A Guide for Corporate Gift Policy You Should Know
company gift ideas

A Guide for Corporate Gift Policy You Should Know

Giving gifts at work is an interesting thing, especially if you want to give them to your best buddies or your higher-ups. We can give a surprise at the work desk, before work time starts, or shortly after work time ends. But we can't easily give gifts to coworkers at work, because it's possible that every office has a corporate gift policy. This time we will explain the special policy when someone gives a gift to coworkers or higher ups. What is corporate gift policy? An employee gift policy or corporate gift is the principles and guidelines that outline the company's position on receiving and giving gifts by employees. The purpose of this policy is to ensure that employees can give or receive gifts with integrity and avoid conflicts of interest, while promoting positive relationships with coworkers and higher-ups. The employee must not give something to another employee that directly impacts the morale of the other employee. Any policy regarding accepting gifts needs to be determined by the office so that every employee understands existing office rules, and avoids injustice and conflict. Therefore, company policies should be the same for every employee and should strive to implement the same. Why are there gift giving policies? Each office must have strict rules against corporate giving to other employees to ensure that the organization is always compliant with anti-bribery laws. If any regulations are violated, employees can receive fines, lose business opportunities, or experience jail time if the violation is serious enough.   11 Best Luxury Corporate Gifts for VIP Clients   Employees who understand the gift giving policy can maintain professional boundaries among others. This will create a positive culture in the office for every employee so they can compete for achievements without bribes or advancing personal interests. Below is an example of a gift giving policy: Definitions : Gifts include any item of value such as gift cards, cash, tickets to events, tangible or intangible items. Guidelines for gift giving and receiving should not create a conflict of interest, appear to be a bribe, or be able to impact business decisions. Employees have the opportunity to make judgments in deciding to accept or decline gifts from coworkers. Employees may receive gifts for some useful items such as coffee mugs, T-shirts, water bottles, mirrors, etc. Reporting : Employees must report all types of gifts they receive, or adjust the price limit from company policy, and there is no conflict of interest if they are given to managers, supervisors, or the HR department. The company reserves the right to maintain a record for all reported gifts. Exceptions : If there are special events such as holidays or special occasions, employees can ask the HR department or supervisor for price limits on items to be given to coworkers, as well as the procedures for giving them. Enforcement : All forms of violations made by employees regarding gift giving may result in sanctions, disciplinary action, or termination of employment. Education : The company can model to employees how to give gifts to coworkers and higher-ups in accordance with the gift policy and potential risks that could arise if employees ignore existing regulations. The points above are examples, each office will have a different gift policy and it depends on how big the company is and what the culture is like there. Each company must clearly describe its specific policy for gift giving and communicate it effectively so that it can be adhered to by all. If there are regulations that do not suit employees, the office can ask for opinions from employees and make regular updates to ensure continued relevance and effectiveness. If corporate gift giving is allowed, who and what can you gift? Whoever you give it to must comply with existing regulations. The most common thing is to give gifts to coworkers. If you want to give higher-ups for special occasions, you can do it outside the office, or follow existing regulations. If you can comply with all existing regulations, the next step is to choose an item at a price that suits your budget and must report to the office before you give it to someone. It is common knowledge that we should not be careless in giving gifts to the CEO or someone with a higher rank, because many other employees will think about the purpose of you wanting to give a gift. But if you do it together with others, then this is normal and not a violation. You can give customized gifts or useful items, because you need to try not to give cash as a form of avoiding conflict and the possibility of bribery. Any items that are not too expensive, but also not too cheap, because you need to think about the feelings of the gift recipient, but also do not violate corporate gift policy. So, what can you still give as a corporate gift? Learn every corporate gift policy rule, and start choosing items that suit your budget, have a good and unique design to make a lasting impression. You can choose to order corporate gifts or customized gifts at BestGiftHK. There are many product categories that you can choose from, starting from clothing, drinkware, stationery, electronics, trophies, homeware, and leather gifts. Water bottles, T-shirts, sweaters, Power Banks, jewelry boxes, crystal trophies are some of the popular gift items and you can order them directly from us while providing the design you want. All products at BestGift have the best quality, and prioritize unique gifts with craft printing services. There are many options you can choose from, such as pad printing, embroidery, laser or silk screen printing. We will accept orders from you without a minimum order quantity, and help you with gift customization needs for event celebrations, surprises, promotions, etc. We have more than a decade of experience in professional gift customization for small, medium and large customers. More than 80% of customers make repeat orders, and more and more overseas customers rely on us to make customized gifts with company logo or any design you desire.


  餐具是人們日常生活中不可或缺的用品,它不僅是餐桌上的工具,更是一種生活態度和品味的象徵。風格統一的餐廳,餐桌上的用具、牆壁地面的裝飾、織物、燈具及整體色調等相互映襯,形成了各自餐廳的獨特氣質,而越是講究的餐廳,就越是要把細微的地方做好。多元文化的交融,也為原本單一的就餐環境帶來了新的改變。對於餐飲行業來說,有著與品牌互相呼應的餐具設計是非常重要的,因為它不僅能展示品牌形象,還能讓消費者對品牌有更深的記憶。一個優秀的logo設計餐具不僅能夠體現品牌的理念和氣質,還能吸引消費者的目光。 餐具的特色主要表現在餐具選擇的材質,製作工藝上採用的造型以及餐具盤面上豐富變化的色彩與圖案,那究竟什麼樣的餐具與傳統餐具相比才具有自己的風格,從而對餐廳整體風格形成一定的影響呢?那就要從餐桌上的餐具不同的特色說起。 一、陶瓷餐具 在傳統餐具的分類中,瓷器總是作為餐具的主流,傳統白瓷在造型與製作工藝上偏於單調。如今,形式多樣及色彩豐富的瓷器餐具已經漸漸開始取代以前單調瓷器了。比如,在色彩與圖案上,賦予表面豐富變化的裝飾圖案以體現出不同的視覺感受,印上獨屬於餐廳的logo或者圖案,使得瓷器的造型色彩與品牌相結合,更能體現餐廳文化。 二、竹木餐具 天然材料總能給人傳遞一種親切,柔韌的感覺。竹木餐具的手工感越強,就會帶給人越強的自然田同風格,在追求健康環保就餐理念的影響下,竹木餐具自然能和「生態」、「綠色」等詞彙聯繫起來,同時,由於竹木的自然屬性又會讓人感覺親近與自然,天然材質讓你在就餐的過程中仿佛能嗅到自然味道,這樣的餐具能為就餐帶來情緒的舒緩,自由、放鬆。由於竹木本身的親近感能拉近人與人之間的心理距離,在整體餐廳風格塑造中,我們不妨在餐桌上及周圍擺放大量仿真鮮花及綠色盆栽植物,切忌繁複,清新簡單就能體現出餐廳的自然與質樸的氣質。 三、金屬餐具 金屬作為餐具的製作歷史較長,由於它在古時一度專為以皇室為代表的上流社會專用,因此將金屬作為餐具其造型和做工往往和其他工藝品相比其工時與工藝都是不相上下的,由於早期的金屬與工藝品聯繫緊密,既顯示出精緻的手工性,也有貴族氣,使與金屬餐具共餐的人也顯得煜煜生輝。隨着現代機械程式化的製作,金屬餐具越來越精美與實用,餐飲企業會選擇在金屬餐具上訂製企業特有的圖案或者logo,以彰顯品牌價值,讓顧客在用餐的過程中加深對品牌的印象。 四、環保小麥秸稈餐具 小麥秸稈餐具是一種新興的環保產品,利用小麥秸稈作為原材料,通過特定的工藝加工製成,使用後不會對環境造成長期污染。製造過程中不添加有害化學物質,對人體無毒無害。這類餐具不僅具有實用性,還有助於減少塑料污染。隨著環保意識的提高和政策的推動,小麥秸稈餐具的市場需求逐漸增大。許多國家和地區已經開始限制一次性塑料產品的使用,這為小麥秸稈餐具提供了廣闊的市場空間。越來越多的企業會選擇使用小麥秸稈餐具,其顏色豐富,造型可愛,方便訂製企業特有的圖案,深受廣大餐飲企業青睞,具有廣泛的應用前景和潛力。隨著技術的進步和市場的發展,這類餐具將在未來的可持續發展中發揮更加重要的作用。


由香港出口商會主辦、香港特別行政區政府「創意香港」為主要贊助機構,「香港智營設計大賞2024」於香港故宮文化博物館舉行頒獎典禮,而BEST GIFT就為此製作了一批頒獎典禮所用的獎座、證書與文件夾等附屬品,此次大賞共頒發76個獎項,以嘉許超過70位本地得獎設計師。 BEST GIFT非常榮幸能為此次大賞貢獻我們的設計和製作。每一個獎座均採用了高品質的水晶材質,中間部分為透明水晶,內部雕刻有3D立體的「香港智營設計大賞」LOGO,外部則使用磨砂水晶效果,盡顯水晶奖盃的高貴與創新設計。 除了訂製獎座,我們還精心運用多種印刷工藝來製作獲獎證書、文件夾和貼紙。這些附屬品不僅實用,還具有紀念價值,完美地襯托了頒獎典禮的高雅氛圍,並為參加者留下難忘的回憶。如果您也希望為您的活動增添一份獨特的紀念品和專業的服務,不妨與BEST GIFT聯繫。相信我們的產品和服務能為您的活動增添更多亮點和成功!期待與您合作,共同打造更多精彩的活動體驗!📧E-mail: hello@bestgift.com.hk🗨️Whatsapp: +852-95684618最後,我們在此再次恭喜所有得獎設計師,與我們分享閃耀時刻。未來希望本地優秀設計師繼續為大眾設計更多創意又實用的作品!👏


在當前的娛樂市場中,電影角色IP已經成為吸引觀眾的重要工具。電影院可以通過與這些熱門角色IP聯乘,推出專屬的周邊產品,不僅可以提高電影院品牌自身的知名度和吸引力,也能夠為影院帶來更多商機。   利用電影角色IP增強品牌影響力與銷售額 電影角色IP本身擁有大量忠實影迷,在影片上映期間推出限量版的周邊抱枕、T-Shirt、帆布袋等專屬產品,吸引影迷專程前來購買,必定會引起一陣搶購熱潮,從而提高客流量和銷售額。 電影院還可以在社交媒體上舉辦與電影角色IP相關的抽獎活動,吸引更加廣泛的參與和關註。提高品牌曝光率的同時還能夠增強影迷的參與感和忠誠度。   各種周邊產品推薦 無論是票房大賣的大片,還是小眾冷門影片,我們的團隊都能夠精心設計出貼合電影IP形象的各種周邊產品。 陶瓷杯:印有IP角色的陶瓷馬克杯,既實用又美觀,適合家庭和辦公室使用。影迷可以在每次喝咖啡或茶時,重溫電影的美好時光。   短毛絨抱枕:舒適的抱枕是觀影的理想伴侶。定製的電影角色抱枕不僅可以在影院內使用,還能帶回家中,成為觀眾日常生活的一部分,增加品牌的曝光度。   T恤:電影角色T恤是經典的周邊產品,無論是日常穿著還是參加電影首映禮,都是影迷表達喜愛的方式。純棉材質保證了舒適度和耐久性。   環保帆布袋:實用且環保的帆布袋,印有電影角色的圖案,不僅可以在日常生活中使用,還能提升品牌形象。無論是購物還是外出,帆布袋都是理想的選擇。   磁石立體冰箱貼:小巧可愛的電影角色磁石貼,既是裝飾品也是實用的提醒工具。觀眾可以用它來固定備忘錄或照片,時刻感受電影的魅力。   矽膠卡通造型按動筆:實用且富有紀念價值的電影角色圓珠筆,既可以用來書寫,也是一種精美的收藏品,讓影迷隨時隨地感受電影的魅力。   觀影現金券:專屬的觀影現金券,是吸引影迷重返影院的有效手段。這些現金券可以設計成電影角色的形象,增添收藏價值。   IP公仔玩偶:高質量的電影角色公仔玩偶,是影迷們最喜愛的收藏品之一。無論是擺在家中還是辦公室,都是展示個人愛好的絕佳選擇。 異型貼紙:創意十足的異形貼紙可以貼在筆記本、手機殼或水瓶上,令影迷隨時隨地展示對電影角色的喜愛。這些貼紙既實用又具有裝飾性,深受年輕觀眾的喜愛。   BEST GIFT擁有多年禮品定制經驗,絕對是電影院合作的不二之選。我們有一支高度專業化的設計團隊,能夠靈活運用各種新穎的元素,為每一個電影IP打造出別具特色的周邊產品。同時,我們的生產團隊也擁有豐富的實戰經驗,能夠確保每一件產品都能夠按時高標準完成交付。   如果想要為自己的場館增加更多的人氣和收益,不妨與BEST GIFT聯繫。 相信通過我們精心設計的電影周邊產品和營銷活動,一定能夠為你們帶來意想不到的驚喜! 期待能與你們合作,一起開創全新的電影觀影體驗! E-mail: hello@bestgift.com.hk Whatsapp: +852-95684618
Custom T Shirt


超多色彩選擇的純棉基礎款短袖T恤 在夏季,短袖T恤是衣櫥裡不可或缺的單品。BEST GIFT 提供超多色彩選擇的純棉基礎款短袖T恤,無論是經典的白恤衫還是亮眼的彩色款,均能滿足不同顧客的需求。這些T恤採用100%純棉材質,柔軟舒適且透氣性極佳。從簡約的日系穿搭,到潮爆的oversize朋克風格,都可以在此搭配中意的顏色和設計。此外,T恤還支持似顏繪和卡通IP圖案定制,歡迎聯絡我們咨詢更多T恤訂製服務。 適合休閒商務場合的各款polo衫 對於既需要休閒又想保持商務風格的顧客而言,polo shirts 是最佳選擇。BEST GIFT 提供多款polo衫,包括親膚舒適的棉質和速乾的聚酯纖維材質選擇。棉質polo衫手感舒適,適合日常穿著和商務場合;速乾polo衫則更適合運動和戶外活動。無論您選擇哪種材質的polo衫,都能在此找到符合您需求的款式,並且支持定制專屬圖案和LOGO。 聚酯纖維材質的速乾透氣T恤 現代生活節奏快,速乾T恤成為健身和戶外運動人士的首選。BEST GIFT 的聚酯纖維材質速乾T恤不僅透氣性好,而且乾得快,非常適合多汗和高強度運動。緊身高彈性款式特別適合健身愛好者,能完美展示身材曲線;而寬鬆款的冰絲T恤則適合戶外運動人士,提供更大的活動空間和涼爽的穿著體驗。不管是哪種款式,這些速乾T恤都能讓您在運動中保持乾爽和舒適。 親密連結,個性定制 情侶裝和親子裝是展示家庭和諧的最佳方式。BEST GIFT 提供多種定制選項,幫助您打造獨一無二的情侶裝和親子裝。不論是簡約的白恤衫,還是充滿創意的卡通IP圖案,都可以根據您的需求進行定制。我們的定制服務不僅品質優異,而且可以根據您的設計想法進行個性化定制,讓每一件衣服都獨具特色,成為您和家人、愛人間的獨特紀念。 團隊制服,凝聚力與認同感 團隊活動中,統一的服裝能增強團隊的凝聚力和認同感。BEST GIFT 提供專業的定制服務,不僅可以為足球隊定制高質量的波衫,還可以為各類公司、團體定制團體服。我們的波衫採用優質材料,透氣性好,耐磨性強,非常適合激烈的運動場合。而團體服則有多種款式和顏色選擇,不論是短袖T恤還是polo shirts,都能根據團隊的需要進行定制,印上團隊的標誌和口號。 多種面料和尺碼選擇 BEST GIFT 的T恤產品提供多種面料和尺碼選擇,從180g至300g的純棉面料應有盡有,滿足您對厚度和舒適度的不同需求。尺碼從XS到XXXL全覆蓋,不管男女老少都能找到合適的尺寸。我們支持一件起訂,可以印制您喜歡的圖案或者卡通角色,讓每個人都能在此定制到滿意的T恤。不論您是追求個性化的似顏繪設計,還是偏好經典的白恤衫,這裡都能滿足您的需求。 ____________________________________________________________ 聯絡我們如需更多關於我們的禮品和服務信息,請隨時聯絡我們。E-mail: hello@bestgift.com.hkWhatsapp: +852-95684618


企業在宣傳時,通常需要用到適合推廣的小禮品,這些小禮品可以應用於多種場景,如展會、會銷、招商活動等,對於這類小禮品,企業通常會選擇一些日常的小物件。然而,併非所有的小產品都適合作為企業的小禮品使用。盡量選擇實用性與價值相結合的小禮品,從而實現宣傳推廣的效果,對企業來說至關重要。 所以,企業小禮品的選擇必須從“有用”且“實用”的角度出發。首先,產品的品質是關鍵,只有品質過關,才能確保產品的實用性。因此,產品的質量要過關,才能夠幫助企業實現良性宣傳,將品牌植入消費者的心中。其次,這些小禮品要實用,盡量選擇能夠適用於客戶的日常生活的小禮品,訂製上企業名信息,讓這樣的禮品在客戶手中每天流動,加深印象,漸漸成為一種流動的廣告,讓更多的消費者開始使用妳的品牌。 那麼,有哪些物品適合作為企業小禮品來宣傳贈送呢?以下是一些推薦的小禮品選擇: 訂製帆佈袋 帆布袋作為企業宣傳禮品的首選之一,不僅因其實用性和環保性受到廣泛青睞,還因其大面積的印刷空間能夠更好地展示企業Logo和品牌信息。通過精心訂製帆布袋,企業可以有效提升品牌知名度,體現環保理念,並在市場中取得更多的關注和認同。 戶外水樽 戶外水樽做為企業宣傳禮品的一種,具有很強的實用性,是非常合適的。材質也有多樣選擇,可以是不鏽鋼、玻璃、塑膠,根據客戶群體不同特點選擇不同容量。設計是水樽訂製中的重要環節,印刷企業的名稱、口號或者logo,運用於各種活動中,可以達到最佳的宣傳效果。 USB 企業訂製USB作為一種實用且便攜的宣傳禮品,不僅能夠長期使用,還能有效提升品牌曝光率。確定目標受眾和用途、選擇合適的容量和接口類型、進行創意訂製設計,通過精心訂製USB,企業可以有效提升品牌知名度,體現環保理念,並在市場中取得更多的關注。 手持風扇 夏天到了,在旅行戶外或炎熱的地區,贈送迷你手拿風扇是非常實用的小禮品。選擇風扇的款式和材質,機身訂製企業logo或者名稱,手持小風扇不僅可以為客戶提供清涼的風,同時也可以植入企業的宣傳信息,增強客戶對品牌的印象。 筆記本 筆記本做為企業宣傳禮品,也是非常合適的。企業訂製宣傳小禮品的目的是為了加深消費者對品牌的印象,因此可以在筆記本設計中巧妙融入品牌元素,這包括企業的logo、口號、色彩等。通過將這些元素與筆記本相結合,客戶在使用時,會在心中留下深刻的品牌印記。   禮盒套裝 企業訂製禮盒套裝是一種高端且體面的宣傳禮品,不僅能夠增強企業形象,還能表達對客戶的感謝與關懷。禮盒產品的選擇需要根據目標受眾及其偏好來決定,例如,商務人士可能更傾向於高端、精緻的禮盒套裝,而大眾客戶則可能偏愛實用性強的產品。選擇可靠的供應商,精心設計禮盒的外包裝,訂製時注意融入企業品牌色彩和元素,讓客戶手中的禮盒成為移動的廣告牌,可以更大地提升品牌知名度,獲得更多的關注和認同。        


採購行業在企業運營中扮演著至關重要的角色,而訂製禮品在加強企業品牌、提升員工和客戶滿意度方面有著獨特的優勢。 企業在選擇訂製禮品時,應根據受眾的需求和場合的不同,選擇合適的禮品類型。高品質、實用性強且具創意的訂製禮品,能夠提升企業形象,增強品牌影響力。下面將介紹幾類適合不同需求和場合的訂製禮品,並提供一些實用的建議。  一、商務禮品訂製 (一)獎盃訂製 訂製獎盃在企業文化建設、員工激勵和品牌宣傳中具有重要作用。外觀的選擇上可以根據企業文化和獎項意義選擇適當的形狀和風格,可以是傳統的水晶獎盃、金屬獎盃,也可以是新型的木頭獎盃、亞克力獎盃等等。最後在獎盃上雕刻企業LOGO、獲獎者姓名、獎項名稱和頒獎日期,增加獨特性和紀念價值。   (二)USB訂製 訂製USB閃存盤是實用且具吸引力的禮品選擇。它不僅能夠滿足日常存儲需求,還能作為企業品牌宣傳的載體。選擇符合企業形象和活動主題的材質和設計,如高檔活動可以選擇金屬或皮革材質,日常宣傳可以選擇塑料或木材,印上企業LOGO或者特定顏色,可以作為拜訪重要客戶、回饋客戶的禮品,或者是宣傳推廣活動、客戶答謝會、產品發佈會的小禮物。  (三)鋼筆/筆記本訂製 訂製鋼筆和記筆記本是常見且實用的禮品選擇。鋼筆和筆記本可以是高層管理會議時使用,也可以在拜訪重要客戶時贈送,當然也可以作為獎勵禮品贈送給表現優異的員工。選擇高品質的鋼筆,在筆身刻上企業LOGO、企業名稱或特定的口號,以增強品牌識別度。高檔禮品盒包裝能提升禮品的整體檔次,所以包裝盒上也可以印上企業標識,保持統一的品牌形象。  二、生活用品訂製 (一)帆佈袋/背包訂製 企業訂製帆布袋或背包是非常實用且受歡迎的禮品選擇。可以根據用途選擇合適的款式,如簡單的單肩帆布袋、時尚的背包、多功能的運動包等。例如在產品發布會或者客戶答謝會上,為每位參會者準備一個訂製的帆布袋,內含公司產品介紹、演示資料和一些小禮品,不僅增強了客戶的忠誠度,而且能夠作為移動的廣告牌,幫助企業提升品牌知名度。  (二)水杯訂製 訂製水杯在企業宣傳、客戶關係管理和員工激勵中具有重要作用。通過合理選擇材質、設計和應用場景,企業可以打造出既實用又具吸引力的訂製禮品,從而有效提升品牌形象和受眾滿意度。例如將企業LOGO、客戶名稱等信息印在水杯上,在活動現場提供訂製水杯,方便參會者使用,並在活動結束時作為禮品贈送。  三、節日禮品訂製 (一)聖誕節/中秋/端午等節日禮品訂製 訂製節日禮品在企業文化建設、客戶關係管理和品牌宣傳中具有重要作用。這份禮品可以是節日裝飾,也可以是實用物品或食品禮盒。例如即將到來的端午節,企業可以在端午節前,為每位員工準備一份精心訂製的粽子禮盒,內含應節的美味粽子,搭配巧克力、糖果、餅乾或者紅酒,增強節日氛圍和員工歸屬感,相信是一個非常不錯的訂製禮品選擇。  企業訂製禮品在增強員工歸屬感、提升客戶忠誠度和促進品牌曝光方面具有重要作用。通過合理選擇材質、設計和應用場景,企業可以打造出既實用又具吸引力的訂製禮品,從而有效提升品牌形象和受眾滿意度。希望本文提供的建議和案例能夠幫助企業在訂製禮品的選擇和應用中取得更好的效果。


銀行節日禮品訂製:不僅僅是心意,更是藝術  在現代金融業中,銀行不僅需要提供優質的金融產品和服務,還需注重與客戶之間的情感聯繫。送客戶訂製禮品成為了提升客戶滿意度和忠誠度的一種重要策略。訂製禮品往往印有銀行的標誌或品牌元素,能夠加深客戶對品牌的印象。同時,精美實用的禮品也能提升客戶對銀行的好感。特別是對於長期客戶或高端客戶,這種個性化的關懷更能體現銀行的關注和誠意。在金融產品同質化嚴重的情況下,訂製禮品作為差異化服務的一部分,可以幫助銀行在市場中脫穎而出,吸引更多新客戶的同時,穩定現有客戶群。以下是一些適合作為銀行禮品的建議,希望能幫助到你。 訂製鋼筆或筆記本 訂製鋼筆或筆記本作為銀行的禮品,不僅具有實用性,還能展現銀行的專業形象和對客戶的關懷。通過選擇優質材料、印刷銀行標誌、提供個性化選擇以及精心包裝,訂製的鋼筆或筆記本將成為客戶喜愛的禮品,有效提升品牌形象和客戶滿意度。 訂製高端紅酒或酒杯 銀行訂製高端紅酒或酒杯作為客戶禮品是一種高雅且具品味的選擇。可以選擇一些稀有或特別年份的紅酒,提升禮品的價值;在紅酒瓶身和酒杯上設計專屬標籤,可以是印有銀行的標誌、名稱和祝福語;或者提供瓶身刻字服務,可以刻上客戶的名字或特別日期,讓禮品更加個性化和有紀念意義,增加專屬感;設計高品質的禮盒,內部可以有專用的紅酒開瓶器等配件,附上精美的賀卡,寫上個性化的祝福語或感謝詞,讓客戶感受到銀行的用心和誠意。 訂製水杯或保溫杯 銀行訂製水杯或保溫杯是一個實用性強且受歡迎的禮品選擇,選擇一些質量可靠的、耐用易清潔的產品是非常重要的。在水杯或保溫杯的表面印刷銀行的標誌或標識,提升品牌識別度, 也可以考慮增加客戶名字或特別日期的個性化設計,增加禮品的專屬感。也可以將水杯或保溫杯與其他相關禮品配套,如訂製杯墊、濾茶器等,增加禮品的實用性,並提供精美的訂製包裝,如禮品盒或手提袋,增強禮品的禮品感和品質感。 訂製雨傘或購物袋 銀行訂製雨傘或購物袋是一個實用且高效的營銷策略。選擇耐用、防風和防水材料的雨傘,確保長期使用中的品質和功能性,可以在雨傘上印刷銀行的標誌、名稱和標語,選擇與銀行品牌色調一致的顏色,並設計簡潔大方的圖案,使雨傘既美觀又實用,並且提高品牌辨識度。功能方面建議提供折疊款和直柄款,讓客戶根據自己的喜好選擇,體現企業人性化,並提供帶有銀行標誌的雨傘套或收納袋,增加品牌曝光機會。 訂製充電寶或手機配件 銀行通過訂製充電寶和手機配件作為禮品,不僅能提供實用且受歡迎的禮品,還能提升品牌的知名度和客戶的滿意度。首先選擇容量較大的充電寶,能夠為客戶提供更長時間的充電支持,考慮選擇支持快充功能的充電寶,提高充電效率;其次在充電寶的外殼上印刷銀行的標誌、名稱和標語,設計獨特的外觀風格,讓充電寶與眾不同,增強品牌的曝光度和識別度。最後再提供精美的訂製包裝,增加禮品的禮品感和品質感。 節日禮品訂製 銀行在傳統節日訂製禮品時,可以選擇具有文化特色和實用性的禮品,以表達對客戶的關懷和感謝,同時加強品牌形象和客戶關係。例如感恩節、萬聖節、聖誕節等節日,可以訂製巧克力糖果禮盒;端午節中秋節可以訂製粽子和月餅禮盒;春節以及元旦則可以訂製利是封,琿春等傳統節日相關物品的禮盒。在禮盒的包裝上印上企業logo和文化標誌,透過訂製傳統節日禮品,銀行能夠與客戶建立更緊密的關係,同時提升品牌形象和知名度。  總結來說,銀行通過送客戶訂製類禮品,不僅能增強客戶對品牌的認同感和忠誠度,還能在激烈的市場競爭中取得優勢。精心設計和選擇合適的訂製禮品,能夠使銀行與客戶之間建立更深厚的情感聯繫,實現雙贏的效果。
Company SWAG Ideas
Company SWAG Ideas

Best Company SWAG Ideas to Impress Your Employees

Employees are the most important aspect in every company that can determine whether the company will progress or not. If you already know how important employees are to your company, then you should consider giving them the best experience at work, by providing adequate facilities and value their hard work by giving them the best company swag. Company gifting is not only done to clients and prospects, because we have employees who are also assets for the company's progress. Showing appreciation to employees is one of the best ways to align team goals and increase morale and employee retention. We have prepared this article for those of you who are still confused about what company swag is suitable for your team. What is a company swag? A company swag is promotional materials from a company to give to clients, prospects, or employees for free to promote its brand and be a way to value its employees. The best company swag will be determined by how the company can meet employee needs or provide items according to what they have wanted. The gifts can be anything from notebooks, t-shirts, key chains, or gifts of experience. Is company swag necessary? A company swag is not just giving ordinary gifts to employees, because this is a strategic tool to value your team about their hard work or foster a positive work culture by showing that everything employees do will be notified by the office. Discovering the best company swag is a relief for every employee who has given their best effort in terms of time and energy, increasing your engagement with each individual. Although there are still many ways to appreciate employees, company swag is necessary as your first step to show how much you care for each member of your team. You can choose whether to give bulk swag items or customize gifts per individual. What are the best company swag? Every day you will be amazed by the choice of gifts available online. Mind your budget first if you want to give the best corporation gift to employees, because you have to ensure the gift has the best quality and is long-lasting. Even though free stuff is always appreciated, you need to think about a unique gift so that employees feel special according to whatever item you give them. Let's look at some company swag ideas that you can choose from. Noise cancelling headphones One company swag that is suitable for increasing employee productivity is noise canceling headphones. Sometimes we have a noisy workplace because of the surrounding environment, or remote workers who are used to working in cafes or crowded places. You can choose Bluetooth headphones as company swag by printing the logo on the right and left of the headphones. The calmness of employees at work makes them more focused on their work, or those who want to unwind when there is difficult work by listening to their favorite songs. Choose headphones with clear sound quality and can reduce outside noise so that your employees' comfort is taken into account. Wireless charging station Currently, every employee will have a gadget that they need to charge at all times, because it is for work needs or daily needs. If many employees often forget to bring a charger for their devices, you can bulk order a wireless charging station as the perfect company swag item. This gift is convenient for charging multiple phones, can be used for various phones. You can choose a wireless charging station with a flat shape or a cork stand, with various types of materials such as eco-friendly materials, square bamboo, wheat straw, mirrors, etc. Right now, wireless charging is a primary need for anyone, and if you can provide it as company swag, employers will be happy because the office meets their needs. Backpacks A backpack is a cool item that employees can take anywhere they want to pack all their belongings. The backpack will be easy to put on the company logo on the front, useful for brand awareness and employees can be proud to wear it wherever they go. Make sure you choose a backpack with authentic material and design that matches your company logo. This way, you can show that employees have a cool workplace that provides their employees' needs right down to how they carry their belongings. High-quality water bottle Your employees work hard, and you need to provide something that keeps them focused and hydrated. Give each employee a high-quality water bottle to pour their water to drink while working, or for them to use when exercising and traveling. There are many types of water bottles that you can choose from, starting from RPET, insulated water bottles, stainless steel, etc. Get a good design and bright bottle color so that your company logo is displayed clearly on the front. Employees who stay hydrated will not get sleepy easily and can continue to focus during work time. You can prepare a place to refill water so that they can always fill their water bottle until it is full throughout the day. Souvenir office gift set You can give bulk order gifts such as souvenir gift sets containing a wireless mouse, wireless keyboard, USB and signature pen. Every item you give can have a company logo attached to it and the design you want. These tech accessories can be used by employees for their office needs or when they work remotely. Provide facilities to employees, especially when you have remote workers. This means you think about their productivity by bringing the accessories to elevate their work. Best Care Packages for Employees and Business Now you have lots of ideas for choosing company swag. Where is the best place to make company swag with a custom logo? BestGiftHK is the solution. BestGift has more than 20 years of experience in making corporation gifts and company swag for promotional needs, employee appreciation, or for brand awareness. You can choose various printing methods to suit the item you choose. We are ready to accept whatever order you need, and shipping it worldwide.

