office organization ideas
Best Office Organization Ideas to Add Productivity
A comfortable place to work can create new enthusiasm for employees, reduce daily stress, and create a positive company culture. To increase enthusiasm from employees, we need to think about office organization ideas, involving every employee to organize each of their desks and maintain the cleanliness and orderliness of the workplace for mutual comfort. We will explain some of the best ideas on how to organize an office for increased productivity.
What is an office organization?
Office organization can be defined as the arrangement of employees, materials and work in an office to achieve organizational goals. Arranging office space can create a healthy environment and reduce productivity. Creating new habits in the office requires commitment from employees and also higher-ups to be able to arrange positions and responsibilities and share organizational goals efficiently.
Do office need to be organized?
Yes, because a tidy workspace can reduce work stress, save time, and encourage staff to be productive. Even though business success requires more than an organized office, this is one way to cultivate good habits. Removing clutter and keeping each desk clean can help employees focus more on what's important. Surveys say that people who work in a tidy place find it easier to focus and complete their work faster than those who don't.
How can I organize my office better?
Not everyone understands how to organize their office to make it look neater and nicer to look at. Office organization ideas will help you to organize everything from scratch. First, tell all employees to remove everything from their desk, leave their work space empty and do a cleaning if necessary. After that, put necessary items back onto the tabletop. Put everyday office supplies on the desk for convenient access.
Prepare desk drawer organizers and small baskets so that employees can place their files neatly, and make it easier for each employee to access if they need a lot of files every day. Delegate activities for each work area, furnish each work area with appropriate supplies and equipment. By separating each area according to their needs, you can provide a clearer view for employees for each item they need.
Office organization ideas to maximize productivity
Organizing the work environment is essential. Everyone will feel overwhelmed by a workplace that is full of things that don't fit in their place and triggers a stress response. With office organization ideas, you can reduce the frequency of stress response and give every employee a feeling of control. Let's look at some things that can be organized in your office.
Create a company swag
A company swag can be one way to organize an office with sufficient office supplies but some of these items already have the company logo printed on them. All necessary items must always be provided by the office, to maximize their performance, and employees will never be confused about their supplies. But where can we get some office supplies with company logos on them?
BestGiftHK is the best place to customize office supplies to be given a company logo with various printing services such as laser, pad printing, embroidery, etc. There are many products that you can choose from, such as notebooks, pens, staff cards, folders, business card boxes, bookmarks, tech accessories, etc. With BestGiftHK, you can create company swag according to your needs, and meet employee needs for necessary items while promoting with the company logo on each item.
Hide the wires
Another idea is to keep each table clean by hiding all the wires or organizing them. With all the cables from mice, laptops, phones, monitors, of course there will be wasted space and make it difficult for every employee to find the best spot to work. Hiding those wires is essential by using binder clips to group them, or prepare a cable organizer on each employee's desk. For several cables from PC equipment or laptops, you can route the cables to the back of the desk, use a cable tip to make one so that each cable will not stick out and fill the work desk.
For some time, every employee needs to declutter everything in their desk. Many employees waste time on organizing things that they don't use. Make a separate schedule for each employee to declutter their things such as paper files, books, or anything that is no longer used. Get rid of several duplicate items with duplicate functions such as more pens with the same color, pencils, rulers, or anything that is more than one and beyond the employee needs. Create a location for the dump pile and collect every item that is no longer used by employees to donate it if some is still in use, or destroy it before throwing it away if there are some credential files.
Go paperless
If you want to reduce a lot of space on your office desk because you use too much paper, you can introduce new habits for each employee by using Apps like Google Docs, Evernote, Notepad, or anything from cloud-based note-taking to speed up work and increase workplace efficiency. But if you still need paper for writing things and various kinds of work that require manual notes, you can use boxes and file cabinets for storage, and hopefully some distance from the work desk. Saving and sharing files in the cloud is a new step for every organization, but only do it if your office can implement it.
Workplace Trends That Every Office Should Know
Maintaining a neat office with office organization ideas is necessary, because it can be one of the main supports for increasing productivity, reducing work stress, and creating a positive company culture. Employee comfort at work is one of the factors for the business success. By thinking about the layout, office supplies, to meeting the work needs of each employee, the office will get many benefits from employee comfort while working and showing their best performance.
Hope our ideas can help you organize your office, and stay tuned for the next interesting information from us regarding company, promotions, advertising or corporation gifts.
customer service appreciation week gift ideas
Best Customer Service Team Gifts as Token of Appreciation
Customer service teams are the front line of any organization. They are the point of whether reviews from customers are good or not, because exceptional service from the customer service team will determine between positive or negative reviews of your company. This value can be worth thousands of dollars and fame to your business. By looking at how influential customer service teams are for your business, we need to think about customer service team gifts as a worthy investment. A morale boost for your team will provide an opportunity for them to give their best to your customers. We will explain a lot about this in this article.
What is customer service team member?
A customer service representative works with clients when there are orders, complaints, or need any information about services or products purchased from your business. This team also provides solutions that fit any situation and prioritize the customers' needs, helping them in every process.
In some cases, the customer service team can also set up new customer accounts and take orders from them. This team must provide their best performance with pleasant gestures, calm voices, and prioritize customer comfort until their needs are met. That's why the customer service team is the front guard of every business, because they are the image for your organization or the bridge between the business and customers.
What are the duties of customer service staff?
The most important duty of a customer service representative is to be able to interact with customers and get the context of their problem. As support agents, they must have sound knowledge of service or product, to help customers who need solutions without taking a long time. If there is a problem that has not been resolved, then customer service needs to negotiate with the team and follow up with customers regularly for any updates or progress made to resolve the complaint.
Customer service not only has to solve any problems, but also needs to ask for feedback from customers. Any suggestions from customers need to be noted to improve the brand's experience. A good customer service representative must have good communication skills, competent technical knowledge, attention to detail, and a proactive approach to support.
Do customer service team need gifts?
Having a job where you have to chat with various kinds of customers every day will certainly be exhausting. Not all customers will have complaints and convey them in a polite way, sometimes customers are angry and vent their anger at customer service representatives.
However, this team must remain calm and accept all consumer complaints without having to get emotional and provide solutions as quickly as possible. Giving customer service team gifts is a must, because this team is your savior whenever there is a problem with customers, and is a great opportunity for ordinary customers to become loyal customers after they get any solutions from them.
Best customer service team gifts as a form of gratitude
A good customer service experience must be celebrated properly. With the hard work of the customer service team, the company's progress is also becoming clearer. Let's take a look at some of the best ideas for customer service team gifts, for a whole team or for each individual.
Temperature control mug
The temperature control mug is a mug that is currently popular, because now there are mugs that can control the temperature of the recipient's beverage. Everyone wants their drink to stay warm and ready to drink even though they still have a lot of work to do. With temperature control smart mugs, you can provide comfort to the customer service team in drinking their warm drinks, giving new enthusiasm to each of their warm drinks.
Tech lovers box
For customer service that has high dedication in providing the best for customers, you need to provide tech accessories such as cable organizers, portable chargers, desk lamps, Power Banks, wireless chargers, noise canceling headphones, etc. Customer service work is not only receiving calls from customers, but also doing other work such as writing feedback or data recaps. That's why a tech box is a good gift idea. Any tech-centric package will make the customer service team more enthusiastic in handling their work.
Custom sweater fleece jacket
Celebrate customer service achievements with style with customized sweater fleece jacket, with soft, heathered tone, to provide optimal breathability and cozy warmth to the wearer.
Sweaters are an item that can be worn when going to work, or when traveling in cold weather. Ensure you choose material that provides comfort, convenient hand pockets, front zipper, and company logo on the left chest to add a touch of style.
Leather souvenir
Any souvenir made from leather is the perfect gift for customer service representatives. With high-quality leather, you can choose to apply it to several items such as folders, luggage tags, notebooks, business card boxes, computer bags, custom mirrors, etc. You can choose a material that suits the recipient's style, there is PU (Polyurethane) for synthetic leather or PVC for artificial leather with good durability and versatility.
Scented candle gifts, aroma diffusers, and aromatherapy gift boxes are suitable gifts for the customer service team. When work starts to get intense, of course customer service needs time to relax before they can return to handling customer problems. You can provide aromatherapy as stress relief and calm, you can give it to them in the break room, or give them a box directly for them to use at home.
Some of the ideas above are suitable gifts for customer service representatives, because these things can improve their performance. If you want to give any gift to be more meaningful, you can customize it at BestGiftHK. BestGift has focused on customized corporate gift production services and has been running for more than 20 years.
Best Corporate Care Packages for Every Employees
BestGiftHK is ready to accept orders from overseas customers, there is no minimum order, and can print corporate logos on the items you choose with various craft printing services such as laser, embroidery, pad printing, etc. We will work hand in hand with customers who value quality and time, and contribute our wisdom and strength to the brand promotion and development of Hong Kong enterprises.
這是一個索尼公司(SONY)為其展會策劃人Vincent Chan先生所定製的精美水晶證書相框。這個相框的設計非常講究,使用了高品質的水晶材質,整體呈現出高貴典雅的風格。水晶材質的相框具有通透感和光澤度,使得證書更加顯眼奪目;黑色的背景與金色的文字形成鮮明對比,凸顯了證書的內容;整體設計風格簡潔大方,沒有過多的裝飾,突出了證書的正式感。
這份證書不僅是對獲獎者個人的鼓勵,也是對獲獎者職業生涯的一種肯定。這份索尼公司定製的水晶證書相框,是一件具有紀念意義的物品。它不僅體現了索尼公司對員工的重視,也展示了公司對高品質和細節的追求。對於Vincent Chan先生來說,這份證書是他職業生涯中的一份寶貴的榮譽。
Asia Infrastructure Solutions禮品套裝定製案例:
這是Asia Infrastructure Solutions公司精心定製的抽繩袋禮品套裝,充分體現了該企業的品牌形象與專業精神。此套裝不僅是一份實用的辦公用品組合,更是對合作夥伴、員工或客戶的一份真摯感謝與尊重。
經典包裝設計二:King’s Choice’s奶酪
經典包裝設計三:Johnnie Walker
一個產品或品牌若要深植人心,不僅需賴於其悠久的歷史與精緻的Logo設計,其包裝藝術同樣是不可或缺的魅力所在。Johnnie Walker,作為威士忌界中的璀璨明珠,其經典之作無不彰顯著非凡的品味與風範。那獨樹一幟的方形玻璃瓶,代表著它的家鄉,靜靜地講述著遠方的故事;最引人註目的莫過於那「行走的紳士」(Striding Man)標記,他跨步向前,風度翩翩,不僅為包裝設計增添了一抹獨特的風采,更讓每一次品鑒都仿佛成為一場穿越時空的經典之旅,讓Johnnie Walker不僅僅是一款威士忌,更成為了旅行紀念品中不可或缺的文化符號。
經典包裝設計四:TWG Tea茶葉
TWG Tea,源自新加坡的奢華茶葉殿堂,是一家高端茶文化與旅行紀念品完美融合的典範。TWG的茶罐,每一件都是精心雕琢的藝術品,以色彩為紐帶,編織出一場視覺與味覺的雙重盛宴。紅、白、黃、綠、藍、黑,六色茶罐,如同旅途中邂逅的六彩風景,每一抹色彩都承載著不同的風味故事。特別是那款風靡全球的Singapore Breakfast Tea,其包裝設計汲取了新加坡的風情靈魂——帆船與魚尾獅的剪影交相輝映,古典優雅的字體與復古畫風交相織就,讓人一眼便能感受到那份來自熱帶島嶼的溫暖與浪漫。這不僅僅是一罐茶,更是一件值得珍藏的旅行紀念品,讓每一次品茗,都仿佛重溫那段美好的旅途記憶。
近期BEST GIFT榮幸地為香港醫院管理局製作了一款獨特的獎座,以慶祝他們最近對廣東省的交流訪問。獎座由精美木材製成,搭配流綫型的金屬鑲嵌,並通過精細的鐳射雕刻工藝刻上醫管局的LOGO和「與民攜手 保健安康,Helping people stay healthy」的勵誌標語。這款訂製的獎座象徵著醫院管理局對醫療卓越的承諾。
在這次訪問中,醫管局代表團與廣東省衛生健康委員會副主任進行了富有成效的會議,雙方就進一步推動粵港兩地公立醫院交流合作交換了意見。作為此次訪問的一部分,醫管局代表團還拜訪了廣東省兩家領先的公立醫院:中山大學附屬第一醫院和香港大學深圳醫院。BEST GIFT很榮幸有機會為此次重要活動製作紀念獎座。這次盛大的活動凸顯了BEST GIFT致力於為各種場合提供高品質定製獎座的承諾。我們經驗豐富的團隊致力於創造獨特且具有意義的禮品,捕捉任何活動的精髓。無論是公司獎勵、體育獎盃還是紀念禮物,BEST GIFT都能幫助您留下深刻的印象。
如果您也希望為您的活動增添一份獨特的紀念品和專業的服務,不妨與BEST GIFT聯繫。相信我們的產品和服務能為您的活動增添更多亮點和成功!期待與您合作,共同打造更多精彩的活動體驗!📧E-mail:🗨️Whatsapp: +852-95684618
office stationery
Top Cool Office Supplies to Be Used as a Corporate Gift
Office essentials or office supplies are necessary to help in managing office-related work and make employees' day tasks run smoothly. The right equipment must always be on employees' desks so they can work effectively and efficiently. Thinking about cool office supplies can be an encouragement for each team member, as well as facilitating consumable supplies needs day to day. We have prepared several ideas for you, ranging from common supplies to helping you stock a busy home office or work office.
What are general office supplies?
There are quite a lot of office supplies, because it depends on the needs of each employee. There are office basics like notebooks, paper, folders, toner, mailing supplies, or writing instruments. Next, there are office essentials that need to be stocked, such as organizers, highlighters, printer ink, staples, staplers, paper clips, paper shredders, tape dispensers, shipping and packaging supplies.
Some special supplies included in office inventory are printers, laptops, PCs, tech accessories like chargers, Power Banks, cable organizers, keyboards, mice, projectors, speakers, whiteboards, desks, chairs, etc.
Why is it important to have office supplies?
Office supplies must always be in the office for the work needs of each team member. They boost creativity and productivity among employees and provide necessary tools according to their work needs. Cool office supplies include branding or creating a professional image, such as branded business cards, stationery, or any items to help reinforce the company's identity. A well-equipped office shows that your brand pays attention to every detail and reflects positivity.
Top cool office supplies that are suitable as corporate gifts for employees
We know that office supplies will provide encouragement to employees. But we cannot provide usual supplies, because that is not something that is interesting to employees. To pursue employee satisfaction, you need to think about cool office supplies. By creating a functional and comfortable supplies, employees feel supported with the tools and they will perform better than before.
Environmentally friendly green seed book
Do your employees have a high awareness of protecting the environment? You can choose this green seed book by infusing the concept of sustainable living into eco-friendly materials in producing this notebook. The cover of this notebook is made with biodegradable seed paper and can be planted after use and grow into beautiful Chrysanthemums. This will be a popular environmentally friendly seed book because the paper can also germinate when watered and plants will grow randomly. The seed paper planting instructions are already on the cover.
Sports portable RPET water bottle
A water bottle is one of the daily needs for every employee to rehydrate. You can choose RPET for the material, because RPET (recycled polyethylene terephthalate) or recycled post-consumer plastic waste, will reduce the carbon footprint compared to any virgin plastic. The use of RPET water bottle saves energy as compared to other plastic, and reduces the amount of plastic waste. Using an RPET water bottle is suitable for your needs when working, traveling or while exercising.
Souvenir gift set office
A gift set that is suitable for employees on work anniversaries or when they reach certain milestones. The office gift set contains pen, umbrella, U disk, stereo, notebook, thermos cup, Power Bank, several important items for work office or home office needs.
You can add a company logo to each item along with the box. Choose the color of each item and box according to the company logo design, for brand awareness and to remind every employee that their work needs will always be met.
Tech accessories
Any tech accessories will always be needed for work. Several items such as charging converters, Power Banks, USB 3.0, wireless chargers, wireless keyboards, cable organizers, wireless mice are the main needs of employees who work using laptops or PCs every day. For example, cable organizers can be office supplies because many employees are tired of constantly hanging earphones or cables around their desks. This cable organizer is the right item for a tidy tech haven.
LED desk lamp with USB charging spot
A desk lamp is another necessity for employees to elevate their workplace. The LED light provides a soft, anti-glare, and flicker-free light that doesn't damage and fatigue employee's eyes. Whether employees are reading, writing, relaxing, or working, the mood lighting will suit any need. A UBS charger adds convenience when employees want to charge their phone for their needs.
This is the item that is considered not important but must always be present in the workplace environment. Every employee can feel bored if they are in a room without any plants. Plants can be used as office decoration and stress relief. Each employee can be assigned to care for each potted plant on their work desk as well as the local office garden as a shared responsibility. Plants not only reduce stress for employees, but also increase productivity and soften ambient noise.
Personalized items
Anything related to personal matters will increase employee trust in the office, as will employee retention. Starting from mugs, business cards, jackets, T-shirts, or whatever office supplies are still needed. The personalized items are the most unique office supply because they can be made specifically for each person. Deck out your office with customized items to foster a positive company culture. But where can we make personalized gifts or corporate gifts?
Workplace Trends That Every Office Should Know
BestGiftHK is the best place to make cool office supplies and corporate gifts by installing corporate logos or service promotions and other information in 15 types of printing like pad printing, silk screen printing, laser, and embroidery. There is no minimum order quantity, and we still serve your orders up to bulk orders. We assist companies to provide gift customization needs for promotions, business, employee benefits, event celebrations, etc.
With BestGiftHK, you will get quality goods and every customization will win a good reputation among large customers. More overseas customers who already rely on us, maybe you will be the next one. We will work hand in hand with customers who value quality and time, and contribute our wisdom and strength to the brand promotion and development of Hong Kong enterprises.
Custom Family Reunion Shirts
The Importance of Having a Family Reunion
Today, many families have begun to spread out to different parts of the state or even country. Although technology makes it easier for families to meet face to face, it is no different than spending quality face-to-face with your family to strengthen relationships, build connections, and create memories that can be shared for generations to come. The impact of a family reunion can create lasting memories through conversations between family members, new experiences and fun activities. Let's see what good impacts can be obtained when you hold a family reunion.
What is the main purpose of family reunion?
The main purpose for family reunion is to build cross-generational relationships, teach younger family members about history and culture, deepen family connections between the old and the young. Sometimes to enliven the event with family, personalized family T-shirts are needed to make every family member closer than ever, make photos better and lots of good memories for years to come.
Is family reunion a celebration?
Many families use reunions as a great time to celebrate birthdays, new marriages, festival days or milestone anniversaries. Why is it considered a celebration? Because it will be difficult to gather every family member, especially as the family grows from the grandparents to their grandchildren.
The difference in distance and the busyness of each family members makes every family reunion something worth celebrating. One of the best ways to increase the excitement of the celebration is custom family reunion shirts as unforgettable gatherings.
How long should a family reunion last?
Ideally, you can make an event with family about a weekend or longer. But remember, every family member has busy schedules and not all of them can stay in the event more than a weekend. It depends on how far away your family members live, the furthest person to attend the family reunion must stay longer than the others. But if everyone lives close to each other, one day is enough for reunion and reconnect.
What to prepare for a family reunion?
Once you know the importance of a reunion, start planning it as soon as possible. You need to do a checklist throughout the planning process such as choosing a date, consulting the family, deciding the budget, finding the location, menu, and what to wear.
A date is crucial when determining a family reunion so that it can provide an opportunity for every family member to attend. You can take a national holiday, festival day, or weekend that is certain every family member is off from work, college, or school. Next, decide your budget. There must be someone who records on how much money needs to be spent just like the previous reunion. Keep track of all expenses and look for discounts or promos if you want to hire an entertainer, venue, or caterer.
For the menu, some popular family reunion foods are grilled goods, holiday feast, soup, pizza, snacks, not to mention hot and cold beverages. Last thing, to enliven the event, you should think about personalized family T-Shirt ideas so you can make family reunion photos with matching clothes and elevate the event.
What to wear at a family reunion?
A rare moment like a family reunion must be planned in advance to make it more memorable for everyone. Typically, you can plan clothing that has been agreed upon for everyone with the same color, or the same theme. But you can also make custom family shirts to make your family unique.
Choosing the best place to make custom shirts is a must. BestGiftHK is ready to fulfill your reunion needs by making family name shirts with great quality and various printing services that are suitable. With more than a decade specializing in providing customized services, we can make your family reunion more meaningful and give a lasting impression with our products. Screen printing, embroider, HD rubber, and DTG are some of the printing services of choice for outstanding family shirts.
Benefits of Using Custom T-shirts for Brand Promotional
There are also many choices of T-shirts, starting from gram light cotton shirts, gram medium shirts, gram heavy shirts for outdoor enthusiasts, or sport quick dry T-shirts. Whatever type of shirt you choose, with BestGiftHK you can Design Your Memories: Amazing Custom Family T-Shirt Designs for Every Family!
Can you wear jeans to a reunion?
By choosing T-shirts for the top, it will certainly be suitable to wear jeans on the bottom. Jeans are also suitable for casual locations such as backyards, parks, picnics, or in the living room of a house. Family reunions are not formal events and are usually casual. Many activities together with family members are eating together, chatting, playing games, or sports. T-shirts and jeans will be a very suitable pair for this event.
Can parents tell their kids what to wear?
Sometimes, kids have their own wishes for the clothes they will wear during certain events. But because this is a family moment, you need to direct them to wear the shirts you have ordered for the whole family members. Show Your Pride: Stunning Family Name Shirts to Celebrate Your Heritage! Your kids will love what they will wear, with designs that you can determine in advance such as putting their respective names on the front or back, plus characters or texts that they like.
Sometimes distant families or young people in the family do not really understand the family tree. With custom family T-Shirt designs, you can make the youngsters know anyone in the family even though they rarely meet. You can also create a special event to enliven the reunion event such as showing family tree, and let each family member have the opportunity to put their name according to the order. With custom T-shirts, the event will make it easier to get to know each other, and find out the family tree quickly.
How Custom Family Reunion Shirts Can Help Create Memories?
Family and custom T-shirts are a great combo for creating lifelong memories. Inspire Your Next Family Event: Creative Personalized Family T-Shirt Ideas You’ll Adore! The symbolism and opportunities of the shirts present to help reaffirm how special and essential family is, no matter who you talk to.
Although each family member has different traits and attitudes, one thing remains the same, the presence of family love and connection. Try to capture any feelings with family during gatherings, plus wearing the same clothes signifies a family that is always united in any situation. Stand Out Together: Discover the Best Personalized Family T-Shirts for Every Occasion!
T-shirts have a natural ability to bring people together, plus each family member doesn't have to worry about what to wear, because it's been prepared in advance. No matter the family culture and familial relationship, everyone loves wearing a shirt. Plus personalized family shirts create a sense of belonging that other garments can't replicate.
Start brainstorming a family reunion shirt to create a beautiful opportunity to dive into your positive family culture. This shirt will define your family symbolically and every uniqueness can come out in the designs you prefer. Don't forget to contact BestGiftHK to guide you through the design, how to order, and how to step by step from choosing a shirt to shipping. Capture the great reunion moment with a custom T-shirt order that describes how great your family is.