Promotion Gifts
Corporate Gift

12 Best Promotion Gifts to Congratulate Colleague's Success

Every career path advancement is celebration-worthy. If you see your colleague, employee, or your best friend achieve their promotion because of their hard work, you want to celebrate them in a great way. Celebration for someone who gets a promotion at work will be more complete if you give promotion gifts. Because no matter the before or after titles, whoever gets promoted at work deserves to be recognized for their hard work and dedication to their office until they get a professional upgrade. We will provide you with information about promotion gift ideas, until you find the best choice for what gifts are suitable for colleagues, friends, or employees. What to do when someone gets promoted? In some cases, if you hear the news, if someone else has been promoted over you, it might be hard for you. But you must still give a good response to a colleague or supervisor gets promoted with respect and support. Be the good support even though you also want to be in the same position, make your enthusiasm to reach the same position. Same goes way for friends or family if they get promotion at their job. You will be pleased with their achievements, you can provide support by congratulating them, giving best wishes, and promotion gifts when you are invited to their party. What is promotion gift? A promotion gift is a special gift that you give to colleagues, friends, or family members, to congratulate them on getting their promotion at work. The gift is a form of support for them and recognizing them for their hard work. Do you get someone a gift for a promotion? It depends on how close you are to the person receiving the promotion. If you want to give a close friend, best coworker, or family member, you can celebrate the promotion by giving thoughtful promotion gifts that help them be more successful and productive in their new position. But how can you get thoughtful gifts, when there are so many choices of gifts in the online or offline market? We will make it easier for you to choose some of the best gifts for your coworker's promotion. Best promotion gifts to congratulate coworker's success Check out the items below and find the best gifts as a form of your support for people who receive promotions at work, say thank you for their hard work, and best luck for their success. Large desk mat New responsibilities, of course, require a new organized place. Help your promoted coworker with water-resistant, leather desk mat. If coworkers like a simple and elegant look, the large desk mat will be an amazing gift for them. The sliding magnetic cord holder can keep electronic devices close while charging, and with a leather surface layer to make it easier for you to view documents. The soft cover is ideal for writing and storing some office equipment, with simple but super sleek looks. Custom desk nameplate Engraved name plate is suitable for someone who received a promotion at work. You can choose what material to use for the nameplate, it can be acrylic, wood plate, or aluminum plate inlaid with the employee's name. Customize the desk nameplate with a company logo, new title, and a personalized message. Coworkers are not only proud of their achievements, but also proud to display the nameplate on their desk. Custom T-shirts Custom T-shirts make excellent promotion gifts to celebrate a colleague's success, blending personal sentiment with practicality. These shirts can be customized with unique designs, slogans, or the company logo, serving as a memorable token of appreciation. A well-designed T-shirt not only acknowledges the individual's achievement but also promotes a sense of unity and pride within the team. It’s a gift that they can wear with pride, symbolizing their accomplishment and the company’s recognition of their hard work. Moreover, custom T-shirts are versatile and long-lasting, making them a perfect promotional item. They serve as a constant reminder of the colleague's success and the support they received from their peers and organization. Whether worn casually outside the office or during company events, these T-shirts help reinforce the bond between team members while also subtly promoting the company brand. It's a thoughtful and impactful way to celebrate milestones and encourage continued excellence in the workplace. Dual charging pad Nowadays, everyone wants to have a special place for charging multiple devices at once. Sometimes people charge their multiple devices in different locations because only individual cords are available. But with the wireless charging pad, coworkers can charge up to three devices at once, saving both time and space. The dual charging pad comes with a cord for over 4.5 feet long, and you can order customized engraving, giving coworkers a gift that is useful at their office or at home. Home bar kit The bar combo kit is an outstanding promotion gift to celebrate at home with some fancy stuff. The bar kit contains spoon doubles as a muddler, the jigger with incremental marks inside, and mixing and pouring pieces. All the stuff in this kit is durable stainless steel, including the tumblers which can be used to make spill-free shakes. Coworkers will be happy to drink their celebratory cocktails in their whiskey glass. Office themend throw blanket One of the lighthearted gifts for coworkers is an office-themed throw blanket. Coworkers can bring it to work, or place it at home to enjoy a cozy and warm hug while hugging a throw blanket with some office quotes in it. The throw blanket is a unique congratulations gift to show your support. Personalized mug gift Your newly promoted coworker will be proud to have a customized mug with their name, and your best wishes on it. The mug is a high-quality product, and the print will never fade. It makes coworkers proud when they wear their mugs for their drinking time. You can order personalized items at BestGift HK, as a pioneer for corporation gifts and souvenirs for people around the world. BestGiftHK is the best place to make personalized mugs for your coworker, because you can choose the design you want, as well as the color of the mug you choose. Customized promotion socks It will be some fun if you provide custom promotion socks with coworker's photos on it. You can choose whether you put photos of several employees at the socks or only photos of someone who got a promotion. The socks will bring lots of joy. Socks are made from the good quality, best for any sizes you choose for men or women. Giving something fun and unique will cause laughter and joy at the office, but it's a clever gift to give. Wooden docking station The wooden docking station is a stable and comfortable surface for placing all items such as keys, phone, pen, charger, and watch. The compact size makes it easy to take anywhere coworkers go. You can order a wooden docking station with the coworker's name or initials. The wooden dock looks elegant and is suitable for placing on a work desk. Briefcase messenger bag The briefcase messenger bag is crafted from quality materials, and pleasing to the eye to put everything a coworker needs to go to the office. The briefcase has two shades of vintage leather to choose from, and makes an outstanding promotion gift for employees. You can ask to customize it with your name, company logo, or picture laser engraved on the bag to add a personalized touch. Standing desk convertor Your coworker has worked hard to get their promotion. Now, you can give the best gift by thinking about their physical health with this stand/sit converting work station. The desk convertor allows coworkers to sit or stand to optimize posture and productivity at work. There are several sizes you can choose from, and the desk is capable of holding at least 33 pounds of stuff. Traveler’s kit Everyone who has shown their hard work for the office deserves to get the best in their leisure time. Bring them joy by giving them a traveler's kit that contains high-end items for them to use on their next holiday trip. Choose several items according to the coworker's personality, and make them feel like a boss and very important in the office. Best Tips How To Be A Good Manager That's all about gift ideas from BestGift HK. If you have chosen your best gift, don't forget to add a personalized touch by ordering it at BestGiftHK. Make your promotion gift more meaningful with a personalized touch on it.
t shirt 制作


訂製公司團體服是一個需要仔細考慮的過程,因為它涉及到多個因素,例如風格、設計、材料、印刷方式、預算和時間等。 首先,你需要確定團體服的目的和風格。你可以問自己一些問題,例如團體服是用於特定的活動還是日常穿著?你想要一種輕鬆的風格還是專業的風格?通過回答這些問題,你可以更好地理解你需要什麼樣的團體服。 以下是可以值得考慮的幾個目的: 一、團隊凝聚力:公司團體服可以幫助團隊成員建立更緊密的聯繫,增強彼此之間的凝聚力和團隊精神。 二、公司形象:訂製公司團體服可以讓公司有一個統一的形象,向外界展示專業和組織的形象。 三、宣傳推廣:公司團體服也可以作為宣傳和推廣的一種方式。在活動和展覽中穿著公司團體服,可以增加品牌曝光度和識別度。 四、禮物贈送:公司團體服也可以作為禮物贈送給員工或客戶,以表達公司對他們的感謝和重視。 五、品牌建立:訂製公司團體服可以增強公司的品牌建設,使公司在消費者心中建立一個積極的形象和印象。 接下來,你需要確定團體服的設計和樣式。那麼,確定團體服的設計和樣式需要哪些步驟呢? 一、確定需求:首先,您需要確定公司團體服的需求,例如團隊人數、預算、活動或活動的性質、製作時間和穿著地點等。這些要素將決定設計和樣式的可行性。 二、選擇設計師或廠商:一旦您確定了需求,就可以開始尋找能夠設計和製作公司團體服的設計師或廠商。在選擇時,請確保您瞭解其設計風格、製作能力和價格等。 三、提供設計要求:提供詳細的設計要求,包括顏色、樣式、字型、徽標、標語等。如果您還沒有確定設計,請提供參考圖片或網頁,以便設計師或廠商理解您的想法。 四、審核設計方案:當您得到設計方案時,需要對其進行審查和回饋。請注意確保設計方案符合公司形象和宣傳策略。您可以讓公司內的一些同事參與評審。 五、確定材料和尺碼:一旦確定設計方案,需要確定公司團體服的材料和尺碼。 您可以要求設計師或製造商提供不同的材料和尺碼供您選擇。 六、生產、驗收和發放:最後一步是生產、驗收和發放公司團體服。在驗收過程中,請確保每個團隊成員都得到了正確的尺寸和設計,以確保所有成員都能穿上衣服並參加活動。 選擇合適的材料和印刷方式也是非常重要的。你可以選擇棉質或聚酯纖維等不同的材料,根據設計的圖案選擇相應的印刷方式。請確保選擇的材料和印刷方式符合團隊成員的需要,例如舒適度和耐用性。 在整個訂製過程中,與團隊成員的合作當然也是必不可缺的一部分。與他們一起討論和決定團體服的風格、設計、樣式、材料和印刷方式,確保他們能夠得到他們想要的團體服。 同時,預算和時間也是必須考慮的因素。你需要確定你的預算範圍,選擇適合的材料和印刷方式,以符合你的預算。同時,你也需要確定你的訂製時間範圍,並選擇合適的生產和送貨時間。 總的來說,訂製公司團體服需要仔細考慮多個因素。確定風格、設計、材料和印刷方式,與團隊成員合作,並考慮預算和時間,這些都是訂製成功的關鍵。 擔心自己不會訂製也沒有關係,憑借與眾多大型企業的長期合作夥伴關系,BESTGIFT  能夠滿足您對創意設計的所有要求。您可以選擇多種印刷技術,包括絲網印刷、直噴、熱轉印、刺繡等;如果您有其他更具體的問題,歡迎WhatsApp WhatsApp(+852-95684618)我們的客戶經理,我們將很樂意為您提供幫助。
Custom T Shirt


如果你想為你的公司制作一批定制T-shirt,那麽選擇合適的款式和價格是至關重要的。一款合適的T-shirt不僅可以為你的員工提供舒適的穿著體驗,還可以展現你公司的品牌形象和風格。在選擇T-shirt款式時,你需要考慮到員工的身體形狀和喜好,以及T-shirt的材質、設計和顏色等方面。同時,在定制T-shirt的成本方面,你需要考慮到訂購的數量、印刷方式、材質和品質等因素。在這篇文章中,我將介紹如何選擇合適的T-shirt款式和價格,以及如何確保你的定制T-shirt符合你的期望,一起來往下看看吧~ 在選擇T恤款式時,有很多不同的選擇,如短袖、長袖、POLO恤等。不同款式的T恤擁有獨特的優點和缺點,而選擇正確的款式將有助於打造出最適合公司品牌形象的定制T恤。 首先,短袖T恤是最常見的款式之一,非常適合在夏季宣傳活動中使用。這種T恤的優點是舒適,風格簡單,易於在T恤上印上公司的標誌和資訊。 但是,在風格上可能顯得過於休閒,對於需要正式形象的公司來說,可能不是最佳選擇。 其次,長袖T恤是一種更加保暖的選擇,非常適合在秋季和春季使用。優點是可以為員工提供更多保護,並且在風格上比短袖T恤更正式,更適合公司的形象。但是,可能不太適合在夏季的活動中使用,因為員工可能會感到太熱。 最後,POLO恤是一種在商務場合非常受歡迎的選擇。這種T恤的優點是能夠在簡單的T恤和正式的襯衫之間找到平衡點,同時保持穿著者的舒適感。POLO恤在風格上比短袖T恤更加正式,但比襯衫更加休閒。這種款式的T恤尤其適合需要在商務場合穿著的員工。 說完款式,我們來說一下顔色的定制和設計,顔色和設計也是對公司形象中起到至關重要的作用的。不同的顏色和設計可以帶來不同的效果和風格 1,不同顏色的象徵意義和適用場合。紅色代表著熱情、活力和力量,通常用於體育、健身和運動場合。藍色代表著穩健、冷靜和信任,通常用於金融、科技和保險行業。綠色代表著自然、平衡和健康,通常用於環保、健康和生態相關行業。黃色代表著快樂、智慧和創造力,通常用於藝術、教育和娛樂行業。黑色代表著尊嚴、權威和正式,通常用於法律、金融和企業行業。白色代表著純潔、和平和聰明,通常用於醫療、教育和科技行業。因此,在選擇顏色時,公司應根據自己的行業和品牌形象進行選擇,以確保符合公司的理念和價值觀。 2,圖案、文字和標誌都是常見的設計元素。圖案可以是公司的標誌、產品或活動相關的圖案,可以增加品牌識別度。文字可以是公司的口號、宣傳語或名字,可以讓人們更容易記住公司。標誌可以是公司的標誌或代表公司價值的圖案,可以傳達公司的理念和價值觀。在設計方面,公司應該選擇簡潔明瞭、易於辨識的設計,同時保持品牌的風格和特色。 訂定價格成本也是公司定制T-shirt的重要考慮因素,透過合理的價格設定,能夠讓公司在經濟成本和品質之間取得平衡,以下是幾個影響T-shirt價格的因素: 1,材料:不同材質的T-shirt價格差異很大。例如純棉、滌綸、混紡等,各自具有不同的特性,且生產成本也不同。 2,設計:定制T-shirt的設計也會影響價格,特別是對於有很多圖案和複雜設計的T-shirt。設計可以是徽標、標語或圖案等,越複雜的設計生產成本也就越高 3,數量:訂單的數量對價格也有影響。通常,批量訂購的T-shirt價格會更低,因為生產成本會降低。 憑藉與眾多大型企業的長期合作夥伴關係,BESTGIFT 能夠滿足您對創意設計的所有要求。您可以選擇多種印刷技術,包括絲網印刷、直噴、熱轉印、刺繡等;如果您有其他更具體的問題,歡迎WhatsApp (+852-95684618) 我們的客戶經理,我們將很樂意為您提供幫助。
t shirt 印花


你是否曾經在購買T恤時,被那些千篇一律的設計所厭煩?如果是這樣,那麼印花工藝就是您讓T恤脫穎而出的關鍵。 隨著印花技術的不斷發展,市面上已經有多種印花工藝供您選擇,例如熱轉印、噴墨印花和刺繡等。然而,如何選擇適合您的T恤印花工藝卻是一項需要認真考慮的任務。在本文中,我們將向您介紹幾種常見的印花工藝,幫助您理解它們的優缺點,並為您提供有用的建議,以便您選擇最適合您的T恤印花工藝。 以下是幾種常見的工藝解析 1,熱轉印工藝:這種工藝可以將圖案直接印在T恤面料上,並且可以在多種顏色和紋理的面料上使用。這種工藝的優點是價格低廉,印刷品質較高,同時還可以實現快速的生產和交貨時間。缺點是耐久性可能不如其他工藝,有些熱轉印圖案可能會在多次洗滌後出現龜裂或褪色。 2,噴墨印花工藝:這種工藝可以在T恤面料上印刷高解析度的圖像,能夠呈現非常精細的細節和顏色。該工藝適用於需要列印高質量、多色和複雜圖案的T恤。優點是圖像清晰,可以印刷出細節豐富的設計。缺點是相對於其他工藝,噴墨印花的成本更高,而且需要較長的生產時間。 3,刺繡工藝:這種工藝將圖案刺繡在T恤上,使用高強度的線材,使得圖案非常耐用。該工藝適用於需要印刷簡單圖案和文字的T恤。優點是刺繡圖案非常耐久,而且具有高質量和高檔次的外觀。缺點是刺繡的成本通常較高,生產時間也相對較長。 接下來,我們來說說如何選擇適合自己的T恤印花工藝,需要考慮哪些因素?下麵提供一些有用的建議,幫助您選擇最適合自己的工藝吧 1,考慮T恤用途不同的T恤用途可能需要不同的印花工藝。例如,如果您需要為您的企業員工購買統一的T恤,那麼您可能需要選擇成本較低、易於大規模生產的印花工藝,例如熱轉印或者絲網印花。但是,如果您需要為您的樂隊或團體定制個性化的演出服裝,那麼您可能需要選擇刺繡或者手繪等更加複雜、精細的印花工藝。 2,設計圖案的複雜程度不同的印花工藝對於設計圖案的要求不同。例如,熱轉印適用於簡單的圖案和文字,而複雜的圖案和細節可能會受到限制。噴墨印花則可以處理複雜的圖案和漸變色彩,但是對於純色塊的處理可能不如熱轉印精准。 3,印花成本不同的印花工藝價格也不同。例如,熱轉印和噴墨印花相對較便宜,而刺繡和手繪則相對較貴,需要考慮您的預算和成本限制。 4,工藝的耐久性和品質不同的印花工藝也會影響T恤的耐久性和品質。例如,熱轉印和噴墨印花可能會在多次洗滌後褪色或者剝落,而刺繡和手繪則可以保持更長久的品質和色彩。需要考慮T恤的使用壽命和品質要求。 憑藉與眾多大型企業的長期合作夥伴關係,BESTGIFT 能夠滿足您對創意設計的所有要求。您可以選擇多種印刷技術,包括絲網印刷、直噴、熱轉印、刺繡等;如果您有其他更具體的問題,歡迎WhatsApp (+852-95684618)我們的客戶經理,我們將很樂意為您提供幫助。    
Custom T Shirt


Custom T Shirt


Custom T Shirt



