design with various color choices, and has a glossy finish to help get a better grip when writing. The many design choices make water cover notebooks a good study habit and recipients can remain on top of their academic responsibilities. Custom Stationery Recommendations for A More Personal Workspace Stationery gifts are very suitable for any occasion, especially for recipients who like stationery for work, school or recording daily needs. By choosing the right and personalized stationery, it will give a positive impression to the recipient and will certainly be useful for their activities.


        在農曆新年送禮籃和全盒具有深刻的文化意義,這不僅是一種傳統習俗,更是一種表達情感、傳遞祝福的方式。        新年即將來臨,精緻的禮籃和美食全盒不僅僅是獨特的年節禮物,更是企業向員工和客戶表達關懷、傳遞感激之情的一種象徵。那麼,如何打磨這份禮物,讓它既體現企業的用心,又能貼近受贈者的心意呢?        以下是關於如何完美訂製企業禮籃與全盒的一些建議,希望能為您的商務社交增添一份美好。 深入瞭解受贈者: 禮籃的魅力源於其個性化。 對於客戶商務送礼,瞭解其文化背景、行業特點和公司政策,能夠讓禮物更具針對性。关于送員工的年終福利,可深入瞭解員工的喜好、對美食的熱愛以及可能存在的特殊需求。以上是確保禮物完美契合受贈者喜好的關鍵。   精心選擇禮品組合: 禮籃和全盒的美妙之處在於其豐富多樣的組合。精挑細選的巧克力、來自世界各地的頂級茶葉、獨特的堅果、可愛的糖果,異國風味的小食物,每一樣都代表著對受贈者的心意,務求為受贈者呈現多元的味覺體驗。 融入企業品牌元素: 在禮籃和全盒的設計中,將企業的獨特元素巧妙融入其中,比如企業標誌、代表性顏色,或是一些公司文化的引用,這樣的精心設計能夠使禮物更富有辨識度,猶如一幅藝術品,使品牌形象在受贈者心中栩栩如生。   精心包裝設計: 禮籃的包裝並非只是簡單的外衣,而是一份對受贈者的尊重和關懷。精選高質感的包裝材料、搭配獨特的蝴蝶結或盒子,讓禮物更顯得華麗典雅。   考慮環保因素: 在禮物的製作中考慮環保因素,選擇可回收或可再利用的包裝材料,這是企業社會責任的表現,也能為企業樹立良好的形象,為企業禮物增色不少,令其顯得更為精緻和特別。 個性化卡片和祝福: 一張貼心的手寫祝福卡,或許是整個禮物中最感人的一環。在卡片中表達對員工和客戶深深的感激之情,為禮物注入更加真摯的情感。 巧妙避開避忌: 在禮籃和全盒的選擇中,避免一些可能引起不適或不合適的禮品,比如過於個性化、不符合文化差異的食品,注意避免潛在的問題。 特殊需求考慮: 考慮受贈者的宗教信仰、食品習慣等特殊需求,尊重差異,確保禮物的貼心設計。         通過精心的禮籃和全盒訂製,企業可以在商務社交中傳遞出對員工和客戶深深的關懷,使得這份禮物不僅是一種表達感激之情的方式,更是一種傳遞溫暖和真誠的紐帶。          這樣的禮物,將成為商業關係中一道獨特的風景線,讓雙方的合作更加愉悅而有深度。


       隨著歲末年終的腳步,企業年會即將拉開序幕,在這個充滿歡樂和團結的時刻,選擇一份獨特的企業訂製禮盒送給員工,不僅能讓員工感受到公司的溫暖,還能激發他們的熱情。以下是一些精心挑選的企業年會訂製禮品,讓您的禮物成為員工心中的特別存在。   個性化農曆新年禮盒 以農曆新年為主題,加入一些具有傳統意義的禮品,如紅包袋、新春福字掛飾,為企業年會注入濃厚的節慶氛圍。   實用辦公禮盒套裝: 精心挑選一套辦公室必備的文具、筆記本、耳機等,提升員工的工作體驗,讓他們感受到公司的關心。     美食佳餚年味全盒: 準備一個精心搭配的美味全盒,包括各種優質巧克力、精選茶葉、果乾和精致小食,讓員工在年會後能品味這一年美好的時光。   時尚生活好物盒: 精選一系列時尚生活好物,比如風格獨特的保溫杯、文藝風格的手帕、個性化設計的筆記本等,讓員工在辦公室也能展現獨特品味。   健康生活禮盒: 裝滿健康食品、運動毯、護手、跳繩、計步器等,鼓勵員工注重身心健康,為新的一年做好準備。   鬆弛舒壓禮盒: 準備一個包含香薰蠟燭、按摩工具、暖手宝的禮盒,為員工提供一份放鬆身心的禮遇。   辦公室文娛禮盒: 包含一些讓辦公室生活更豐富的文娛用品,如搞笑文具、小巧音響、辦公桌裝飾等,增添辦公室的輕鬆氛圍。   這些建議充分綜合了企業文化、節慶氛圍以及實用性,希望能夠滿足您對企業年會禮物的期望。讓這份禮物不僅成為一個美好的回憶,更是對員工的一份特別關愛。


在當今激烈競爭的商業環境中,企業紛紛尋求打造獨特的企業文化,以在市場中脫穎而出。而在這場文化打造的核心,訂製企業專屬皮革產品無疑是彰顯品牌的絕佳選擇! 企業可以通過訂製皮革產品,將獨特的品牌風格融入產品細節之中。無論是名片夾、文件夾還是工作包,這些皮革精品將成為品牌形象的最佳代言,展現企業的高端風采。以下是最受歡迎的皮革訂製產品推薦: · 名片夾  在商務場合,一份極致精緻的名片夾不僅提升企業的專業形象,同時也是一份極具實用價值的企業禮品。透過定製搭載企業LOGO或是文字的皮革名片夾,企業不僅凸顯品牌高雅感,同時為員工打造了一個辦公利器。   ·  公文包/電腦包 企業的員工常常需要攜帶電腦和文件進行工作,一個設計精良的皮革工作包不僅提高工作效率,同時也為員工帶來極致舒適的使用體驗。定製的皮革工作包不僅是一份實用的禮物,更是對員工辛勤工作的真摯關懷。 · 會議文件夾 在企業會議中,一份精美的文件夾不僅能幫助員工整理文件,同時也能提升整個會議的專業度。透過客製LOGO的皮革文件夾,企業得以將品牌元素融入員工的工作細節,從而精妙地強化品牌形象。 · 工牌 皮質工牌不僅是身份的象徵,更是品牌專業形象的體現。選用高品質皮革,巧妙結合品牌標誌,讓每位員工都能以更有自信的姿態展現品牌形象。配備方便的卡槽,使工作場合更加順暢。       · 鑰匙扣 打破傳統的鑰匙扣設計,皮質鑰匙手感柔軟,表面光澤自然。經過精細的手工製作,每個鑰匙扣都散發著品牌的獨特風采。搭配品牌標誌,它不僅是一個實用的配件,更是對品牌的自信宣言。 · 筆記本 結合高級皮革外觀和內部紙質,皮質筆記本展現企業追求極致品質的文化。每頁都是一張空白的畫布,等待員工或客戶填入重要的思考和創意。品牌名字或標誌可以融入到筆記本的設計中,讓每次書寫都成為一種品牌體驗。 · U盤保護套 皮質U盤套設計簡約,皮革材質既能保護U盤,又賦予其時尚感。將企業名字巧妙地鑲嵌在皮革上,成為一個極具風格的辦公配件,數據從此不再單調無味。 · 皮革眼鏡包 這不僅是一個眼鏡包,更是對細節的極致追求。精心選用的皮革材料經過精湛的製作,為眼鏡提供安全保護的同時,也呈現出品牌的品味。鏤空的品牌標誌在陽光下閃閃發光,猶如品牌價值的微光。          在選擇與皮革相關的產品時,公司需全面考慮企業的品牌特質、受眾群體和預算。透過巧妙融入企業元素於皮革產品之中,不僅提升品牌形象,更能為員工和客戶提供一份富有心意的禮物。         訂製皮革產品,不僅是一種商業行為,更是一種彰顯企業文化和價值觀的藝術。透過這些細緻的皮革工藝品,企業能夠在禮物中傳遞出對品質和關懷的承諾,為企業文化注入全新的活力。


在現今競爭激烈的商務環境中,企業不僅需要提供高效的出行方式,更需要在細節中彰顯品牌形象和對員工的關懷。個性化的企業定製出行產品正是實現這一目標的利器,不僅滿足員工的需求,更為企業帶來獨特的競爭優勢。   行李和包裹:定製旅行的第一步 企業行李箱: 旅行的第一印象始於行李箱。 我們的定製行李箱不僅外觀獨特,更側重於輕便、耐用、實用,以滿足商務出差和休閒度假的不同需求。 企業可以根據需要選擇顏色、圖案或標識,為員工提供專屬的行李箱,不僅是出行工具,更是品牌形象的流動展示,無形中提升了企業的可見性。 商務行李袋: 定製企業商標,提供高質感的商務行李袋,既符合商務場合的需求,又能夠展現企業的專業形象。 企業禮品背包: 客製化企業禮品背包,不僅可以作為獎勵和禮品,同時也是行走的廣告,將企業的形象傳播至每個旅途的角落。   企業收納袋和洗漱袋: 企業特色的收納袋, 我們的收納袋和洗漱袋設計精巧,有多樣尺寸可選,既能保持員工的私人物品有序,又能在每一次開啟行李時提醒他們企業的關懷存在。   旅行電子設備:畅通全程的數字伴侶 無線充電器: 非常特別的外觀,音響&充電二合一,兼容各類電子設備,提供智能快充技術,確保手機、平板等設備始終保持充沛能量。 定製企業LOGO,這個產品就不僅是實用工具,更是企業同員工通力合作的象徵,提醒員工始終與企業同頻共振。 移動電源:大容量的企業禮品移動電源,為員工提供長效的電力支持,同時在外觀上融入企業元素,讓員工成為品牌的忠實代言人。 多合一數據線: 定製長度,適用於不同場景,例如車載充電、戶外使用等。確保員工在任何情況下都能方便快捷地充電,更高效的完成工作! 無線耳機:高質量的企業標誌無線耳機,不僅滿足員工的音樂和通話需求,同時在外觀上融入企業標誌,為企業打造獨一無二的形象。   日用品與配飾:細節中凸顯企業文化 企業特色护照套: 提供企業風格的护照套,為員工的證件保護提供高品質解決方案,同時突顯企業的國際視野。 企業LOGO遮陽帽和雨傘: 定制企業LOGO的遮陽帽和雨傘,不僅為員工提供實用的保護,同時在任何天氣下都能展現企業的風采。 企業禮品保溫杯和便攜式餐具: 定制企業禮品保溫杯,為員工提供便利的飲食體驗,同時在外觀上體現企業的用心關懷。   企業品牌,從每個行囊開始 企業出行不再僅僅是工作的一部分,更是企業文化和品牌形象的延伸。通過我們的定製企業出行產品,讓您的企業在每個行囊中都散發著獨特的企業風采,成就一段無可忽視的商務旅程。  
Bulk Christmas Gifts
Christmas Gifts

15 Best Bulk Christmas Gifts for Employees

Christmas can be the most wonderful time of the year as a celebration not only for family, but also for friends, coworkers or employees. Before entering the long Christmas holiday, it's time for you to think about bulk Christmas gifts to give personally or collectively. Gifts always have the power to bring happiness and joy to both recipient and giver. It feels good to give the right gift to employees while seeing their reactions. This article will prepare for you what Christmas gifts are suitable for employees before entering the long year-end holiday. Should bosses buy Christmas gifts for employees? Gifts from bosses to employees will always be appreciated. But employees should not expect any gifts as something to look forward to, or expect to give gifts back to bosses or those above them. No one is required to give or get a gift, but there's nothing wrong if bosses want to give bulk Christmas gifts to their employees as a form of appreciation or the boss's joy in celebrating Christmas at the company. What is the appropriate gift amount for employees? It depends on the event and the recipient, also pay attention to the company's budget if you want to think about bulk Christmas gifts. The average about you can give to employees is between $20-$100 per person. Giving gifts in the form of money is too common. You can be more creative by thinking about gift boxes, meaningful gifts, or useful gifts that can be something that employees need. 15 bulk christmas gifts for employees they'll love It's still challenging to choose holiday gifts or Christmas gifts because there are so many online and offline options. But don't worry, because we have prepared a list of the best bulk Christmas gifts for coworkers and employees that they'll love. Choose gifts on BestGiftHK Let the employees choose their Christmas gift at BestGiftHK. People who want to look for corporate gifts or bulk gifts know that BestGift HK is the place to choose cool gift collections, with high-quality products, and can be customized with embroidery, printing or engraving to give the impression of personalized items. After employees choose the gift they want, you can set a price for bulk orders and wait until it arrives at the company's doorstep. This gift is special because it gives employees the opportunity to explore the catalog and gives them the freedom to choose useful gifts or their favorite items. Branded snack box Snack boxes are a good gift box for coworkers and they can enjoy them during the holiday season. Whatever the conditions in the office, of course employees will have stressful moments, and this bulk gift box is specially designed to balance things out. Employees will like this gift box because it is a premium corporate gift, with nutritious and delicious snacks, employees will not hesitate to enjoy it and will be busy enjoying themselves with their favorite snacks. Winter celebration Cold weather can be difficult for many people, because they have to always prepare warm clothes, make themselves comfortable at home, to enjoy their holiday. You can pack the bulk gift option with warm clothes such as sweaters, socks, gloves, scarf, scented candles, and mugs for enjoying a hot cup of coffee or cocoa by the fireplace. Tech lover box For tech-loving employees, give them what they need. If you have a remote working team, you can provide a box containing a cable organizer, portable charger, wireless mouse, wireless keyboard, Bluetooth speaker, and other tech. IT professionals will love this gift box, because it can elevate their work and increase productivity. Personalized desk accessories Help your employees to upgrade their workspace with personalized desk accessories. You can choose between mouse pads, pen holders, folder organizers, or cable organizers. These gifts can make employees more enthusiastic because there is a personal touch in their gifts and can be used in their daily work routine after the holiday period is over. Wellness kits You can provide support to employees by thinking about their well-being. Choose a gift box to relieve their stress, such as giving self-care products, essential oils, bath bombs, stress balls, yoga mats, or anything that can promote a work-life balance. Coffee or tea sets Every employee who enjoys holidays needs their favorite drink in the morning. Coffee or tea sets are perfect bulk gift options, because you can choose a variety of flavors and options, plus cups and pots for serving drinks with the family. The many types of coffee and tea can provide new enthusiasm for employees while working or on holiday at home. Experience-based gift If you want something different, give an experience-based gift to create memorable moments with coworkers. Invite employees to watch movies together, go to the parks, concerts, stand up comedy, or any soothing getaways. These gifts will show how you care about personal interests and give each employee time to interact with each other outside of work matters. Customized water bottle Every employee must stay hydrated to stay focused and productive. Encourage your employees for their drinking needs by providing customized water bottles with a company logo or add their names to be more personalized. Promoting a healthy lifestyle can increase employee job satisfaction and improve their performance results. Board games and puzzles Add something fun for employees during the holiday period by providing board games or puzzle games. There are many board games that you can choose for employees to play with the family, such as Monopoly, Chess, Jenga, to provide fun during the holidays, or can be played together with coworkers for a positive work culture. Charitable donations Even though this method does not provide gifts directly to employees, this experience gift will highlight corporate social responsibility. Employees can feel relieved and proud of themselves because they donate what they have, or take part in volunteering for social events. A culture of giving can be a positive thing for employees, and provide a great community impact for your company. Wooden kitchenware and dinnerware A daily kitchenware or dinnerware will always be an appreciated gift because the recipient can be excited about the new tableware and with an elegant and classy design. You can give a set containing wooden spatulas, chopping boards, serving plates, rolling pins, cake stands, and serving plates to make a great family Christmas gift. USB wall and port charging station Many guests will come on Christmas Day, and of course every family member has smartphones that need charging because they don't want to have a dead phone. This USB wall and port charging station can be a relief for many people who want to charge their phone simultaneously, up to six powerful ports. There is nothing more stressful than having a gadget with a low battery in this digital era. With this charging station, you won't be confused about where to charge gadgets for family members, and can spend time with your family without having to worry about full ports. Re-usable shopping tote/grocery bag The eco-friendly movement is something that is popular nowadays, because it reduces the use of plastic to contribute to the health of the planet. By providing re-usable tote/grocery bags, you give every employee the opportunity to use the bag when shopping at the market or mall. As Christmas approaches, everyone will go shopping and need a lot of space. By providing groceries or tote bags, you can take part in eco-friendly movements together with coworkers. Throw blankets Cold weather makes us want something to keep us warm even if we are in the car, living room or bedroom. A throw blanket can be a relaxation accessory, providing comfort and warmth in the winter season. A throw blanket not only provides warmth, but can also be decorative beauty for any room. Choose a throw blanket in the recipient's favorite color with the right size for user comfort. 12 Unique Coworker Gift Ideas To Show Your Gratitude Christmas gifts can give joy to employees, while enjoying their holiday with family. Choose the best bulk gifts according to your budget, and choose the best to get a lasting impression on the recipient. Don't forget to personalize some of the gifts you choose, because it can make whatever you give more meaningful and make the recipient feel appreciated.


冬日來臨,一份窩心的企業訂製禮品,不僅能在寒冷中為員工與客戶帶來溫暖,更是彰顯企業獨特風采的最佳表現。讓我們一同探索,今年冬季,您可以選擇哪些兼具實用性與驚喜感的獨特企業禮品。 1. 風格獨特的企業夾克: 結合企業風格的訂製夾克,不僅為員工提供保暖,更是一種流動的品牌展示,讓品牌活躍在生活的每個角落。   2. 客製化個性沖鋒衣: 打造專屬企業風格的沖鋒衣,既是暖心禮物,還能展現企業與員工共同闖蕩的決心,領著客戶一起向前衝,業績提升衝衝衝! 3. 精緻卫衣佳品: 以企業標誌為靈感,打造精緻卫衣,簡約時尚中不失品牌獨特性,成為深受員工青睞的企業禮物。 4. 專屬暖心保溫水杯: 設計獨一無二的保溫水杯,可以客製化LOGO、也可以訂製每一個人的專屬頭像,不僅彰顯尊貴身份,更是實用品牌宣傳的隨身媒介。 5. 溫暖三件套--毛線帽與圍巾套裝: 寒冬時節送上企業標誌的毛線帽與圍巾套裝,既表達對客戶的用心,也為合作夥伴帶來愉悅溫暖。 6. 企業標誌襪子套裝: 將企業標誌繡於襪子上,打造時尚企業形象,是不可多得的獨特企業禮物。 7. 客製化暖手寶: 精心設計的暖手寶造型,便攜又實用,能為員工及客戶送去伴隨在身邊的溫暖。 8. 創意企業標誌加濕器套裝: 與眾不同的企業標誌加濕器套裝,為辦公室營造舒適環境,同時展現企業的創新風采。 9. 多功能企業冬季禮品盒: 精心搭配各式禮品,加濕器、保溫杯等等自由組合,打造多功能企業冬季禮品盒,完美詮釋企業對員工和客戶的全方位關懷。 這些建議不僅將企業文化融入禮品中,同時兼具實用性,為贈禮增添了更多的新意。 透過這些精心挑選的冬季禮品,讓您的企業在寒冷中散發溫暖,同時緊密與員工、客戶之間建立更深層次的情感聯繫。 期待這份企業冬日暖心訂製攻略能為您的贈禮提供啟發與靈感。
conference event gift
Corporate Gift

Best 15 Conference Gift Ideas for Conference and Events

Conferences are a big part of the business. There are many ways to make conferences awesome, one of which is by choosing conference gift ideas. The key is to make a good impression from the attendees, and the conference gifts will become a good conference experience from the initial work obligation to something meaningful. The increasing number of gift choices out there means you have to be smart in choosing what gift you will give. Let's see what gift is suitable to give at a conference and make them happy when they receive it, no matter what role they might have. How do you make a conference special? Sometimes conferences can be boring because we will see Powerpoint slides with monotone lectures. But if you are the organizer, then you have to think about conference ideas that can infuse excitement and engagement. Providing unforgettable experiences to attendees is proof that you can successfully create a conference event. The two best steps to ramp up audience participation are games and giveaways. Simple indoor games such as icebreakers can make attendees interact with each other, while you apply your conference gift ideas as giveaways. How do you get people excited for a conference? Sometimes many people are lazy to go to conferences or work events because the activities are boring and not varied. Your job as an organizer is to make attendees feel like they are getting something valuable, not a chore. Inject a source of fun, such as making icebreakers and giving gifts. Don't forget to facilitate brainstorming, giving attendees the opportunity to convey their opinions to other participants and have a classy chat. When you invite someone to a conference, you need to tell them the structure of the event and what they can expect. Create content that tells a story, so that attendees can expect something new and won't get boring presentations like old conferences. 15 best conference gift ideas for any events We have discussed one way to give a special impression at a conference, which is conference gift ideas. After creating a fun and innovative conference, you need to give gifts to make attendees feel proud to be a part of the event. Let's see what is the right gift for the attendees. Foam yoga mat Sometimes a lightweight and straightforward gift can be a source of pride for the recipient if we know what items are suitable to give. The customizable foam yoga mat is workout gear that everyone can use, making attendees always remember to stay fit wherever they go. Why is this gift special? Because attendees can be proud of themselves because they have a foam yoga mat to stay healthy. Custom tote bag Tote bags are super versatile gifts, available in various colors, and you can add a unique design in the middle of the bag. Totes are one of the best gifts at conferences because they are eco-friendly and easy to get. You can provide additional gifts to put in the bag, or products that you want to offer to attendees. Mini notebook set If the conference provides a lot of interesting information and lessons, then attendees need something to write down conference hot takes like a mini notebook set. Choose a notebook set with lots of pages, plus a matching pen to quickly write down any information or personal thoughts. If you want something personalized, you can customize it with the recipient's name, or your company logo on the hardcover. Bluetooth finder There is one thing that can unite us with people, namely how we look for items that are easily lost, such as keys, chargers or other important items. The Bluetooth finder makes it easy to find our important items, because you can pair them with a Bluetooth device. With the app on your phone, you can easily find your last paired Bluetooth finder with your valuables. You can set an alarm to make it easier for you to find misplaced items. This modern conference gift will give the recipient peace of mind to protect their valuables. Refillable glass water bottle Everyone definitely has a moment where they are thirsty in the middle of a meeting and there is no water available in sight. The water bottle can be a conference handout that overcomes the problem of dehydration for attendees. Although you as the host will need a glass water bottle as a hydration station instead of leaving the room and looking for a drink. Bento lunchbox The Japanese-style bento lunch box will be an attractive gift for attendees, because it can support your company's commitment to sustainability, making it easier for recipients to meal prep. Choose a bento lunch box with BPA-free material, includes spoon and fork, as well as a sauce container that can tuck into the box. Many lunchboxes now feature leakproof silicone sealing, and are great for anyone to take their lunch to work and put in a bag to eat later. Power bank In this digital era, smartphone batteries and other gadgets are like life for every user. By providing a power bank, you can give attendees the opportunity to charge their phones wherever they go. Power bank is easy to carry, easy to use, and easy to recharge. Give a power bank with power up to 5000 Mah and don't forget to customize it with the company logo. Wireless charger The wireless charger is ideal for salespeople or employees who need to use their phones throughout the day and move from office to place. The wireless charger has rotating magnetic connectors to charge all devices ranging from tablets, headphones, cameras, smartphones, etc. This charger can be a solution for everyone who needs to always be steady with their gadget for work, and fits in their pocket or purse and can be carried at any time. Classic backpack A classic backpack could be the right gift for your next conference or corporate event. The backpack has a large front pocket to store many items you need for the day. The adjustable straps will add comfort and comfort, making it easier for anyone who carries it and look stylish. Apart from the rear space being large enough for lots of people, there are side pockets for extra storage to keep small belongings. Traditional mug for morning coffee Giving an item that can be used every day is something memorable for attendees. Give them a ceramic mug with the company logo in the middle to enjoy their favorite coffee in the morning. Choose a mug with a glossy interior so that your logo is clearly visible and long-lasting. Choose the right color to match the logo design you choose. Waterproof speaker The waterproof speaker will always accompany the recipient to listen to their favorite songs whenever and wherever they want. Employees and clients can play their favorite music under the rain, sun, at the office party with more than 10 hours of battery life, and only takes a short time to charge via USB. This gift is suitable for music lovers and adventurers who want to listen to songs without having to worry about the weather around them. Office essentials Sometimes employees and clients always appreciate if they get office essentials at a conference or seminar. Some office essentials that are good to use while working are a notebook plus a pen, stapler, and stable refills. You can add several other important items such as a desk organizer, ruler, or adjust it to the role of the attendees. Custom T-shirt giveaways Apparel is one of the favorite items that is suitable for conferences with supersoft quality and stylish for any occasion. Choose a medium or large size and unisex, with the T-shirt color matching the design you choose. T-shirts are one item that is easy to put a company logo on the front or back, making your brand easily recognized by many people every time the recipient wears it. Travel bag The eco-friendly travel bag is perfect for the gym or travel. Spacious space, as well as perfect straps to easily carry heavy luggage for attendees who like to travel once a month. If you want to provide something more high end for attendees, this is the right choice. Custom embroidered hat Need branded hats for your attendees? how about a personalized hat to show your company logo? Some events can provide something that is low budget but still gets great exposure, such as a custom embroidered hat. You can add the classic baseball hat with the company logo in the middle, plus a color that matches the design you choose. Event Gift Ideas: The Best Guest Gift For Corporate Event A conference or corporate event will be more interesting and give a positive impression to the attendees if you think about conference gift ideas. Because you can customize some items with a company logo, immediately choose the item you like and BestGiftHK will make your gift better by making it personalized. BestGiftHK is the best place to make corporate gifts, conference gifts and bulk gifts for any occasion with guaranteed product quality and durable logo prints for any type of item. So, immediately choose your best gift, and make it personalized so you can make a good impression on the recipient.
graduation gift
Event Gifts

15 Best Graduation Gift Ideas for Your Closest Friends

After several years of being in and out of classes, completing any assignments and chasing professors for theses, your best friend or family member has finally finished their studies. It's time to celebrate their graduation day! As the closest person, you need to show pride in their efforts to get to this point, while wishing you best for their next step. But are congratulatory messages alone enough? Certainly not. In this article we will provide a list of the best graduation gift ideas you can get for the people closest to you when celebrating their best achievement. Is it traditional to give a graduation gift? The tradition of giving gifts after graduation seems to have originated in America, to congratulate high school students and as a signal for them to start a new chapter of their life. Starting from the family who always supports the steps of their family members to complete their education, to their closest friends as a feeling of pride that their best friend has moved on to the next step of their life. Is it rude to not give a graduation gift? You don't have to give a gift, but you can give one if you want. If you are invited to a graduation party by your friend, it's an etiquette myth that you need to send a gift or note of congratulations. Giving a gift or not also depends on how close you are to the graduate, the closer you are, the more you want to think about graduation gift ideas and choose the best one. Is it rude to not get a graduation gift? It's rude to request a gift for yourself, whether you're throwing a graduation party or not. Let the people closest to you choose for themselves whether to give a gift or not. You shouldn't expect any gift from anyone, but there's no harm in accepting what they give. 15 best graduation gift ideas for your best friend Here are some graduation gift ideas for those closest to you by giving thoughtful and meaningful gifts that will always be remembered by the recipient. Personalized graduation trophy A trophy is a symbol for certain achievements such as winning, or being the best at one thing. By giving personalized trophies to graduates, they will feel proud of what they have achieved and been able to get to this point. What makes this gift special is that you can engrave your design in the middle of the trophy with the graduate's name, best wishes, or their photo. BestGiftHK is the best place to order graduation gifts with engraving tailored to the product you choose. The 3D full customization can be molded according to various styles along with beautiful packages. Choose BestGiftHK for any personalized gift you want, available to consumers worldwide. Customized illustration Graduation is a once in a life time moment. Give the people closest to you an illustration of themselves in their graduation ceremony, holding their diploma. You can choose several styles for the illustration, whether you want cartoonish, realistic, or another style. Choose a suitable frame to give an elegant impression to the illustration. Tea lover package For graduates who like drinking tea to accompany their study time or during their free time, give a tea package with several kinds of tea to brew, plus flower buds and rose petals to make the tea even more flavorful. You can send a package with a tea pot and cup, as a special gift for those who are tea lovers. Personalized Coffee Mugs A custom coffee mugs can be used for morning coffee that helps them carry out activities in the morning. These coffee mugs are special because they can be designed with a photo, monogram, or favorite quote for a high school or college graduation gift. This will be memorable because it is dedicated to remembering when they graduated. Tote bag Tote bags are the perfect gift for those who are always ready to travel and store all their most essential items. The tote bag can match all styles of clothes, and is more comfortable for carrying travel needs such as to a cafe, library or office. Personalize this tote bag to give them a memorable touch as they complete a step in their life. Photo book The graduation photo book is a sentimental and heartwarming gift for your best friend. Customize a photo book when you come to their graduation event, some school groups, extracurriculars, and some special moments on campus. All the memories are collected into one album, and with the graduate's photo as the cover. A box full of sweet treats Does your best friend have a sweet tooth? This box of sweet treats will be a great choice for them. Chocolates, candy bears, cookies, and several other treats in one box along with your congratulatory note for their success in completing the study. Chocolate and sweet treats are always appreciated, because they are favorite light foods for many people. Self-care package After weeks or months of pushing through assessments and graduation assignments, it's time to give our best friend a self-pampering and caring package for their graduation gift. Give scented candles, relaxing bath salts, essential oils and tea for their best relaxation of the year. Good night sleep package If your best friend has lost a lot of time for a good night's sleep, give them some relaxation equipment while sleeping for their comfort, such as a facial mask, eye mask, comfort pillow, blanket, or some organic candles. Let your best friend enjoy the beauty of a good night's sleep without having to think about assignments. Board games Providing board games to graduates will give them the opportunity to get to know new friends by doing something fun. Board games can help ease the awkwardness and connect graduates with new friends at a new workplace or while in a college dorm. Good quality headphones A good quality headphones are a must-have gadget for graduates. When studying in a noisy public or at a cafe, they need headphones that can eliminate noise and focus more on what they are studying. Choose headphones in the recipient's favorite color as a sign that you think about what they need and what they like. Suitcase A suitcase is needed by graduates if they are going somewhere to apply for a job, go to a college dorm, or fly to a new country during their gap year. The suitcase will help them to keep tolets, clothes, and other personal items organized. Mini refrigerator Sometimes graduates who live alone to continue their education or work only have limited space and lack kitchen appliances. A mini refrigerator will be really needed to store any soft drinks, leftover food, and perishable groceries. This gift will be very special because it allows graduates not to think about rental fees and have a mini refrigerator in their room. An instant camera upgrade If your best friend likes taking instant photos, give him an instant film camera that can print out photos from their phone via Bluetooth. Choose a camera with a good lens, so your best friend will never miss their shot at a great scenery. A minimalist backpack Backpacks will always be used by graduates for their future travels or commutes. Apart from being trendy, backpacks are super comfortable to carry, with optimal storage for carrying items for studying or working. The Best Graduation Gift Ideas in 2023 - Best Gift Hong Kong We must give someone who is celebrating graduation the highest appreciation with a graduation gift. We show our pride in their graduation, and hope that whatever their next steps will bring good things to their lives.